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Stressed Out

Guest kizmet

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my personal stress busters:


callin my mom to catch up on senseless neighborhood chismis (oh arent moms the funniest?)

callin a friend and just laughing silly over nothing

goin to UP and takin a walk amidst all those beautiful trees, then drop by the church for some meditation, then eat at rodics , the best damn tapsilog in the universe!

head out to a plant place and buy new plants for my pocket garden!

hug a puppy!

a warm cup of cocoa with marshmallows in bed with a funny or weirded out book (nothin serious!)

an awesome massage at home

putting on TITANIC for the umpteenth time (damn a good cry is always worth it)

strollin over to the neighborhood carinderia to talk to manang

plannin something special for a special someone


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