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The Mail Box

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it's not easy feeling this way, i was thinking i have you


but. . . you seems so far, unreachable, and maybe un-


touchable. the memories of you still lingers on. indeed,


just memories.


you know how important you are in me. the friendship


that we build was not an easy one. it was based on strong


foundation of commitment to persevere amid the tempest of


times. but where are you now?


yes, i will remain as a true friend waiting to be touch by


your intelligent desire of togetherness. because you are


who you are to me. take care my sweet friend. if i have done


anything that was wrong according to your perception, please


forgive me. may i learn learn from my mistakes as well.


tell then my lady! take care.



Edited by einnad
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My Julie Vega,


If I can only have one wish at this point, I'ma ask for teleporting powers so I could teleport you from your fam's house and take you back to your dorm. Call me spoiler but I'm still longing to be with you munch... our own "quality moments" so to speak. :( :( :(

I'm sooo bored right now that I don't know what to do. This is why I love it when you're around 'coz time seems to move so fast without me noticing it.


Your Jao Mapa

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friend, i want you to know that i care. its a difficult situation where you are right now. i can perfecty relate. been there a lot of times. always got out breathing. sleepless nights are consistent and those would cause deep big eyebags. well, there's a solution to everything. some clinically tested beauty products available at rustans. do not be afraid to pop those sleeping supplements. they're bfad approved anyways. all you need is enough dough to get by and amuse the self every now and then.


what we have is a good friendship. compared to before, i like you more now and i appreciate that you and the girls are spending some time with me during my seemingly weak moments. believe it or not, i find it relatively nice that you keep on coming to me for the past months mere enjoying the my company. i am interested to help you out in every step of the way.


however, i don't think that my giving advice to you and/ or showing that i comprehend your suffering are good ways to enable your recovery. you are getting too attached to me. i am bored listening to you and trying to be sympathetic. more importantly, you sadness makes me afraid to look back and feel the negative stuff i felt before when i was there. talking about it too often scares me. most significantly, i do not want to baby you. i want you to spend some time alone just like i did. sort things out in your head and get back as an improved woman, more beautiful and successful. be mature and strategic for we only have one life to live and it is a must to do well. i desire that you show me how a real professor do problem solving and make her students glad to be in the class.


i don't think you understood what i did last week. you were irritating and i want to rest already while enjoying my privacy. you don't want to let me go so i walked out. you know me right. i am like this even way back. perhaps, both work and university influenced me to be like this. i belong to a different industry and my school taught me to be an activist. now, i am bossy, domineering, independent, detached, strong and i take life lightly. i want those characteristics to remain and attain balance somehow.


i want you to grasp that i am me. among our barkada, i know my personality traits as well as passions are different. its getting far from yours as we age, my current condo living, immersion in fashion design/arts, researches on surgeries/ vanity related items, etc. however, those unalignments doesn't make me less of a friend right. i am still with you even if i am not physically present in the meantime.

Edited by LB
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Guest biancaanne

What makes you think I'm not intentionally pushing you away? I'm glad you're responding quite well to my bouts of humanity. Everything is still proceeding just the way I wanted it to happen. Like I told you, I'm a good girl after all.

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Noynoy for President has a new slogan -- Noypi. Cute. And if things don't change between now and May 2010, I will vote for this guy. But for now, here's my rant.


I was watching the evening news last night about Noynoy's declaration of his intent to run for president. Good stuff. Then it was followed by a cheesy news about his councilor girlfriend. Surely, like everyone has, I've seen her featured in the news, in talkshows, in Jessica Soho's Saturday tv-magazine program. I forgave her those times. I let her slip. I ignored her. A few times, I even gave her credit for being pretty and uh -- refined? But enough since last night's news! Goodness! If you are to show her on tv, please, please, make her speak, make her say something intelligent other than she will support Noynoy in all his understakings. That has gotten old since she said it the first time a few hundred news airings ago. Forgive me, but even in her silence she doesn't look intelligent or smart. She. Just. Doesn't. Look. It. Believe me, the smarts do show. In the way one looks in the eye, in the way one carries oneself, in the way that one is. But this girl Shalani looks like a girl who badly needs some confidence and a little book reading. We don't want a naive First Lady, excuse me!


In a world, where women have become strong, even stronger than men, where more and more women become bosses to more and more men, where women have destroyed nations, where women have clung to power like leeches, where women have sashayed the earth only to launch ships, we don't need to see a 29-year old woman looking like a debutante all the time.


If she doesn't want to talk and to be interviewed and if she wants to be out of Noynoy's limelight as she projects to be, then somebody tell her to be out of the camera's way and not attend any of Noynoy's public appearances. Hide her under the bed.


Television is both auditory and visual. It is not either or. So if you show your face on it, look good, look smart, sound good, sound smart. Not just dumb pretty!


And girl, you are definitely starting to irritate me. (And I'm sure I'm not the only one.)

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You have promised countless times that you love me. You have promised countless times that you will never leave me. You even went so far as to show me how much you love me. I have been VERY blessed by being one of your children. Furthermore, I... want to thank for your undivided attention for me by treating me as your only child when I'm talking & make lambing to you... dad i love you & i miss you so much!


Get well soon daddy..



Edited by jhelicious_04
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To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart; a heart that's aching to see you smile again.



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