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you made me wait for 4 hours to see that movie i was dying to watch but missed because you were so late.

you said you are available for the trip, but you bailed out on me.

you asked for a second chance. i gave it to you.

you said you'll see me at 9.

and i believed you.


i said i'll make dinner for you.

i waited till 10.





you said you'll see me by 9 PM.


i never heard from you till it was 9 AM.

you could have answered my call.

you could have said, "no i can't drop by. good bye."

you could have spared me a text message saying you can't make it.

madali naman akong kausap e.


i don't mind if you're fu(king the city.

if you are with anyone and everyone.

but you could have INFORMED me that you're not coming.

(you don't even have an excuse, i could have understood it).

it's the nth time you did this and now i draw the line.


it's my dead dad's birthday eve and was craving for company.

i didn't force you to be there. you said you will be.

(that's what friends do, right?)


if you don't want to be me, it's ok

but please, don't waste my time.

you don't give me promises you can't keep (na-ah, not with ME)

i am not waiting for you anymore.



you said you're sorry for my loss.




no, i am sorry for yours.



good bye,


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Guest biancaanne

Thanks for making me smile again. Go ahead and flatter me some more.



I'm just waiting for the day that you'll take a number and walk out the door and disappear w/o a trace, just like the others.



But for now, I'm enjoying every bit of the attention I get from you. :blush:

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Guest Riveria

Our relationship can be best described as a crumpled piece of paper; no matter how hard you try to straighten it out, it'll never take on its true form.

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Guest Riveria

The dreams of you holding me, the dreams of you kissing me, the dreams of us together feel to real to be just dreams. I need the one thing that completes me the one thing that makes me who I am. My heart feel empty, incomplete without you. Wont you be the other half that makes me whole? I miss you....

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To my Opium,


I love to see you smile again so bright

And sometimes when you smile away, the more I get attracted to you

I love hearing you whisper things in my ears

I love hearing you moan with joy

I love it everytime you share to me some of your thoughts and opinions

I love the way you hold me and touch me

I love laughing with you and at your jokes :D


You are an addiction that is good for my heart and well-being ;)

And I would always crave for you anytime of the day :wub:


Addicted to you,

Your Sweet

Edited by sikret_prend
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Guest biancaanne

You might get to find out who I am through the eyes and ears of others.

I really don't mind; however, what should matter is what your heart and your head tells you.



One day at a time...in time...our time will come.

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Guest biancaanne

I love looking at your face. That sleepy smile you had on today almost drove me mad. I don't know what the hell we were talking about earlier. But one thing's for sure...I know...you know...so let's take it one day at a time. In time and with enough reason to,I just might take the big leap. For now, you have me, and I have you. I'm all yours, and you're all mine. If this is just temporary, then let no remorse nor disrespect amount to this. That is why we need to be apart...for now.


Our time will come...



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Guest biancaanne

What I'd give to be with you - a typo-error and an identity fixed, daily coffee at Starbucks, time with at least 4 bottles of beer, and this truth called "me", shambles and glory.


I know the last gift can cause you to sometimes doubt my intentions and actions. I have also told you that I feel that same doubt with you. It hasn't been easy for us to use the word "trust", and yet we've been exchanging trust ever since the 11th. It hasn't been easy holding back. I'm glad we gave up on that. It especially won't be easy waiting. That, I can assure you, I won't give up on, as long as you don't give up first. You just don't know how you've changed me, my dear, how moved to tears and laughter I am right now. You brought my smile back. I hope I can fill the void you felt. We're no longer alone in the presence of many. For wherever I go, you are always with me. I could only recite one phrase in my head, one mantra that makes this all worthwhile..."Soon, mahal."

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Guest Riveria

Sharing this letter from him when he was still in love with me. I was supposed to return and forward back this letter but I opt not to.


Hey Beautiful, I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and to put that smile I love so much back on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life, I've been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet.


I tell you this everyday, but you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I've ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you.


I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that we've been together, we have grown so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, Ethel, with all my heart and soul, always and forever!

Edited by Riveria
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I am already missing you, (kahit isang araw lang tayong di nagkasama)

I already miss seeing you smile

I can't get enough of you

I just love having you around me all the time :blush:


I don't know what you did to me to make me feel this way....but I don't mind, and am loving it :wub:


Yours Exclusively,

Your Sweet

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Guest Riveria

Good Morning Ex Baby,


Where else would any sane man want to be, but in your eyes, your heart, and your arms, a sea of passion ever moving, beating like my heart when I think of you.


Your Ex baby

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Guest Riveria

Ex Baby,


You took everything away from me: my soul, my heart,... you left nothing at all for me; but, you can't take away as much love as I got for you.


Your Ex Baby

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To my love-who-will-never-be-mine-again,


I hope your doin great, I only wish for your hapiness and well being. I know I have been as worse as Mephisto on lies but I have changed. Knowing that you're goin steady with you're guy breaks me but I can never be a part of you life again.




a shattered-guy

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