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hi baby,

i will never grew tired of saying how i love you

i really appreciated you snuggling up as we watch your favorite tv program

and how you like everything i fancy

from my love of movies, music

from u2, their songs, the concerts we watched

you even asked me to fill your mp3 player with u2 songs

you are becoming so like me

tho i always tell you to be yourself and

i will understand if you like things that are opposite of mine

coz you have to be your own person

i love you very much

you're the best thing that ever happen to me



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I can't believe my instincts are right...

You'll always be a pus, darling....no matter how hard you try.

I want you to suck my kiss so that you'll realize you're nothing but a crapshit and how pathetic you are.

Get a life!





I can't believe you said that, you piece of sh!t!

You finally convinced me that your small brain packed with 500% IQ level is just up your a$s.

Why don't you join PONDSCUM and get a life together?

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how do you manage to do that? you outwit me with your stupid lines, unnerve me with your clumsy moves, destroy my resolve with a single, seemingly worthless smile. i sincerely hate that when you come around, i acquiese. it's mental warfare that shouldn't exist. we fight for nothing, will win nothing in the end and we stand to lose practically everything. so why indulge?


ahhh the painful, stabbing need to acquire that which cannot be owned.

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often misquoted, frequently misinterpreted, always underestimated...ganyan ka. pero masarap, lalo na yun "indi naman pala ganun" moments hehehe. napupumlit magpaka low profile, obvious naman...so no use. you are an oxymoron poster child.


isa ka mga taong madaling kainisan, laging may nayayabangan. ang maganda sayo, kadalasan sa mga naiinis sayo na babae eh pag niligawan mo ay nagiging girlfriend mo. galing, 8 exes na as of this moment. nakaka tawa diba. sa mga lalake naman eh taena nila. nagkataon lang na mas poge ka, heheheh. good job. be happy always parekoys



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to the both of you,


I know I will always be your little girl, but please! I'm no longer a baby. You know I made a wise choice, and you know that he has proven that a lot of times already. I also know that you now love him like your own. You also know that we are doing everything right, the way you want it and the way we think it should be done - and it's not like we're going to do it tomorrow, so don't panic! At our own pace, with our own preferences. At the very least, I just want you to know that it was decided upon because of the right reason, not anything else. This one was well thought about. I appreciate your concern, but this is about us, so stop making it like this one big Nia Vardalos movie because it soooooooo feels like it! From the both of you down to the relatives! It makes us laugh, and cringe, and frustrated just thinking about what's happening, but please... not in real life!


Remember, it will be just us when we get there so we might as well start training ourselves for that right now. The both of you won't be there. And I just want to point out that HE will be the MASTER of OUR house, much like you are the master of yours, so it will be our decision... from how we want it to be when that time comes down to our future plans. We're trying to understand and we're not saying anything yet because I know he has the tendency to be just like you in the future and we know you are just being parents, but please prepare yourself to let go. Just the way it should be.



Haaaaay.... parents!



I love you, but I'm not that little girl anymore. :)




mini you





nice to vent out, but this one I have to tell you sooner or later. hope you'd understand. i love you, but this time, I have to be firm.




and stop asking me or lecturing me about my sex life! He is very much satisfied, so I don't need the tutorials. it sounds so eeeew! we'd rather keep that part to ourselves.





Gaylord Focker,



interrogations, etcetera, from my side to yours. how many more are we going to go through? :lol: and we haven't switched on your mom's "ON" button yet! waaah! I can just imagine when that happens. thanks for the endurance.


same plans. our plans. no rush. breathe. :)






Edited by BallBreaker
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you have got an UNBELIEVABLE amount of nerve. after all you've done and after having gotten rid of me for the flimsiest of reasons, what makes you think you can waltz into my life all over again and think that you can get me back just by saying "deep down, i really love you?"


oh, please. ants make footprints deeper than how you'll ever truly feel. you have no idea what it really means to love. i'm sick of this selfish, infantile behavior of yours. there have been way too many encore performances, and i'm fed up being ringside. you made your choice back then. deal with the consequences.


so do me a favor and disappear.


for good.




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wouldn't reply cause you know am on to you and your manipulative ways........

too scared to show yourself because everything you have done was for selfish old you......no audience to speak of..... tired of your monologues....

had to bring someone in to cast in your play so your show would be fresh and talked about again.......


my only fault was to care about somebody like family.....and i am condemned for that, then fine cause in the end when you tire of her (which you keep on telling us) and when she has slit her wrists like you wanted.... we will always be there for her because thats what true friends are......


oohh and sorry i had to say this.... i want this to end for all our sakes and i know any attention given to you would just make you happy cause at least you would still get people to notice you... cause in the end thats just what you really want.

Edited by tessa215
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hey yaa,


we are better off this way.

so we could avoid to complicate

our already complicated lives.

keep a distance and i'll keep mine

but when i see you..i hope i can kiss.







i hope to see you again

i'll miss your "pang-aasar"





Edited by yeehaa
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why did you leave me with a broken heart?


is it because you're falling for me too? or have you fallen for me long before i told you how i felt?


it's not my style to beg, but let me just tell you that let's talk for a while and sort things out...


let's not leave each other hanging on for dear life...


it's been a while....

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dearest monkey,


musta na? im back in mtc just because i have nothing better to do today... reregistered member ako i guess... but i dont really miss mtc much... i think i've outgrown it after a year of being here...


i'm sorry i turned down your (ehem) chicken inasal invitation last Monday... pasig was it? i had issues... i still do... plus im a loyal customer of that favorite joint of ours... butterflies all the way!


anyway... when you texted me the following day (Tuesday afternoon i think) about how you miss me and i asked "why?" and you said you just do... with the sad face and the sigh... that had me thinking... again... i miss you too, babe... so much... and i started thinking about us again... all those months we were together... haaaayyyy... your messages always do magic on me... and im happy that even after more than 2 months of putting up a "cold wall" as you call it, you're still there... still reaching out... all i can do is sigh... sorry for ignoring your messages... sorry for pushing you away... i just thought that was the right thing to do... pre-Holy Week resolution ko yata un eh... i really wish you have a good life with her... even if it's not perfect... i wish you'd find the real happiness you deserve because what you have is sacred...


and still i miss you...


i miss your loft sa malayong doon... just hanging out... playing house... sleeping... kissing... cuddling... watching dvd... making love all day and all night til the next day... more than 24 hours of anne-time at a time... those were deliriously happy thursdays for us... september was a good month...


i miss your bedroom sa malapit na doon... and how we had to keep quiet so that we wont get discovered...


i appreciate you driving from that far off town of yours in the morning... so that you can pick me up in this far off town of mine before lunch... just so we can go back to that far off town of yours again for late lunch... don't think that effort went unnoticed... i miss you spoiling me and doing those crazy and impractical things for me... :flowers:


i miss our 5minutes that extended to more than half an hour each time... getting out of bed was just difficult...


during our first three months... we used to go out every week... sometimes twice a week... all hours of the day... how can i not miss those times? you'd pick me up and bring me home all the time... im sorry i could not introduce you to my mom even when you wanted me to... i just didn't want to lie to her further...


i miss our daily marathon chat and text sessions... man... one chat went on for more than 12 hours non-stop... i know i can always talk to you... and i like the fact that i could...


i miss fighting with you... and forgetting all about it 5 minutes later...


i miss our trips to uhm... which serves uhm... other things aside from chicken inasal... too bad we didnt get our discount card... hahaha... at least a dozen times yata tayo dun... naikot ba natin lahat ng themes? ;)


i miss you holding my hand during our long drives in and out of town... i miss caressing your arm and back and nape and how you'd purse your lower lip as you drive...


i miss lake caliraya... i miss that huge church we could not find the entrance to... i miss that chapel with an underground crypt... i miss them because i went there with you...


i miss watching you wade your feet in the waters of wawa like a child... we only went there together once and you said we'd be going again to go spelunking... will we ever have the opportunity to do that?


i miss planning our next adventures... even if they weren't feasible... baguio... subic... sayang... i wish we did those when we had the chance...


i miss tagaytay and dining overlooking taal... i think that was the time you were still figuring out how you'd kiss me... nagpapa-cute ka pa nun... remember your monologue on yellow? the answer to your question is YES, i would most likely have...


i miss your "im invisible" message... i remember the movie Sliding Doors... that was our Sliding Door moment, babe...


i miss you telling me those three magic words... and the mini-you-and-me you used to talk about... precious little ones...


i miss your kisses... oh well... i miss kissing in general... i miss you lying on top of me exhausted and how you'd kiss me after... oh sweet... our last time felt so good... too bad i couldn't kiss back that day... i think i got the virus from you in late january and i just never recovered from it until early march because of the many activities i had... hahaha... seriously... the same thing happened in october... when you got sick... and i had the same symptoms a week later... see... sometimes you just weren't good for me... :upside:


i miss a lot of things about you...i miss being crazy with you... i miss your dry wit... i miss those useless pieces of trivia you'd throw my way... i miss your smile and how your eyes smile with the rest of your face... it was that staring session we had that drove you crazy, am i right? ;) i still think i won that contest because you cheated... you had your eyes closed for a time... :D


i think i know why it happened on my end... it was due to that huge piece of chocolate cake you served me one afternoon in september... you placed a large dose of love potion in it... jesus... that cake was so huge it took me until morning to finish it... that was the same morning you were torturing yourself as to whether you should do it or not...


have i mentioned i miss you cooking breakfast and dinner? i also miss driving through BK and getting those huge burgers... and how i'd hold your burger as you drive and eat... or we'd just find a place to park and have a quick bite... i miss our late night bites in one of your fave quick fix place...


i miss posting your name and you posting mine... and how we were so obvious and obviously not... hahaha...


i miss writing love letters for you and crying as i do... :cry: and not having the courage to give them to you... given what we were... i was so scared of giving anything that you could keep... :cry: :cry: :cry:


i miss a lot more things about you but i cant put them all down in one post...


i miss you so much... and yet i know i did the thing which would be best for you... even though it hurts... and i have lost sleep and weight and tears over it... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: i did it before for someone else... and it still hurts like crazy...


you know how i feel for you... i need not say it here...




always yours,


banana :heart:

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