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Thank you Lord for the assurance in

that all who have put their trust in you and have accepted

your Son, Jesus, as their savior will spend eternity in

Heaven with you. And whenever I face heartbreaking

disappointments, help me to remember that while these may

be allowed by you, they are not caused by you. And help me

to always resolve feelings of anger and grief and not

bottle them up. Thank you for hearing and answering my

prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen.


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Heavenly Father,


we thank Thee for this day...thank You also for the weekend, as we have devoted it for rest...

thank You for our loved ones who have given not only love but also trust & commitment....

thank You also for the safety You grant us wherever we may go...

Heavenly Father, thank You for the small blessings that come our way, as well as the trials

which we know is Your own way of teaching us how to be strong...


In Jesus' name we pray...



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Heavenly Father,


we ask Thee for Your guidance in helping out those who are hurt in yesterday's bomb blast in Makati...


may You grant healing to those who were hurt and injured...


may You grant justice to those who were done injustice to them...


may You grant hope to those who have lost hope....


and Heavenly Father, may You guide our brothers and sisters who have gone astray...


may You lead them back to Your Will....


all of these we ask through Your Son, Jesus...



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at times i feel aimless but i see your hand in my life and that truly gives


me hope.


guide me in the choices i make, for many times i made some


real dumb choices and i'm afraid to make those misakes again.


give me confidence & self discipline as well & help me that i may truly


forgive & accept myself for who i am.


love you lord,



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i am f**ked-up again...


help me or else i would join the other group.


i am very depressed at this point, my erratic mind is killing me.


sorry for talking to you this way.


you are my friend right... and your love is unconditional...


my world is crumbling...


you haven't seen my tears for a long time...


i think it would rain tonight...


oh well, i am exaggerating...


i don't cry anymore...


thanks for granting me numbness...


one thing... please take me out...


i want to be on the greener side again...




Divine Almighty,


May you kindly shower this lady Great Wisdom and Hope that she be lead to you Greater Happiness...

May you shower her Divine Light that she be faced with the Right people around her...supporting her in all her trials in Life!

May you Keep her in your side... that she be protected in her every step!


So Mote It BE!!!

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To The Divine Creator of Heaven & Earth...


Thank you for all the WOnderful Blessings you have given to me!

Thank you for leading me to those nice Good people I have met in this Life...


Thank you for giving me another fruitful day

Thank you for granting "Null & Void" on my marriage.


Thank you for showing that even if you Love someone, you have to set them free...

Thank you for making me alive, even though I should have died a few years ago.


Thank you for letting me know Nice Decent people even in my darkest hour.

Thank you for showing me & giving me those Test....that I may see & learn how wonderful Life can be!


Kindly Bless all the people in MYC.

Kindly Bless the founder of this site


Kindly Bless all the Moderators

Kindly Bless All the Women in MTC


With Full Faith & Trust in your Divine Wisdom!

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i am f**ked-up again...


help me or else i would join the other group.


i am very depressed at this point, my erratic mind is killing me.


sorry for talking to you this way.


you are my friend right... and your love is unconditional...


my world is crumbling...


you haven't seen my tears for a long time...


i think it would rain tonight...


oh well, i am exaggerating...


i don't cry anymore...


thanks for granting me numbness...


one thing... please take me out...


i want to be on the greener side again...





Dear Almighty Creator of Heaven & Earth,

Dear Divine Angels of North, South, East & West,


Please kindly Blessed this nice lady with your Divine Love, Divine Protection & Shower her with your Divine Blessings!


With Full Faith

Thank you!

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Dear Lord,


Forgive me that I havent really been living the life I am supposed to live even after a 2nd chance.


Thank you for yet another chance ... who gets 3 in a lifetime?


Please make YOUR purpose known to me soon ... so I'm not aimlessly living this life.





Almighty Creator of Heaven & Earth,


Kindly Blessed this Lady ( even if I do not know her ) your Divine Love...

... that she will Loved and Be Loved by the Man in her Life!


Shower her your Divine Blessings...

... that she will have financial gains and monetary extra for the rainy days!


Kindly Light up her Path....

... so that she will be given the right direction in achieving her goals and dreams!


this I ask thee... So May It BE!

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Divine Almighty,


May you kindly shower this lady Great Wisdom and Hope that she be lead to you Greater Happiness...

May you shower her Divine Light that she be faced with the Right people around her...supporting her in all her trials in Life!

May you Keep her in your side... that she be protected in her every step!


So Mote It BE!!!


father almighty,


i pray that you bless this man too...

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Heavenly Father,


I thank Thee for the blessings this past week...


...I also thank Thee for the trials that came my way....


....I thank Thee for my family and friends who shower me with love and understanding....


....may You grant healing to those who are hurt and injured...


...may You grant love and understanding to those who have hatred in their hearts....


...may You grant peace to those who have not found peace in them...


all of these I ask through Jesus Christ, Your son and my Savior..



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Almighty Creator of Heaven & Earth,


Kindly Blessed this Lady ( even if I do not know her ) your Divine Love...

... that she will Loved and Be Loved by the Man in her Life!


Shower her your Divine Blessings...

... that she will have financial gains and monetary extra for the rainy days!


Kindly Light up her Path....

... so that she will be given the right direction in achieving her goals and dreams!


this I ask thee... So May It BE!


Thank you for this ... it kinda brought a tear in my eye that a "stranger" but MTC member prayed this for me. :-)


I pray that you are also blessed too!

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