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dont envy me....

you have crooked teeth and they look like brown crooked fences.

your skin is like a crater gone wrong.

you talk like a retired clown.

your brain is the size of a pea. a rotten pea.

and you walk like chuckie's bride.


dont hate me if you aint me.

do your motherf(u)cking job and quit observing what i freaking do!

you suck worse than an amateur blowjob.


and please, call my dentist. she has a lotta work to do.




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Dear B,


Was it not few months ago when you first saw me in my friend's place? You were smiling and hurrying me to go out on lunch with you because i have class? And then i eventually resorted to just dropping everything for you because i wanted to spend more time with you and the boys and the whole crew?


i love you and we shared so much together.


i still love you after all this time and i miss you.




one day


i'll see you again


and kiss that cheeks




just hear you say "sugar, beb..." again...


i'm here.


seriously we need to talk. im missing you so much :cry:


:heart: ,


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i am getting tired of waiting..

.. you just really have to decide if you still wanted to push thru this.

.. i can't just sit here and wait for you to speak up.

.. when everytime I ask you.. you keep ignoring me.


They have business.. they need our decision.

I just wish we never planned this if in the end we'll still have nothing.



-- K

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you confused insecure person,


what you did is unforgivable....who i thought was a good friend turns out to be an a**hole of the highest order....

don't make excuses of it being a practical joke... i know how you think... all because you just want to prove yourself that

you are the master of your own world.... when you know deep down you are just but a speck of dust that isn't really important.

if your goal is just to see how you can manipulate people then goodluck.... you have lost dear friends just because you have to prove something

to your male ego (you are such a loser).... i pity you as time goes by......



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dear day!!




today is the start of new day!! :D

my old self is lost

and to be deleted by the name..

he and me have a mission and

that is only to make myself laugh

and so on to others :D

never will i use this freakin' heart

because it only brings pain and suffering to others

i must use this new me as a vessel of laugh

:lol: <====

thats why im the ambassador of laugh







the knight of the round table................















spoon :upside:


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mr LOLZ,


seriously we missed you..

it was nice to see you again..


but you really made me laugh my friend! :D

really!!! :thumbsupsmiley:


and seriously.. i don't know if i'll ask you to change your way but that wouldn't be YOU..

hmmm.. your call! :D


have fun! :)


i hope you're okay now... :flowers:



YOU with a fenk color...

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i don't think you realize just how much you hurt your friend by pimping your boytoy to her. she was also hurt by the thought that you were testing her loyalty. talk to your friend, at least say sorry.


i am not sure which is sorrier, you, being ok with your boytoy again because your friend refused his advances or you being ok with your friend because she passed your test.


that's a sorry way to treat a friend. at least i didn't test you, just put you down a bit.






and try examining the people around you, you're keeping bad company. you were such a nice girl. bad habits tend to rub off on us.

Edited by gadalej
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world war III addicts,


i think it is time to act like adults and talk this over among ourselves.... because a lot has been said but no clear information or data has been exchanged and speculations have risen from this and has been thrown around haphazardly like bombs being thrown by children.... lets act like adults and meet somewhere where we can vent and rant about what has really been troubling us and if need be end all ties if we cannot resolve this.......and as soon as possible please



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