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Mixed Martial Arts


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then why do Royce-Saku, Saku-Newton all ended up to be a ground game? cause they are not well-rounded during that time? besides, Branch is a Renzo BJJ Blackbelt and we all know what happened.. and it is ironic that when 2 elite strikers fight, they seldom hit the ground (except, when som1 was KO).


i heard a story that Palhares submitted Big Nog during training and Eddie Bravo admitted that he tapped to white belts..is this normal? that every1 taps once in a while by a lower degree BJJ practicioner..or it just that the newbies are really that impressive?


Everyone taps to someone lower in rank at one point.. its part of the game. That's why its called training :)


I assume you don't do any BJJ or grappling yet??

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Yes... and you do have cases when a guy who hasn't been training that long ends up submitting people of a supposedly higher BJJ pedigree.


We of course have the likes of BJ Penn and Mike Fowler to prove that.


Some teachers will actually let a lower belt 'catch' them from time to time as a teaching method too... The most famous BJJ teacher I could think of who does this is Diego Sanchez's BJJ coach and multiple time world champion Saulo Ribeiro.


I think this also applies to other combat sports.. Teachers at times let their students catch them if their technique is crisp and fluid, and of course, some students also pull off a good technique when their teacher is caught napping...

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Everyone taps to someone lower in rank at one point.. its part of the game. That's why its called training :)


I assume you don't do any BJJ or grappling yet??


not yet..im currently working on my cardio in a commercial gym..are BJJ schools equipped with cardio/exercise machines?


i thot dat was big deal when Palhares submitted Big Nog, besides Big Nog is two-weight class heavier.i just dont know what kind of chokes or locks he used to tapped him.i know in BJJ schools esp. in the Phils ankle locks/heel hooks are prohibited because of the risks involved.so, how can any1 master that leglocks? train in Sambo? do Pinoy MMA used that in a fight?

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From BloodyElbow -


GSP:"I Think Anderson Silva Has to Fight Yushin Okami"



"That's not what I said. What I said is it's a complete re-orientation of my career. People are saying crazy stuff, like "Oh, you just have to gain 30 pounds and take the fight and fight him in three months." I can't (gain) 30 pounds in three months. It would take a lot more than that. If I want to go up in weight class."


"Plus, (Anderson) Silva fights at light heavyweight as well. So he walks around at … he's probably 40 pounds heavier than I am (off season). So if I fight this fight, it might be at a catch weight. If it happens."


"It's something I'm not thinking about right now because it's not my number one priority. I've had a lot of success at 170. If I move to 185, I need to talk to my sponsors, my trainers. It's a complete change of life. Do I want to take the risk, maybe yes. Maybe It's going to be a great challenge. Maybe, no. But I have to talk with my trainers. ... I have to fight Jake Shields, I think Anderson Silva has to fight Yushin Okami."


"I'm not afraid of nobody in the world. I'm a martial artist. If it happens [with] the right timing and everything, if it is how I want it, and how he wants it. I fight whoever they want. I can fight everyone in the world. I don't mind."


- just like i said, this fight wont happen.everytm GSP makes an interview, all of our hopes for this superfight is dying.GSP is becoming a Gayweather everyday..i dont know what 30 pounds he is saying..GSP walks around 192lbs in the Alves fight and AS weighed 183lbs in the Leites fight, so probably Anderson walks around 200lbs during that fight..its roughly 10 lbs difference between the 2 fighters, and GSP has yet to gain weight on that.

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Some teachers will actually let a lower belt 'catch' them from time to time as a teaching method too... The most famous BJJ teacher I could think of who does this is Diego Sanchez's BJJ coach and multiple time world champion Saulo Ribeiro.

locally you've got Carlo Pena from VPF who'd intentionally get tapped by blue belts during rolling, to get us lower ranked dudes a moral boost of sorts. i say intentionally because if you've rolled with Carlo you know you're in a world of hurt & seeing blue belts catch him in a collar choke does wonders for one's morale.


- just like i said, this fight wont happen.everytm GSP makes an interview, all of our hopes for this superfight is dying.GSP is becoming a Gayweather everyday..i dont know what 30 pounds he is saying..GSP walks around 192lbs in the Alves fight and AS weighed 183lbs in the Leites fight, so probably Anderson walks around 200lbs during that fight..its roughly 10 lbs difference between the 2 fighters, and GSP has yet to gain weight on that.

dude that's why he's so dominant in 170, because he's got everything down as a science: his walking weight, his diet, weight cutting, the way he trains, etc

doesn't really sound gaywetherish to me, besides Okami had it long coming (title shot that is)

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dude that's why he's so dominant in 170, because he's got everything down as a science: his walking weight, his diet, weight cutting, the way he trains, etc

doesn't really sound gaywetherish to me, besides Okami had it long coming (title shot that is)


Yup. I actually remember him using shark cartilage for his joint recovery.


I think it really is more of him being 'precise' about everything than anything else. All his statements about gaining weight the right way and how there's a significant difference in size between him and Anderson at the moment are all true. Gaining about 20-30 lbs of lean mass is no joke and yes he does have to put in a significant amount of time and training to gain weight the right way (Olympus and all the other trainers here on the board would say the same thing). I think this precise, scientific approach applies to all fighters who train under Greg Jackson plus of course the fact that he has been competing in the octagon for a long time himself and has all that experience under his belt.


Oh here's a little bit of local MMA news...


The Philippine Games and Amusements Board (GAB) has now allowed 'elbow' strikes in the URCC and other professional MMA promotions. This will definitely be an interesting dynamic to add to the already flourishing MMA scene in the country (and on a personal note another reason for me to work my muay thai again. hehe.)

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he dont have to gain 20-30 pounds, just 10-15 lbs.. he already walks @ 190, so if he add just 10 lbs, he will just need to cut 15 lbs to make it to 185.. why is it hard for him and not on BJ Penn and Anderson Silva..BJ walks @ 165, yet ballooned to 192, just to fight Lyoto. and Machida couldnt even finish a bloated LW.. besides,he keeps telling how big AS is, but he is also the one suggesting the fight to be @ 170 or catch weight (that means around 180)..that's ironic..he can't add 15 lbs, and yet he suggests his opponent whom he said walks @ 230 to cut to 170?


i hope AS will be crazy enough to drop down to 170 to frontkick GSPs ass..

Edited by sujiro
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not yet..im currently working on my cardio in a commercial gym..are BJJ schools equipped with cardio/exercise machines?


i thot dat was big deal when Palhares submitted Big Nog, besides Big Nog is two-weight class heavier.i just dont know what kind of chokes or locks he used to tapped him.i know in BJJ schools esp. in the Phils ankle locks/heel hooks are prohibited because of the risks involved.so, how can any1 master that leglocks? train in Sambo? do Pinoy MMA used that in a fight?


Just my advice bro, you can work your cardio as much as you want but you'll still get gassed when you roll since its a new environment... The simplest way to get in bjj shape is by rolling often



straight footlocks are allowed for the blue belt level and up in bjj competitions AFAIK.. heel hooks, knee bars are for brown belt level if I got that right


of course, if you want to use them in an mma fight, then you have to train them.


Dennis Salazar submitted Celso Guda using a heel hook in the last fearless fighting championship that was held at the new ynares center in pasig a few years back

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he dont have to gain 20-30 pounds, just 10-15 lbs.. he already walks @ 190, so if he add just 10 lbs, he will just need to cut 15 lbs to make it to 185.. why is it hard for him and not on BJ Penn and Anderson Silva..BJ walks @ 165, yet ballooned to 192, just to fight Lyoto. and Machida couldnt even finish a bloated LW.. besides,he keeps telling how big AS is, but he is also the one suggesting the fight to be @ 170 or catch weight (that means around 180)..that's ironic..he can't add 15 lbs, and yet he suggests his opponent whom he said walks @ 230 to cut to 170?


i hope AS will be crazy enough to drop down to 170 to frontkick GSPs ass..

that's why BJ gets beat by the elite of the WW division and got beat by Lyoto cause he was not in shape


Just my advice bro, you can work your cardio as much as you want but you'll still get gassed when you roll since its a new environment... The simplest way to get in bjj shape is by rolling often

yes sir, when i started BJJ i was still smoking 5-7 sticks a day, at first it was damn tiring... i kept gassing out but after a couple of months i was holding my own even if i was smoking... now it's a different story with me not smoking any longer sir ^_^

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Maia vs Munoz is now official for UFC 131.. two guys with sub par boxing but with two different styles on the ground.. I wonder if Munoz will take Maia down and impose his ground and pound knowing damn well that he can be submitted in a heartbeat..


If Sonnen gets jail time come his court appearance, Bisping, I guess will be fed to Vitor.. Just for the fun of it, I hope they do it in Brazil.. :lol:

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^^ Oh Yeah!Zuffa definitely owns MMA, but Dana said that it will be operated independently - for now.. much like a minor league.. :lol:


I'm sure Zuffa will merge Strikeforce with UFC when time comes.. Cant wait for promising guys from SF to make it to the big show..


Now, if he wants, Nick Diaz can back-up his words that he can beat up GSP..


And this definitely proves one thing, Fedor and M1 really kills a promotion, from Bodog, Affliction, and now Strikeforce.. Fedor should rededicate himself and part ways with M1.. Near impossible, but we'll never know..


Let's see what will happen.. From previous reports, Dream and WVR is almost bankrupt as well.. Bellator is doing good - for the moment..

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Maia vs Munoz is now official for UFC 131.. two guys with sub par boxing but with two different styles on the ground.. I wonder if Munoz will take Maia down and impose his ground and pound knowing damn well that he can be submitted in a heartbeat..



at least Mark Muñoz is getting consistent exposure. can't wait for this fight!

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