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I don't like you. I think you're a bitch. Moreover, I think you secretly like my man (and that's why feeling close ka). I'll be civil. But again...I don't like you.






Dear Insensitive Prick,


I love you. Please take care of yourself this weekend. I'll be home soon.


Emotional Mommy-Baby

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Pare ko,


Ang hirap mo naman hanapin, daig mo pa ang international spy! San ka ba nagsuot? Noon akala namin nasa States ka. Ngayon naman nasa Australia? Ano ba? Si A para ng sisa na hanap ng hanap kay Basilio/Crispin. hehe Paramdam ka okey.



Pare mo.

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thanks for taking the husband role seriously. thanks for holding my hand when I feel scared. thanks for being my best friend. thanks for letting me be the first person you run to for anything. thanks for showing me the real you (the soft, hopeless romantic side of you too). thanks for making me feel so safe and secure. thanks for making sure we always have more than enough. thanks for being responsible. thanks for being faithful and honest. thanks for understanding me in a way others couldn't. thanks for listening even if I don't make sense sometimes. thanks for making me feel so pretty. thanks for respecting me and my points of view. thanks for making me laugh (even if you make fun of me at times). thanks for being proud of me. thanks for being the person I can share my most intimate secrets and fears with. thanks for taking care of me. thanks for loving the people I love. thanks for thanks for being there when others weren't. thanks for trusting me. thanks for giving me the whole shebang. thanks for marrying me (twice!). thanks for changing your whole life just to be around me. thanks for doing things for me, not because you have to, but because you want to. thanks for making sure that my happiness is your priority. thanks for making me realize that there is this kind of love after all.


I will never get tired of making you coffee, choosing the suit that's right for you, prepping your clothes, serving you food, giving you massages... and all the other things I do, for seeing you so happy no matter how simple they are makes me feel so special and appreciated. I am glad to have taken this leap of faith with you... who would've thought that after all these years, you still make me feel like a giggly little schoolgirl on a date with her crush.


I wish other people would get to experience this too... this kind of love... uncomplicated, without fear, remorse, regret, nor worry. the kind of love that would make you always want to come home to. I am glad we didn't settle, but in choosing rightfully so, are now happy settling down. this is my answer to your question - I am so happy and contented with you. I am so proud to be called your wife.


Happy 2nd "first wedding" anniversary. In you I have found what I have been looking for all along





think "positive". It WILL happen anytime soon. :)

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Dear God,


i know i'm gonna go to hell, most likely. Sometimes i wonder if anything matters in the end. Does anything we do make a difference, us who are laboring ants? If you don't mind, would you let me know asap, please? Thanks. And oh, if you might send me some Jack while you're at it.

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Guest Riveria



At this time in both of our lives, we are surrounded by possibilities of choice, open doors and wide horizons, which I know, may come between us. But I also know and hope that they could eventually bring us together, with both of us being better people for the time we spent apart. And so for now I function between maybe and maybe not. It's a strange mixture of love and sex and sorrow and hope and longing and faith. And even though you are far away, you're all that I can see, I carry you with me through all my days and I miss you more than I can say. Also, remember this - I love you no less than if you were right here now. I still love you more than words can say.



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Dear Diary,


How could you endure all those things written inside?


Are those words still mean anything to you? The details remain crisp, like things just happened yesterday. :P :D


It's been 15 years. So many stories, but sadly, I barely remember most of it.


I guess, I need to have one again.... just in case I'd forget those tales in the next 15 years.




Forgetful Me

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