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Thank you God for my Niece... My family's peace... My crazy friends... Losing weight... and Thank you for making me as defiant as I am, for without that I would not be in this very rewarding transitory period in my life.


...and THANK YOU VERY MUCH for allowing me to work one day a week and still get paid like a full-timer. ;)

Edited by Defiant
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thank You for letting me sleep for 7 hours; i feel much better now,,,


thank You for letting me feel my children's love; You don't know how great a feeling that is,,,


thank You for giving me and my hubby another chance on love and on our marriage; it's nice waking up in his arms and seeing how wonderful he is,,,


thank You for taking care of my family; i know i don't have as much time to visit them like before but being with them last night made a whole lotta difference,,,


thank You for giving me good in-laws; i'm so proud of the relationship that we have coz not all married people are blessed with such,,,


thank You for giving me good friends, those who have always been with me and those whom i haven't seen yet but have already proven their worth; they make me forget all the s@%t that comes my way,,,


thank You for my job; even though there's one person who hates me at work, it's good to know that i have a boss who appreciates all my hardwork,,,



thank You for this life,,,i will never wish to be anybody else,,,i'd like to stay as ice,,,



i know i haven't got much,,,


there's still a lot that i'd like to have,,,,


but with all this graciousness that You've shown me,


i'd say asking for more is quite absurd already,,,




thank You

Edited by angel_dust
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