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e, i & n:


i know it hadn't been a pleasant meeting. you just have to give it to me to let off some steam - an understatement, as usual. i might have taken for granted my duties as your boss the past few months and this is inexcusable despite glaring reasons. reasons, not excuses. but i failed to impart to you some of me. not that i'm perfect, but that i'm trying.


i had to yell because the veins in my temple were throbbing and my heartbeat was running 150% faster. had i kept the voice low, you would have had to send me to the clinic.


it wasn't exactly pleasant to have been paraded with one's pants down. literally, of course. and they didn't stop with the pants. one by one, a piece of what makes us us was cast off, until we were no more.


this organization used to sit at the top, cream of the crop. until mediocrity became the order of the day. but the good news, nay, the great news is we were caught. thank god, we were caught!


this sudden death should resuscitate us and not send us to the morgue.


you have been stripped naked of your professional dignity by me. don't go running naked again.



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Guest biancaanne



I would like to thank you for worrying about my health first before asking if I endorsed my tasks to someone before I decide to take myself to the hospital in the middle of a f#&king gastritis attack. You are such a great boss! I love my job! I love my real boss!


Fed-up <_<

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Sometimes, you are scaring me. But I can feel you, and I always believe you're a good person with a loving heart. You know, I don't ask beyond what's necessary. Not because, you're less important. But because, you are so important.


I hope you do the same. It's less complicated that way.


At least, we're both learning now. :)



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Guest biancaanne

Geeky Retard,


I have my hand back on the wheel and my foot on the accelerator again. I won't go drifting this time. There will be no more accidents - only calculated risks.


Now shut up and let me drive. You be my navigator.



Your faithful student

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Guest biancaanne

Geeky Retard,


You never fail to surprise me. My officemate actually caught me smiling today while reading your sms.


Your faithful student




Gargle saline solution to ease the irritation.

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Maybe it's meant to happen.... maybe it's for the best.


I'm not bothered to see you go. I am more concerned on how we could put everything to rest. I once promised you not to stay quiet when something isn't right. But in the truest sense, I always let people just come and go.


Don't think that you're less appreciated. I can't ask you to stay. And you already know why.... Please don't make me do things I am not capable of. I wanna stay grounded. Don't ask me to be selfish, I don't have the right to.


If you could just read between the lines.... If you could just read all of my posts for the past months, then it would be much much easier for me.


I'm done talking.... explaining. The question is, were you really there to listen?




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When you passionately tell me about Physics, may I just close my eyes and sleep? Unless you want another round of supply and demand debate? :lol:


Joshing aside, I'm the proudest when you bravely told me about the truth. You have definitely become a better person. The transformation I see everyday makes me hold my breath in awe. My years of experience battled over your earnest desire to straighten things up. And yes, your flag prevails to stand while I wave my white banner.


In my surrender, WE WON.


Counting has never been this exciting, Moy. :)


We're almost there. Yehey!




The patient Patient. ;)

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Where is the grounded, level-headed, objective person I met a little over a year ago? You were loud, yes, but smart too. Now look at what you have become. Many were hopeful that you would finally put order, balance and objectivity in that Department. And now this?


Mister, you don't hurt people just because some Department boss did not follow protocol. You have the power to CORRECT matters. If you are really sincere in taking care of people, which by the way is your job, you should have done SOMETHING, ANYTHING instead of just waiting for the bomb to explode. Are you happy now? Think of the number of families who will be affected by your decision. Think of the number of children who, until now, are not enrolled because their parents are waiting for that well-deserved reward. They EARNED IT. They OWE YOU NOTHING.


Did the truthfulness of my straight talk hurt you? You called me disrespectful just because I gave you a piece of my mind. I respect you but I DON'T AGREE with you. You threatened to slap me with insubordination. What a laugh! Strongly expressing one's point is never insubordination. It's simply called OPPOSITION.


You're another BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. And like the others before you, I just have to wait until the BIG BOSS realizes that you're no Ken. Because like them, you too will have to kiss the asses of those you kicked today.


Believe me. I'm a psychic.



Your Poison

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Tsk tsk tsk. What happened? It wasn't like this before. Now, I'm almost convinced that I made a mistake. This is stupid; and it's not fun anymore.


I don't think I like the "you" you're becoming; and as much as I'd like to think that I have nothing to do with it, it's becoming apparent that I've helped create a monster.


I'm out.




Edited by maldita_overload
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You looked so funny when you made faces while I was infront. Sorry, I didn't get annoyed? Ahahahahahaha!!! You were SO GAY! :lol: Come on, take "that" with a grain of salt and you'll surely feel better. Okay?


Too bad you didn't join us after. Twas really fun.


Come near me. I don't bite. :lol:


Your Poison



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It was just a song, K. Loosen up a bit, will you? I should be the one reading you like a book... not the other way around. :lol:


btw, saw that movie? his smiles and antics... hmmm you really look like him. see? you never fail to make me smile everyday... :lol:

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I am happy that I got to meet a crazy individual like you who can make some of my fantasies come to life. I can't wait for the time for us to try out our crazy ideas. If I could just make tomorrow November, I would. Who knew we would click despite our age, race, and culture? It feels great to be crazy when I know I have a friend who's as crazy as me, if not crazier. :D



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I've sometimes wondered what's become of you and what it would be like running into you again. And now that we meet up again on FB and we've chatted, the whole 10 minutes I spent wondering were a complete waste of time.... You are still that conceited guy I dump. Even back when I was young, dumb and naive, I can tell you were a user. You wanted to use me as a passport. I'm so glad that I saw right through you and your mother. I would've had to support your ass.


After 24 years of not seeing each other, the first thing you asked me if I still think you're "pogi". You notice how I didn't reply. I actually think you look stupid with a mohawk and that big ass tatoo of cross-eyed Jesus is horrid. And that LMAO when you told me that you were working here as a ballroom instructor was actually meant as a Laughing at your lame ass. Mayabang ka pa rin hanggang ngayon at bagay kayo nang asawa mong mayabang. Posting pics of her knock-off LV purse and wallet is a freakin' shame. I can tell a mile away that it's fake.


I pictured a nice chat to catch up but I couldn't stand even chatting with you.



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