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hey ,

it stops now! i cannot be always at your disposal. i cannot always say yes! i wont be your go to guy anymore whenever you feel lonely and alone. and whenever someone hurts you. i cannot continue torturing myself anymore.yes i can still be your friend but i wont let you toy with my feelings anymore. it ends now. goodbye!

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I'll be leaving you now.......

wala na talaga siguro mangyayari pa sa ating maganda.....


at least at the end, tiniis ko lahat ng mga sinabi mo.....

but its ok... natapos na ang lahat...


may natutunan naman ako mula sayo kahit paano...........


"gamitin ang utak paminsan minsan" :)

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you were called by so many names...


ben hur






but for me, you will always be that old guy who kept me entertained during holy week when i was a kid. your movies were a welcome distraction when there was nothing else to watch. you will always be remembered fondly.


godspeed, charlton heston.



Edited by chipmaker
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sometimes, my head gets filled with things i want to say to you. nothing serious really... just thoughts.


but when youre there already, when youre here, i get dumbstruck.


i run out of things to say.


if i were in front of you now, i would probably be just content just being there. with you. even if no words are passed between us.


im not really good with words, you see.


im the kind of person who would rather just keep this all in.


but sometimes i get overwhelmed with emotion


its like my brain is churning out all these faster than i can type them down


and im afraid that if i dont record them somehow,


i'll never be able to tell you how much i feel right now.


have you ever loved someone it made you cry?


have you ever looked outside your window and see a different world outside, all because of that someone in your life who makes each day liveable?


its a gray day outside, but it isnt gloomy at all. no. because 8000 kilometers away, there's a ray of sunshine reaching all the way here. youre that ray.

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this is what you want ayt?

for me to stay away...for me to back off.

i was condemned like a notorious criminal in which

the only crime i did was...........falling for you.


i still want you to be my friend

but let my pain heal first.

i will still talk to you, not in our rooms..

but in other places...like what i did yesterday.


may you understand what i'm feeling right now.

i may be playful around but this is me. this is how

i conceal my true feelings.

Edited by yeehaa
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You are everywhere, I hear you but I can't touch you.


press 5 to save this message




message saved. there are no more messages.



I want to hold out my hand as you walk past the corridors of the places we often visited together but you're distracted and that is how it should be.


I catch glimpses of you looking around but I can't let you see me.


You know and I know that you are better off.

It will be fine. You will be fine, I promise.

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you can now read the letter i was supposed to give you when i see you here... that's just a part of it actually. it's really 3 pages long.. now, you don't have to wait 1 year after to read it.. i'm sure u know where to look for that... :cry:

Edited by dixiechiq
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I want to take it back but it would be stupid of me to do so

I have already hurted you

I have already made you build those walls between us

It pains me so much

I am like a clown

trying to hide the tears and the pains with all those goofing around


I know you won't be back.. and if ever you'll be it wouldn't be the same anymore

I just want you to know I miss you

I really am missing you BADLY




Edited by kimB3RLy
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