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Dear Viva Hot Babe (yes! singular),



I don't see what was it's purpose. To scare the mouse or to welcome it. :blink: :boo: :lol: All I can think about was...WTF?! :blink: FTW?! :blink: Am i hallucinating?! and the best line: MOMMY! :cry: I thought I was seeing Samara from the Ring become alive...or that neck creakin' lady from the Grudge. It was a horrible experience. I couldn't sleep and wouldn't be able to sleep at night.


Please assure me that IT won't be coming in my sleep or IT'S not hiding in my closet. The boogeyman is enough for me.


Always praising you for your hotness (no homo intended)! :P





Not so Viva Hot Babe.

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you see, it's like this,


Even my great grandparents finished college, as did everybody else in my family.


It is plain to see from your manners and speech that you are the first in your ilk to have had some sort of a degree. No amount of VS Very Sexy can hide that. So quit bitching, go f*ck more of your sort of folks from the entertainment industry, or whatever biz you're in, and lead a nice happy life in your nice little world.


I'm just f#&king you for fun - is that clear now? Our vocabularies barely overlap as it is.


But if you behave properly, you hot, tight, great-smelling number you, we may f*ck more often. Who knows.



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Its been 3 or perhaps 4 sets of moon crust that we have shared arguing how the next one would come out and looking at each other's shoulder whenever we came into view. I guess you've won this time but circumstances favor you rather than what I have stand for. Nevertheless, I thank you and probably you'll see some of these phrases rewritten on my final tribute for you once I lifted the last piece of those memories I had with you.


'Til the next hop with my band of brothers at your foot.


your semi skin-head friend,


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I don't like the way you're trying to manipulate my beliefs. Don't tell me what to do, i know my wants and my needs. You're a good friend, i know. But you don't have any right to peek on my things, my private issues and what i am posting here! Now, this is for you.. happy now?! <_<


Get a life!



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you really do know me inside out already. and even though you thought you'd never see yourself as a paternal figure before, I really do think you'd make one fine coach. ;) You surprise me sometimes when you start the talks about theoretical foundations of critter raising, but it is one surprise that makes me feel assured that the best is yet to come. And regarding the biatch mode crap... you've been warned.


we will make it... because we're good. :P


HPP tomorrow! :D


just telling you I love you :lol:,







running away won't solve your problems. it'll only make them worse. and you're old enough to know that you are responsible for your future and the way your life is going. you are the captain of your own ship. don't steer it towards the rocks. You are loved.. you always are loved. it's just that you yourself are clouded with hatred that you just can't see it.


hope you get through the rain. welcome to adulthood, where reality will suck you dry.








sorry, i really am not a fan of chismisan, especially at work. :)



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i got the email.

and i just don't get it. i thought this was settled a few days ago. you have been doing the same thing for the last uhm three years? and you never noticed this is how things are done and you have the gall to complain now? that's funny.

even funnier is writing a five page letter and sending it to everyone. you have a problem with me, settle it with my boss when he comes back. i will not let you bully me. you don't do things like this just because you belatedly realize that you reacted stupidly and needed to save face.

between the two of us, you've got more to lose when i decide to walk away from everything and everyone there.

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The pain meds aren't working. Either that or my body needs a higher dose. I'm in pain. All the time. :cry:


Also, is euphoria part if the side effect? It's just weird i can't seem to stop being giddy even if i'm in pain. <_< ooops wrong emoticon :lol:


See? I'm confused too :P


Today you ordered a MRI for me, MRIs reminds me all the time why i can't have any real tats. :(


Patient No. 4-08927

Edited by ChoukoHanako
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Guest serenity12

I'm starting to forget what you look like and you're not in my thoughts every day like before. That's a good thing isnt it? Maybe I will stop waiting for you then.

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As a Nina fan & your fan, I would like to congratulate you for being a part of Nina's latest album Nina Sings the Hits of Diane Warren. The album is already a certified Gold record. You deserve a credit for doing a great job on this album. You don't want to sign my copy of this album but for sure you'll going to sign & you should sign my copy of your band's album. Again, congratulations for a job well done & good luck to your career, to Calsada & to your other projects.


Your FAN,














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dear celebrity-in-the-making,


so....seems you've become famous now....

or have you been famous even before? :unsure:

sorry. am not well-informed, as you prob. know. -_-

never been impressed by artistic and showbiz facades,

even as i got to treat them upfront.

and i assure you, no matter how fast your star rises,

you will get the same treatment from me, just as anybody would.


that is, if i remember your name at all.

pakilala ka na lang pag nag-text ka :lol:

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kadearest one,


today i passed by your old school, your old hometown. i actually hoped i'd bump into you. but of course i did not, and got me wondering again after so many years: are you really happy with that guy you ended up marrying? or did you just panic when you saw me arm-in-arm with another girl?


either way, it doesn't matter. di mo rin naman aaminin iyong totoo.


wawa naman our love. it is now history.


lovingly yours,

kadearest two.

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