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You say you're all that, but you're not. You say you're tough, but you really aren't.


You said it yourself, you don't listen to anyone, but why do what others say affect you so much?


If I may say so myself, you forced yourself onto him. He never promised you anything. He never was ready for anything serious. He just wanted to have fun.


Did he not try to tell you that? Did you even try to listen? Or did you just want to hear what you wanted to hear & feel what you wanted to feel?

Edited by Zerreit
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Thats what you know.

Thats what you think.

Thats what you've been told.

But there are things you do not know...

Forcing myself onto someone aint me... but there were promises, there was something thats why i held on to it.

You werent there when we were talking.


Btw, can we just stop this? Im so tired of all of these!

If you dont like me, the feeling is mutual.

So, lets pretend that none of these things ever happened.


Whatever that man and I have, its between us.


And if you still believe that i force myself onto him, believe with all your might... I know what I believe.


Finally, im not nothing. You did mind me so im still something.

If im nothing for you, then what are you to me?


--- i rest my case!

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I am part of the load

Not rightly balanced

I drop off in the grass,

like the old Cave-sleepers, to browse

wherever I fall.


For hundreds of thousands of years I have been dust-grains

floating and flying in the will of the air,

often forgetting ever being

in that state, but in sleep

I migrate back. I spring loose

from the four-branched, time -and-space cross,

this waiting room.


I walk into a huge pasture

I nurse the milk of millennia


Everyone does this in different ways.

Knowing that conscious decisions

and personal memory

are much too small a place to live,

every human being streams at night

into the loving nowhere, or during the day,

in some absorbing work.



Rumi for you mi amigo...

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i dont want to!!!


we need to talk about this once and for all...

we need to be like mature human beings...


just dont give me crap!

iam not stupid.



**** is right, deal with it!



mod note - the person doesnt want her name dragged into this particular issue.

Edited by poknat
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Guest simply_miss

As I look up at the stars, I make a wish

That forever I may spend with you

Just one lifetime, is all I ask,

Just one forever, if that's okay with you.


As I sleep at night, I think of you

And I wish to hold you tight

Just one night, one sweet night with you.


As I wake up in the morning, I dream of you

That one day, you'll be right beside me.

And your smile would be brighter than sunshine

And I would touch your face

Just to make sure you're not a dream,

And I would give you a kiss, and hold you close,

Never having to let you go.


As I get up to start my day, I talk to you

Secretly, in the depths of my heart

And I tell you how much I miss you,

Longing, yearning to hold you close,

I think, for now, only heaven knows,

How much I love you.




-from the archieve of the former love



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out of place and out of time... p*ta, in just 2 months, i've been to bicol, cabadbaran and manila. nomad na ako! f**k, i miss my own room. before i hate to go out, social functions suffocate me. this is barely a social call. though this time, it's a luxury, im online! the past 5 months, im in a farm somewhere, planting rice and mangos and other veggies... chrstmas is looming, gotta be fast...now, im officialy a BISACOL, bisayang-bicolano, although im in mindanao, f**k nahhilo nko bay..

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Tonight at noon


Supermarkets will advertise 3p extra on everything


Tonight at noon


Children from happy families will be sent to live in a home


Elephants will tell each other human jokes


America will declare peace on Russia


World War I generals will sell poppies on the street on November 11th


The first daffodils of autumn will appear


When the leaves fall upwards to the trees




Tonight at noon


Pigeons will hunt cats through city backyards


Hitler will tell us to fight on the beaches and on the landing fields


A tunnel full of water will be built under Liverpool


Pigs will be sighted flying in formation over Woolton


And Nelson will not only get his eye back but his arm as well


White Americans will demonstrate for equal rights


In front of the Black house


And the monster has just created Dr. Frankenstein




Girls in bikinis are moonbathing


Folksongs are being sung by real folk


Art galleries are closed to people over 21


Poets get their poems in the Top 20


There's jobs for everybody and nobody wants them


In back alleys everywhere teenage lovers are kissing in broad daylight


In forgotten graveyards everywhere the dead will quietly bury the living




You will tell me you love me


Tonight at noon

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Clever Sleuth,


You are as sharp as a tack,

which is why so many think twice

before they 'attack'.

Many men start out meek as mice.

They are taken aback

with ladies they can't keep up with, so it's no surprise

that they let their insecurities get the better of them, and they stop playing nice!


I hope you don't mind if I make a suggestion.

Don't rule out the possibility of finding a worthwhile companion,

for a diamond in the rough may escape your attention.

It takes patience in finding one. I'm sure you understand what I've just mentioned.


Never say die! I'm sure you have a similar affirmation.

You've reached great heights with the mindset of a champion.

Relationships may require a more delicate approach, because you're not in competition

with the potential object of your affection.


Go over your list of respondents.

Try them out one by one, until someone makes a dent.

(or should I say lasting impression? That's probably what I meant.)

I'm sure one will meet or exceed your expectations of a fine gent!


I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor.

Pursue it with everything you've got, and don't lose your fervor!

Great rewards you shall soon savor

once you've allowed yourself the luxury of patience in the arena of amor.


Respectfully yours,


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i'm am human prone to temptation, i hope the powers that be have mercy on me, i need the thrill sometimes, need feel another woman's touch every now and then but i still love only you. please understand, i know you can't and you won't but if ever the time comes i hope that all is forgiven. i still want to spend the rest of my life with you, but for now let me enjoy these last fleeting years of being single.

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Guest chunky



Ah, when will the madness end


When will the haunting stop


Where will I finally lay


My over-burndened top?



It's not easy to forget


So I might as well not try


The gaping hole you left


is enough for me to die...




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