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you know...




people change. :(


even the person you thought you knew the most changes. :mellow:


and even though it hurts to see them go, you have to move on, for the sweet memories are all you have and things...

things might never ever be the same :cry:

Edited by dixiechiq
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thanks you for appreciating my existence

i know now that somebody would want to be with me


but i'm sorry this is as far as we could be.....


your a pretty person yourself

kind,sweet,thoughtful, in general :blush:


your someone that everyone wants :)


i like you....

i really do... :blush:

but there's something i got to prove...

and i can't risk you in it.....


i don't want to hurt anyone....

as much as possible


if i could be the one

and the only one who will emotionally get hurt

then i would take it....



but not you too..... :(


i know you'll understand this but

please get over it


your 25 minutes to late

im sorry

i need space....

i just wanted to be happy....

for you...





friends is all i can give


i'm sorry please accept it...


i can be your shoulder to lean on

can be your knight in shining armor

your laughing stock in times of pain and agony

i can be your everything....

but not that one...


i want to be everybodies friend

that's all


Edited by rexter
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to you who must not be named,


i've been looking at you and reading your posts...


can i ask you something?


can you just violate me with a wine bottle before you post something there AGAIN?






it's "be nice" week for me.


i'm sorry.


prolly residuals from last night.








Edited by dixiechiq
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you should have known.


you were the only one. you took too long, and it was already very painful when i finally decided to let go.


that was supposed to be my closure, now four years old. yet until now, your memories disturb me... unbearably.


so please know, through the whispering of the wind, that I still love you, and I shall never let go.

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Having to defend myself on a daily basis get's really tiring especially when I've done nothing wrong.

If you don't want to believe me that's fine with me. I told you what I told you and if you choose not to do anything with this piece of information then that is also more than fine with me. What you don't realise is, the more you question me, the more you're just throwing it back in my face. I just wanted to be friends, I never lied about that, I didn't lie about my status or my intentions and yet you continue to mock me.


Consider this my final goodbye to you.

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can you teach me how to TRUST you again...

give me HOPE... increase my FAITH..


i don't know how to live like this and i am afraid.

i don't know how to face everything... BUT i know YOU will teach me..

you'll hold me and never let go of me..


just bring me back to your arms, please.

bring my heart near you.

i cannot live everyday with all doubts and fears deep in my heart, afraid that other poeple will leave me eventually, when I know you're there.

i cannot live everynight that tears are falling, afraid of being alone, afraid of where the future would take me.


it's too unfair for YOU when all you do is love me and accept me again and again...

and yet a simple act of trusting you is hard for me to do.


teach me LORD.. bring me back to you...

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