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The Mail Box

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My Dearest Denise,

Year in and year out, your Birthday makes us (me and your Mom) just a little ‘sad’ because we know that you'll have grown up one more year, gone away from us a little more, and would have made new friends to spend your time with; thus, taking away precious time you could have spent with us. Nevertheless, you will always stay with us in our hearts, whenever and wherever you are- year in and year out.

As your father, I cannot fathom and understand, being a man, how my once little daughter is going to fare and face the realities of life. This makes me insecure and this feeling overshadows my relationship with you my dear. It makes me overprotective – sometimes to a fault. For me, you never ‘grow up’ and is always, the small girl who depended on me to fix a broken hand or a leg of your dolls, and fought with your sister and pet dogs to sit on my lap and be caressed and kissed.

When we push you to make you do things you don’t want to, it isn’t because we just want you to follow our wishes- that would only be selfish. Actually, it would be a lot easier for us to simply allow you to do whatever you want. The truth is that imposing discipline is, in fact, difficult for us because we’d rather spend the time we have with you just enjoying your company and having fun. But there should be a balance of work vs. fun, love and life, as well as moral norms to means of today’s generation. Sure you would invoke the argument of the so-called ‘generation gap,’ but there's something like a line of gold thread running through the parents’ words when they talk to their children, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself.

To become successful, you will have to develop the ability to give up some things that you might want at the moment, for other things that are more important and beneficial for you in the long run. Be the best that you can be, and value hardwork as you keep both your feet firmly planted on the ground. Remember this: there is no shortcut to success, it is earned, nurtured, and developed. As you soar confidently in your own sky, do not speak ill of anyone; and respect your elders (including those that are not your own). There is nobody in the history of humanity, where a disrespectful mortal succeed in his/her endeavors.

There will be times (and there had been times) where your Mom and I will seem unfair or even harsh on you (blame it on ‘generation gap’). But we want to make it very clear to you that whatever advice, direction, or even punishment that we will give you, it comes from a good place, and it is because we only want you to be a better person. I know that, in some instances where I was too strict, you even ‘disliked’ me. God knows that there were times I disliked my parents, too. But now I fully understand where they were coming from. Of course, that was and will always be painful for me since I don’t want to be just a parent but I also want to be a friend. But I should be a parent, first and foremost, and I’m ready to give up many friendship points to insure that I’m raising you the right way. Actually, I never understood what my father meant when he said that it hurt him more than it hurt me whenever he ‘punished’ me, until we had you and your sister.

It was my parents who taught me to value discipline and respect. Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family where discipline and respect are paramount. Trust me my dear, many years from now, you will look back and actually thank us for being the parents that we’ve been.

A father-daughter relationship is one of the most important relationships that a girl can have growing up throughout his lifetime. Having a father is the first relationship that a girl has with a male, and therefore is a very life shaping relationship. Without a father-daughter relationship, a girl is forced to form her own opinion of how a relationship with their male counterparts should be, and this sometimes leads to tragedy. A woman is able to look back and learn a lot from the father-daughter relationship that they had growing up, and many are able to use it to form other relationships with men that will last for the rest of their lifetime. As John Mayer says “Fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will love like you do.”

To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a doting daughter.



I love you dearly, Denise, Anak

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If you don't want to do your job (and yeah, that is what you call a job, what your idea of one doesn't even qualify as a bare minimum), don't stop me from doing mine.

I'm not gonna sweat to have you terminated. Magsasawa ka sa mukha ko till you realize that it's either you leave, or deal with the reality that I, not you, am running the show.

Bring it on, undesirable fag... I need some entertainment. :)


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I always thought that u are the one for me. First time in my life Ix even picturedmyself in white dress walking down the aisle while you waiting at the altar. Up to now. ur the one I love but feel so lonely beside you. And now I realize that I am not genuinely happy at all. I know I have to let this go.

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Dear YOU,


It was never easy, and I never really expected it to be.


Fingers crossed, I just hope I get over it. Right now, I don't wanna pretend that I'm OK. Should I be able to really cross the bridge without looking back, then I have finally freed myself from it.


But I couldn't help but wonder when that will happen. It seems like you know it whenever I'm starting on my recovery and getting on with life. Just then something will pop up and remind me of you. Songs you've dedicated and sang for me... The food you'd travel that far to deliver to me and those that you've cooked for me... Places we've been to... Your scent... Felt like you still envelope my whole being.


I didn't close on anything because I want to naturally recover from this. Without much pressure even with too much ache, I want to do the walk.


Just this... I have stayed true to my heart for what you've always been worth to me.



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No amount of words can make me leave you.

And no amount of words can push you away, too.


How can we love and hate each other so much at the same time?

How can you wish to k*ll me when you can't even stand my silence?


I want to sleep now

but your image keeps me up all night.


If there's just a pill to forget you,

I would have bought a hundred bottles. geez!

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You can pretend to be the sweetest, friendliest and most loving person in the world. But you just showed your true colors to those who you used to call your friends (remember us?) and we now all know who and what you really are as a person. We were fooled by you once and since we're not falling into your "I'm a victim" crap no more, you decided to hoard new "friends" who you suckered into believing what you project to be.


You can tell other people who have sh!t for brains all the lies that you can concoct about me for them to believe.


Such a hypocrite you are! You complain about my fashion sense of nothing but black all the time, yet here you are, trying to be me by dressing up like me, painting your nails like mine. Dear me! I think you're a "Single White Stupid Female!"


Here's one thing I can assure you, everything, every bit of lie that you wove and used to fill up your inflated ego would eventually blow up and hit you smack on the face.


When that time comes, I will be at the sidelines, watching and laughing my fat a$$ off.



It's me,


The Bigger Biatch

Edited by darkeinjel
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