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The Mail Box

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'Tang Tinio


And you were there too, 'Tang Tinio, when later on the mind was further honed and at the best possible

schools and the top transnational manufacturing corporations in the Philippines, ground sharp among the quickest and most cunning of brains obtainable in this country. (And there was another present in those similarly fiery mental forgings, a lady whose name I do not mention now but whom you know and also served so very well) and further supplement the work of the deep northern forges.


You were always there, 'Tang Tinio. You have served my family long, in your humble station first as a devoted driver, then aide, then as senior attendant. And in serving us, you have served also the people, and far more so than those ilk who are paid our tax money, our blood money to do so, yet serve this fukking government's interests instead. Wherever I may swing my blade these days, know that long inches of the cutting edge was of your personal imprimatur. Serve the people. Slay the government.


Death to our enemies.


But, the wind and dreams told me that not all is well, 'Tang Tinio. Now you are old and taken ill. And my doctor says, unlikely to recover.


And I cannot help you much. Time and distance were, as ever, my bitter foes.


So this Christmas, let me personally press into your palm 15,000 cash, in those crisp old-fashioned pretty purple bills, just you and me in my old ancestral house, no others near. True, this amount is nothing, especially of my future worth, but we are talking about what I can do today and here and now, and not tomorrow nor yesterday; what are those but abstract concepts where one is always moving too late or else moving too blindly. True, this amount is mere token beside your services, but I

would have you know that I still hold myself pledged to your people. I am not released. Death to our enemies.


As ever, even in those mad truck driving days of old, I know you always mean to ask me: So where to now, ? What is the next step?


And time on earth runs short for you, and I owe you some reply. So let me reply now and explain where we will proceed from here.


And how we will keep visiting death, death upon our enemies.

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that SMS is so sweet that it turns a tap into a honey. and when you mention the words "i have ever loved", my hearts stops a bit that i have to inject some ephedrine to make it beat again. i love you. and if its not enough. i think a ring can do all the justice. soon.



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Hey Blue,


We made it girl! We started as studymates and I never thought we'd turned out to be such good friends.

We fed off each other's strength and weakness...we were each other's counterpart...and the healthy

competitiveness between us was very motivational yet we always helped each other out when one of us

is not doing well. And that's why everyone was envious of our friendship (and our grades!)


Can't wait to open up that Chambord and Champagne and dance our booty off.



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Guest Riveria



I don't forgive people because I'm weak, I forgive them because I'm strong enough to know that people make mistakes. I hope you'll realize that.



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Guest Riveria



I want to be the person that touches your heart and makes it skip a beat - I want to be that person whose arms make you just melt - I want to be the person that your destined to be with. I love you!



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A hundred days had passed, although it still feels like the first time. Who would have thought I would put up with your being stubborn. I guess I could passed as a saint for being patient like that. :lol: So allow me to thank the man, who doesn't believe in forever, who loves posting pictures of perverted stuff, who believes he is too young for his age, who is a gentleman beyond a reasonable doubt, who is sarcastic, who calls me fat instead of chubby, the man who is always willing to correct his mistakes, who faces suffering without fear.


To the man who loves me even when I don't deserve it sometimes.


(napagod ngala-ngala ko)


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I'm tempted to accept your offer.

But I should learn to fight my own battles.

And learn to choose the battles I fight.


May I lean on you instead?

May I just quit now and never care that I lose?

The quest to win already has no meaning.


I can only hope, but can never demand.

Like anything else, this too shall pass.

And though not yet in sight, this too shall have a happy ending.








Please don't sleep in the parking lot. It's really not safe to do that. ;)

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It's been 15 years since I last saw you.


That was a very memorable day. You were packing your things and I was looking forlornly like it's the last time we'll see each other. A lot has happened between then and now but this feeling I have for you will remain the same, only to be intensified by the longing for your company and your protection. I know you are happy where you are right now and whichever way I look at it, we can never give that to you if you stayed.


Today I'm wishing, more than ever, that the lack of familial warmth have been replaced by the people who welcomed you in their home and made you feel like you're one of them. Can't say I don't envy them for having you around makes me feel secured and it gives me the courage to not fail.


A birthday wish is not sufficient to let you know that I keep you in my memory so I wrote my message in a bottle and I hope it gets to you.


Feliz cumpleaños, hermana.

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i'm trying my hardest to be a good son, to live the positive and solid values that are the most precious things you ever gave me.


No matter what - despite doubt, fear, pain, grief - i will not let you down. i will not let myself down.

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