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The Mail Box

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Guest Riveria

It's part of my foolishness that I am afraid of the rain now but maybe it's just that it makes me depressed and my heart is aching. There's the sad music on my side. When are you coming back home? The music cuts off and there's the train whistle -- it's all impossibly sad. I feel like some little animal, I'm jealous of the cat for being able to sleep. Come home and me feel safe again. What do you think?

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Guest Riveria

You make my heart melt, and my stomach fill with butterflies. You leave me speechless and yet full of laughter... Your such an incredible man.

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Know your priorities and base your decisions on them. Pray for enlightenment. Know that whatever your decision will be, I will be right here to support you. Remember: Work will not be work anymore when you're enjoying while doing it. So choose where you will be happy and well-compensated at the same time. ;) I know it's going to be a very tough decision on your part but if the pros outweigh the cons - don't be afraid to move on. Good things come to those who wait but better things happen to people who take initiative. The good thing about the whole situation is: there is no lose-lose or win-lose outcome here. It's win-win either way. Everything's going to be OK. I believe in you. :)






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Guest lustfortravel

i'm only human so i'm entitled to get sick and have a day off ok? stop harrassing my staff . they are not paid to listen to your whining and griping on whatever you feel is wrong with the world. i only put up with you because i feel sorry for your wife who has to listen to all your crap.


now, be a man and stop bombarding them with calls on when i'll be back. i'll be back when i'm better. end of story.

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When i started this journey, the calculated risk that was ahead of me was more than a

challenge of my manhood. the bumps and humps and rocks and stones were placed in

such a way that no immature person can ever crossed it. and i thank that i passed the

test of immaturity turning me into a real man no matter how my capacity to move might

have been a weakness in my part. for indeed you are worth pursuing!


my lady, you have taught me the pleasures in life that are truly pleasurable. The hedonistic

side of me that have long been gone suddenly come into existence again. and with this i will

remain to be one of the greatest admirer of such a person of beauty like you. people might

say "i am such a loser". but how can i loss of anything or anyone if such a passionate character

who reside in this person is worth more than any gold i can ever buy or handle. as the proverb

says: " a true friend is worth a thousand gems". and i thank you for such wonderful gift - YOU.


take care my SF - always! :flowers:

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dearest italian,


you are really one hell of a sick bastard! and no, i don't hate you YET.. i'm beginning to like this kind of relationship we're having now. i think this is a great way of learning how to deal with more morons in the future. unfortunately, dear.. you're not the only one. you got a lot of companies out there, hiding with their mustache and white skins covered with blonde hairs. your sarcasm isn't new, but your work ethics is a classic... classic example of infinetisimal perturbations. in other words... you don't have etiquette!



not your slave,



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