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Stressed Out

Guest kizmet

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Some things you might want to try when things (or you) get a lil schizophrenic...



* Get a massage - Yeah! Whether it's the clean or green kind. The point is, get your muscles to loosen-up.


* Soak in the tub or have a looooooong, leisurely warm bath. - Being with a partner might also help. ;)


* Get out, literally. - Move. Get out of your desk, cubicle, office, house... Just change your immediate scenery for a while.


* Breathe - Properly and slowly. Inhale through your nostrils, feel your rib cage expand. Then exhale through your mouth. Nothing like a breath of fresh air to help clear your mind.


* Call a friend. - Catharsis is often the key.


* Tune out - Everyone needs "Me Time". No cell phones, no distractions. Just you. And YOU.


* Call in sick - Naughty? Well, just don't do it often! But if you ask me, it's better to take the day off than make everybody else's day miserable.


* Play - Okay, okay... Clean or green. Point is, take your mind off whatever's stressing you out. Engage in your fave activities -- movies, PC games, surfing. Anything that puts a lil smile on your lips.


* Look at something green. - No, not porn! Green as in trees and grass green. No kidding! This is scientifically based. Trust me.


* Smile - Afterall, this too, shall pass. ;)



(Disclaimer: No approved therapeutic claims.


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