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Good thread, this is for all happy people who just like something simple and nice. Good souls that are free and easy to understand. Quiet and yet very friendly.


Nice day. and keep on smiling.



thanks for the nice and inspiring words.

as i mentioned in the beginning of this topic,

this thread has been made to give thanks

to the small and big things that we encounter

in our lives. amidst all the hardships, we should

find reasons to be thankful and happy about.



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thank you for the opportunities.

no matter how hard the trials are,

we still manage to say 'this too shall pass'

... and it does!


thank you for my nephews

and for blessing them well.


thank you for little moments

that i manage to have quiet time.

keeps my thoughts atuned.


thank you to someone who loves me

unconditionally. i know it's not easy.

i'm just here and m keeping my promise.

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life is good when i see that my family is in good health.

when my old friends is still there for me through all the years..

when i see myself moving on..despite all the trials.

and even if someone leave me... yet i learned from my mistakes.

nature...also makes me feel that life is good.

even those little things..

and all my crazzynes... :)

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life is good when i see the happiness and contentment in the eyes of my kids... maski wala kaming binili, just magsama sama kami....

Same here :thumbsupsmiley: Reality made easy

And it'll be easier if our partner shares the same thoughts hehe - always - hehehehe

(Sa mga estudyanteng hingi ng hingi sa magulang: "You don't have a real life yet! ") :P

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... when ur laughter fills the air along with your loved ones

and friends.


... when you get to sleep till lunchtime during weekends.


... when you get to get freebies from work and from clients.


... when you dont have to commute everyday

cause someone gives you a ride.


... when we still eat 3x a day and when we get

to choose what we want to eat. times are really hard now.


... when u have spare money after all the bills

have been paid and u can buy something special.


... when u feel the cold mist of december and know

that Christmas is still best in the Philippines...no matter what.

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The fact that I am alive makes life so good. By being alive, I can change the lives of others. Discover new places and things and change events that would have been different if I have not been there!


Of course, it's nice to have money... not too little... not too much... just enough for what you need.

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thanks for a very productive day...


thanks for keeping watch at our angel in heaven...


thanks for providing for our needs...


thanks for simple reasons that can make us laugh...


thanks for quick connection tonight...


thanks for the organizer that i was able to get...


thanks for reminding me the meaning of 'sorry'...


thanks for nice dinner with friends last friday...


thanks for the advance xmas gift from my fave client...

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Life's good


:) when happiness fills your days.


:) because you can always count on hope to uplift your mood when things are bleak.


:) since the odds of being born into the world were in your favor.


:) because you have tomorrow to dream, today to seize the moment, and yesterday to cherish.

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