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Stressed Out

Guest kizmet

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I hope someone actually finds this suggestion useful.

I guess it's a safe assumption to say that we are stressed due to work, right? If yes, my new stress buster is to get up really early (say 5AM) in the morning (this is easy for me since I'm at the age when getting up when it's still dark has become routine), and then start working on stuff I brought home the night before. Seriously! Just pure, uninterrupted work with no phone calls, no instant messasges, no meetings. It's the best time of the day to get things DONE. By the time I get to office at 9:30 AM, I would have accomplished so much already so I have no guilt leaving at 5PM. I leave the office with a very satisfying feeling that I've accomplished a lot - and this takes the stress off me. Sounds boring yes, but it works for me.

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