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World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks


- undoubtedly the best and most plausible zombie book I've ever read. Very different from other zombie books because it doesn't just show the zombie apocalypse scenario from one point of view, it's written in a way that you get to see the whole world view on the crisis. You get to see how social, economic. political, and cultural aspects affect such a scenario. You see how the social order is turned upside down, and how geopolitical factors come into play into furthering an unusual adversary.


The book is also written in the Pulitzer Prize winning style of Studs Terkel's The Good War and is a pretty worthwhile effort, considering all the legit research Brooks' got into while doing the book.


This book will scare you, but not in the ghosts and ghouls kind of way.


I highly recommend it.

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a child called "it" by dave pelzer, it's a trylogy book and very touching, it'll make ur heart melt :(


right now am reading The pleasers- women who can't say no and the men who control them by dr. kevin leman, it's very educational and nakakarelate ako :D

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