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The Mail Box

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Guest Serenity12

You know, I think I gave you enough time to get over it and move on but for some reason, you refuse to do so, even after four f#&king years. What closure do you need from me? I spared you the blow on your ego with the " It's me, not you" thing and I even kept from blurting out that sex with you was lousy towards the end and I found new men who could do better. You didn't need to know the truth, just like you didn't need to know that the only thing that kept me from leaving you sooner was PITY.


But dammit. I'm tired of your numerous missed calls, your numerous " I miss you" text, your numerous " Can I see you" mails. You're bordering on harassment and I'm contemplating on getting a restraining order. So just do one of two things. Move on. Or drop dead.


I prefer the latter.

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Doktor J,


Thanks for taking care of me in every way esp. this time that I wan't feeling well.

I am so lucky to have you...Please keep it that way:).


I am glad that we started the year right....looking forward for a better 2010 for us ;)


Your Sweet Patient

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Last time I posted... it was for Y.. now it's for you. I thought what I felt for Y was intense.. and it was.. but it was nothing compared to what I felt for you.


It's difficult for me.. I dunno where we stand or what we are. We loved each other intensely and ended so suddenly. I don't understand how loving each other from afar would help us.. I know there are hindrances.. and that you are fighting them alone. You shouldn't fight them alone.. you had me to fight them with you. But I guess that's just how you are... you know that I'll get hurt in the process... so I'll just trust you that this is for us.. and that in time... you and I could continue what we have. Till then, i'm reserving my heart for you.. this is our love story and i hope it goes down in history as an epic one. because i've never loved anybody as unconditionally and intensely as i love you now. I just hope you also realize that being far from you is hurting me more than 'they' can hurt me... and doubts are beginning to appear... please don't take too long. I'll wait for as long as I can.. and im still holding on to my promise to you.



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Guest biancaanne



Konti na lang. Makakalaya ka na sa mapang-aping sistema na yan.


Just look for more opportunities and put your best foot forward. And if you do find another job, make sure that you choose the right one this time. You're done and over with the "challenge" phase. This year is all about stability and comfort.


You can't find your happiness if you're stuck in a work place that fosters manipulation, dirty politics, favoritism, and a culture of silence.


Move! Move! Move on!



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