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The Mail Box

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Dear Self


You are not afraid of anything in this world

There nothing that can be thrown at you that you cannot handle


But I never thought you are a fool

look at you now

You got to stand up straight

Carry your own weight

Those tears are not going nowhere


You've got to get yourself together

You've got stuck in a moment

And now you can't get out of it

Don't say that later will be better

You're stuck and cant get out


You are still enchanted

By the light she has brought to you

Throught her words you can understand

Through her eyes you can see


But you are such a fool

To worry like you do

I know it's tough

and you can never get enough

of what you don't really need now


if your way should falter

along this stony pass

it's just a moment

this time will pass




You cannot get through to her

There's too much damn attention

she's too distracted and confused

too much pride

The noise is just too loud

she can barely hear you

she's letting you slip away


let go.

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"Leaving On A Jet Plane" just keeps playing in my head. I wish you wouldn't go, I didn't have a chance to know you better. As it is, all we've done is expose the tip of the iceberg for each other. So for the next year or so it will be emails and the occasional phone call. *sigh* I hope you don't call me just when you're about to board. I'm terrible at saying goodbyes. Goodbye my love, my friend. I'll wait.

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Best Friend Hopya,

Why do i turn to you when my heart is unbearably heavy....what is it in you...what is it in me...that draws me to your presence...your voice...your soul? If i hadn't known you....would i make it to this day?....when the wind blows so cold beneath this skin....and no light seeps in...through this godforsaken prison. I'm sorry for bothering you....i'll never really know how you see me...you may even despise me...i won't even know. I ought to be shameful...i ought to stay out of your beautiful life...I who will never belong to any thing beautiful in this world. I'm just an indingent...a barren, abandoned soul...peeping through windows of happy homes...wishing i could be one with them....but no. ...I'll never...never...be one with anything beautiful in this world.


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Don't flinch. We have worked very hard for this one big-game shot; all work and all training before this are merely preparations, really.


Do not show fear.


I am showing you how to do magic, though, like with others, I may henceforth stand diminished in your esteem.


I don't care.


1 down, 2 to go


boys and girls, again, do not flinch.



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I'm no Britney... But yeah, I think I did it again... *sigh*


I don't know why I always end up hurting you... I don't know why you always push me against the wall... This time, it was totally unexpected.... The least thing I expected from you...


I suppose I never realized the extent of the admiration you always spoke of... Either that or I just resolved to be overly dense for fear of not knowing what to do...


Is it really true what you said? That you'd rather have me repulsed than be without any emotion towards you? I hope this isn't true... I don't want to be repulsed. Not by you. Not by anyone...


Why do I feel like everytime I talk to you, I always end up saying "I'm sorry. So sorry..."? Will our archives be filled with just these words?

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Your email caught me by surprise. Part of what I have to say goes like this:


Choose your friends well. Will they lead you towards the path of righteousness, or will they pull you towards the depths of hell?


You can choose your friends. You can't choose your parents. Common, choose those that will make you a better person, not a better slob. I kid you not, the society will not miss your passing. In fact, it will definitely be better, without your kind.


You say, that it's all harmless. I say, It's not. Most definitely not. You are too old to even think of that. Your actuations disappoint me.


You mentioned having gone to a good school. Put into good use what they taught you.


Don't be a christian by name and a devil in deed.


Til my formal reply to your email.

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I woke up early this morning to talk to you. I just love the way you speak, so girlish and kalog, but it's sexy. It will be a long time before I can talk to you again, maybe never. By now you would have landed, and busy with settling down. I am so sad, but I'm still playing our conversation over and over again in my mind. Even if you didn't mean anything, I am still grateful for the illusion. Break a leg, hope to hear some news even from someone else and I WILL be here waiting for you, next year or two or whenever. Mishu.

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General instruction number 17.


CC - today, you were matched against someone beyond your age, skills, and strength, and far more cunning besides. I am sorry we could not come to your defense. You know why - we had to cut our losses at that particular hour. But you bought us time - 15 valuable minutes more to verify our numbers and re-run our calculations based on newer data, literally thinking on our feet out there in the penthouse smoking shed, calculators afire, laptops pounding out corrected slides.


I'll compensate any loss to your repute before too long - even if I have to take from mine.


DF - You have the right idea for your part of this project. But remember that every idea has to be transmitted by way of visuals or words - and these channels are inefficient and slow and clumsy, especially in less skilled hands. Do not think it is bosses' "slow thinking" that gets in the way your ideas being understoood quickly. Until we reach the time when minds can connect directly, everything we do has to pass this narrow and often crowded channel. Perhaps one day you will reach the level that you can already paint with words. Once you achieve that level, you will be surprised how fast the bosses can pick your ideas up,


- for they are painters too. Didn't you know?


Rest of you - We drew even today, at the very least.


Stone - paper

paper - scissors

scissors - stone


For every move, a countermove.


This is just the midway checkpoint, and already we have reached deep into our bag of technical, organizational, and political tricks, milking each and every one hard. A few last and darker tricks we hold in reserve - you never know.


As always - do not flinch under fire, do not lose aim, even as slugs pass by overhead, gently parting your hair.


Grace under pressure,


2 down, 1 to go.



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I hold you too close but I just can't say things this directly. You deal with my well meaning comments with outmost sarcasm. You are so scathing with your words that I cannot help but grimace in pain.


I used to idolize you, when we were both new in this company. Your confident manner and the school where you came from, spoke of so much promise. But now, your thoughts and actions are way lagging to the conditions that you are in now. We are at the age when we are supposed to be being eyed as the next top honchos of this firm. We are supposed to be the exhibiting the best behavior and the most mature decisions in the industry.


Your recent personal tragedies notwithstanding, what we see now is the mind of a 15 year old brat, trapped in a mid aged body and competing to become the most sought after, during Spring Break. Can't you get it? The competition for our kind has changed in form, a long time ago.


You've told me many times before to choose my friends well. They can lead you towards righteousness or drag you towards the depths of hell. Now, I don't get it. What are you doing?


My friend, pick up whatever is left of yourself and catch up with the rest of us. Simply moving on and acting as if nothing happened, will not be enough. We all have noticed. We now have some serious doubts about your mental fitness to perform. You will have to frequently surpass us, to be able to recover your past stature in the eyes of the gods.


You also told me before, to never forget that failure to rise up is equivalent to falling down. We have seen this happen to our ex-bosses, several times before. Do you not see it? It is now our turn at the Hotseat and you are acting way too immature compared to our disgraced seniors, before they fell from grace.


Don't change and pretty soon, I shall be seeing you in tears, while packing up, after getting fired.





PS: The righteousness, sensitivity & responsible behavior that you have been preaching before.. Whatever happened to it now? Were you just bullshitting me then?

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