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May you be okay after tomorrow.. I don't just care for you.. Its more than that and you know that..


May I face tomorrow with strength.. Whatever it is that you would say to me, I hope we can be both strong to face it..


May tomorrow be something to look forward to than something to fear.. I pray hard that whatever it is that we fear, God would make that fear go away and replace it with hope..

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lord, thank you for adding a brand new day in our lives.

thank you for each and every blessing that we receive.

and thank you for the trials which mold us into becoming a better person.

i ask for forgiveness for every sin that i have committed.

and for the countless times that i got so drunk i act like the devil himself.

may you grant us peace in our minds and in our hearts, amen.

Edited by nakadashi
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My prayer for today:


"Create in me a clean heart, put a new and right spirit within me... Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit in me...."


Dear God, I am so thankful for the blessings you've been sending our way. Thank you for the foods that I ate today, for the roof above my head, for the clothes that kept me warm in this cold rainy day. I ask for forgiveness - I know I have done things intentionally and unintentionally that didn't please You, and for all those things, I am deeply sorry. Dear God, I pray for the eternal repose of manang Rhi. I know I didn't get to meet her personally, and it's sad that I didn't do, but I consider her an important person because she's the beloved sister of my Cookie. Likewise, I pray that you give my Cookie strength to weather this all. I know he's a very strong person, but please stay by him and give him a push should he feel like giving up. If it's possible, please send him my love and my care. Lord, guide us, and grant us good health and happy disposition. I know life is hard and all, but I do know You are just by our side to take care of us. May I face life with confidence. This I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit - as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

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Guest lustfortravel

please let her meet the man who will love her unconditionally.


i don't want her to be alone all her life.


and please take out the hate in my heart for the one who broke her spirit and her mind and left me to pick up the pieces until now.

Edited by lustfortravel
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The last thing I would want is to put her in a position where she was before.


She doesn't deserve feeling this pain all over again.


If it is what it is and is truly inevitable, let me hold her, and have her, until it wont hurt as much.


I ask you, i beg you. Keep her 'nestled' in your comforting embraces if mine wont suffice.

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my lord,


thank you for allowing me to wake up in your grace..


to give hope and care to somebody somewhere like the way you given us.


to make amends to the wrong things i have done yesterday.


a chance to meet new people that can further develop my personality


a chance to say i love you to all the people I care about


and for protecting all the people i cared, hated and met so that they in return thank you as well.

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