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i've just been told that your last post in that thread was actually a direct attack on me. ok ka rin, 'no? kailangan mo pang sabihin kay bn. for what? so i don't miss the sarcasm?


why don't you react to posts of other girls here who may want some of YOUR attention? i don't, alright? i post at mtc to practice my spelling. :rolleyes:


i don't drop words to impress. if they happen to be used in some of my posts, it is only because they're the first words that come to mind. i'm sure your magnificent mind gets that.


also, feeling mo si plato ka at kung makapang-mata ka ng marunong-runong sumulat ganun na lang? na wala ng magaling kundi mga skilled workers na kagaya mo? :rolleyes: :thumbsdownsmiley:


manong, bi-bingo ka na. :evil:



Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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Guest chunky



I can't be alone. I have always needed someone beside me. Someone to talk with, cry with, share my dreams with. I always have that need to be with someone, and I have tried so much to make things work.


But I am alone. I always have been. I always will be. Even though I am with someone, I can't help but know that at the end of the day, I will be alone.


Ironic, it is, I know. A man who can't be alone, but fated to be. Thus is my curse.


But you know what? I thought, I felt the curse lifted from my shoulders that moment I laid eyes on you. I saw my future changed. I saw that although I am alone, I am alone with you. I was willing to sacrifice whatever I had to to just to see that through.


As I said, the road to that future is a rough one. What happened had to happen, and I tried my best to prevent it. I tried my best for it not to pass. But it had to happen.


For the first time in my long and tiresome life, I have come to fully realize that my visions are there not for me to see it through or prevent. I see them them because I am in a position to see them, and notwithstanding, nothing I do will ever change them.


But you had. I thought you wanted to know the visions I saw because you wanted to see them through. I thought you were ready to sacrifice a small piece of yourself to make sure that it is you and I at the end of the road.


I was wrong. And you were selfish. But I cannot, and will not blame you for choosing otherwise.


I love you. I always will. You are wrong to tell me that all I need is time, when the truth is, all I ever need and wanted is you.


I can't have you. The short time we had together, when our souls meld as one, I shall cherish forever. For that, you can't have me, not even my words which you feed on.


I deny you my existence. I deny you my presence. I deny you.


Yet, I love you still...




Edited by chunky
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Guest simply_miss

At night I lay and think of you hoping my wishes and dreams come true

At night I wonder can this be the end is this all that's left

At night I wish we could go to the way things were

At night I lay and cry about the things that happened and how it all ended

At night I lay and think of us, I mean you and I

At night I realize there's no more us

At night I dream of us together again

At night I wish for us to be together again

But in the morning I realize it was all

At Night

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Guest globetrotter

i thought it will be a nice day. the posts i read dampened my spirit.i felt sad. but i realize i cant prevent you for doing such things. who am i to do that? i thought i will not be affected by such but it seems im wrong.wala lang.

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for you...


that was just a conversation in passing.

im sorry - we just made a joke out of that...it did not mean a thing.


you know what, i wouldnt even call it a conversation.

i was too distracted by my injury to respons properly to that person.


it did not mean a thing.

im sorry.


...from me

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36 months will have passed...

36 months that begun with bliss...

36 months that will be missed...


Closure is the price to complete my healing...

Closure will allow me to remember yet not weep...

Closure will enable me to discard our mementos...

Closure is the price of peace in my heart...


Knowing you are where you need to be...

Knowing you have someone who cares for you...

Knowing you have moved on lessens my guilt...


Time to say goodbye my dear...




Just the other day I said hello to you.

Now it seems like time has passed us by.

I wish there was a treasure I could show to you

To make our love grow and never die.


Now it’s time to say goodbye

I don’t know why

Things happen as they do

Now I think I’m gonna cry

But at least I know we tried

Oh baby it’s time to say goodbye.


Goodbye to all the things we hold so dear to us.

Goodbye to all the things we used to do.

Goodbye to everybody far and near to us

But that won’t ever stop me from loving you.


Now it’s time to say goodbye

I don’t know why

Things happen as they do w/ only you

Wish I didn’t have to go

But deep inside I know

That baby it’s time to say goodbye.

It’s time to say goodbye


It’s time to say goodbye to all the things we used to do

It’s time to say goodbye to all the family and friends

It’s time to say goodbye to all the friends we used to see now

Even though I know that this is really not the end



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Dear Sir,


I could have written this in my journal, but after some soul-searching, I decided not to do so. Perhaps I just wanted to pay some tribute to a great man, especially since I wasn’t able to attend your wake and your funeral. I’m sorry, Sir, I just didn’t know. I would have been there had I known, but I learned about it months later. And some time after that, I had my own deep personal losses to deal with.


I visited your grave for the first time last Monday. It was nice to see that your final resting place in this world looks well. I laid some flowers and a clipping of one of your articles there.


Quite appropriately, it rained.


You were a great man, Sir. The records will attest to that. This is my simple contribution.


Sir, I know you suffered a lot during the last five years or so of your life. You lost two sons. Your wife suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Perhaps there was some sense of divine mercy that you passed away within a year of your beloved wife.


You had a great way of putting things. Back in 1993, while we were in Bacolod, a convention organizer invited you to attend a workshop. What did you say? “But workshops are talkshops!” At one time, you came to my home for some personal matters, and you remarked, “You’re like Edgar Allan Poe!” because of the glass of vodka before me .


I disappointed you a lot of times, but I can never forget how, at one time, you actually called me a friend. You may remember, Sir, that I was just close to 30 when we met. You were already 75,.


You were my mentor in things professional and otherwise. I never dared to call you my friend, but how I enjoyed all those vegetarian meals we shared at Organix (now gone) along Jupiter St. Or even how we saw a certain Comelec official in an unexpected outburst at AIM. We really laughed then.


During our last lunch together, you said to me, “It doesn’t matter what you achieve. As long as you’ve raised good children, you’ve done well.”


The last time we talked, over the phone, we were supposed to have lunch again. It never happened.


I can no longer say “Take care,” Sir, because something in me says that now, far from us, you are happy with your wife and sons.


So please whisper a bit to whoever is in charge of the universe. Some of us who are still here could use some help.


I miss you, Sir. I really do.

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to you up there


...i see that desperation it is not.

remember, acknowledging your vulnerability leads to strength and success, and embracing it is courage.


memoirs are meant to stay, it is futile to resist. instead, cherish, learn and treasure. such, you never lose no matter what the outcome.


hats off to you...


-from me down here





....hey, its been a while MC

but dont think i havent been watching all this time.







SG, Q, S & W,


ran out of bullets to fire or targets to shoot?

i hope its both

pinocchio had a nose longer than yours but he knew where to stick it up.

don't stick yours where it doesnt belong.

go ahead trace this, it doesn't matter if you find out where this leads.

don't think you ever had me, i just hushed for the sake of many.

remember i'm no angel, i'm not easy to get rid of. but stay silent and so shall i.



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Guest simply_miss

For whatever its worth.... Thank you.


But, now I will teach myself to stop hoping that things will be fine one day

I tried to give you my right hand but you weren't responsive

I tried to give you my ear, but you just won't speak as it used to



Then I started wondering, what did you I do wrong?

Why I have to be hurt this way

When all what I gave was pure and sincere friendship....


We're are too old for this... and I hope you realize it

I can only give so much and if you won't take it

I'll stop....and turn my back on you....


Think of everything you said....

Or you just said all those things just to make me feel good

Or a back up in case you need a companion?


Am sorry, I believed every word you said back then

But, I know better now...and I see the real you

Hope one day, you'll learn to appreciate people who truly cared for you.


This is my final goodbye to you....


Just hope that one day, when we crossed our paths, we'd be able to just say....HI or HELLO to a former friend.....




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If you think you have not been found. Think again.


If you think your threats scare me. They dont.


If you think that for one moment, I am bothered by that threat.... I am not.


Be thankful I have kept my silence. Be thankful that I have chosen not to speak. Yet.


You know how disastrous the consequences will be if I do chose to speak.


Pay back what you owe and let us put an end to this sad and sorry chapter of our lives.


You never deserved the friendship you were given by any of us. You have woven a web of lies and deceit so complicated. Worse, you have begun to believe those lies and live in deceit.


You do not deserve to be even remotely associated to the flame that was and lives forever.


Dont drop threats. Not now. Not ever.


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i was very surprised and upset at the same time when you said what you said about your life.


i saw you wed to that petite chinese metiza girl. everyone in the family had only one thing in mind. she was such a catch. a perfect catch. yeah, i'm into perfect movies these days.


not once did i think that you, having been sheltered and shielded from any form of pain and unpleasantness in our youth, would someday call your life boring.


you have a good job, a pretty wife, three lovely kids, a house of your own in the city, a farm in the province. and you are so young.


i must admit i'm afraid for you. you are a good man, a very good man. please, don't resort to a life like those of most married men. you don't need their kind of life. you don't need to prove you're better than most men, because you are.


you take care.



Edited by KristinLavransdatr
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When I'm out ... I think about you. What you're doing ... if you're ok.


It's HARD to forget you ... my memories of our sweet moments.


Hope life's treating you well.


Am hanging on ... coping ... struggling and SURVIVING!


I do love you ... there will always be that special place in my heart only you were able to tap into.


I miss you TERRIBLY!



Edited by barenaked
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