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thank you for sustaining me.

the past few days has been another

adjustment period for me.


thank you for special people in my life.

people who can make me look forward

to another long day.


thank you to my workmates.

they've been so helpful.


thank you for teaching me that we

cant have everything we want.

it's always whats best that we end up with.


thanks to my inspiration.

super blessings!

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lord, extra thank you go to you today.


thanks for all the blessings...

thanks for another year...

thanks for trusting me...

thanks for telling me i can do things if i believe...

thanks for taking care of my love ones...

thanks for keeping my spirit up...

thanks for believing in my strength...

thanks for so much much more...

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Thank you I made it to work on time.

Thank you I didn't commit any blunder today.

Thank you I didn't spend so much today.

Thank you my bestfriend will undergo treatment today.

Thank you the goat is still alive.


Thank you for showing me the choices and for letting me remember that I am worth all that.

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thanks for last nite.

we all had a blast.

m just at my best when m with them.


thanks for the double blessing.

for the people who made it possible

and to you for believing in me always.


thanks to someone who never fails

to make me feel very special.


thank you for a good work week.

thanks too that this weekend is a restful one.

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thank you for waking me up early.

got time pa to prepare before the presentation.


thank you for a good meeting

and well behaved clients.


thank you to my project team.

you guys are very efficient.


thank you for the gift if wireless internet facilities.

life becomes soooo easy.


thank you for patience.

some people can just be plain pain in the neck!


thanks for the good weather.

rain can dampen our spirits.


to you, thank you for making me happy.

you know who you are. :-)

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thank you for sustaining me during the four days experience.


thank you for people who never gave up

and not contending that weekends are suppose

to be holidays.


thank you for wonderful kids

who brightened our lives.


thank you for my head creative person.

she's so level headed and understanding.


thank you for the quick healing.

i know thats a sign u want me to slow down.


thanks for my supportive family

they're taking care of me so well.


thanks to my wonderful director

and able team who never cease to

focus on the vision.


baby, thank you!

u're appreciated more than you know!

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thank you for all the blessings. thank you for giving me an angel even if i only carried her/him for 3 months. it made me the happiest person ever. even if i lost my angel, i know there's a purpose...a reason why it happened and i know my angel's with you now...

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