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Random Thoughts Thread

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I guess this could be considered as a random thought..As I'm thinking of why do people cheat?


Well one could be all bitter and be such a hater...because you were the one that got the short end of the deal..natural reaction..

However, looking in retrospect...there are always reasons..there must be at least one reason...

...One might not have satisfied his/her partner in such a way that it led to disappointment and thus the latter looked for ways to be satisfied..

...One might have gotten too needy..too demanding..Suffocating the precious air out of one's partner.. :thumbsdownsmiley:

Several reasons really...But bottomline is that, we are as much accountable as our 'cheating' partner is..


..or is it just in the natural order of things that people live in such promiscuousity :lol: - stemming perhaps from the fact that we just can't get contented


I once heard that attraction is pretty much straightforward...You could build that attraction, yet you could lose it as well (probably much quicker than the building part)..


That said, after a failed relationship/fling/etc, blow off some steam, yet ask ones self "where did I go wrong".."What could have I done better". Contemplate on things to better understand the events that have happened..be logical..


Life, for me, is a never ending process of hits and misses..of crash and burns..of learnings...Game On! :)

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it's hard running away from my issues. why am i such a coward? why do i need to cover up and not face them point blank? they say i like pain but on second thought, i detest it in some ways. i'm too extreme that there are times when i drown myself in happiness which will then cause me sleepless nights of sorrow. i fear being unable to walk away. i fear being unable to gasp for air when i can't bob my feet under water. i fear.




i wanna know how to not fear this fear. i am woman. partly, i will not deny: i need a stamp that i am worthy. that i am what makes his day. that i am what he looks forward to -- morning, noon and night. that i am his ever faithful goddess. that glorious beauty who would satisfy his every spitting longings and desires.

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I guess the sakura falls on this cold winter.... I don't know how long will it take for my leaves to fall, i guess I can only knew if my last leaf is dying...... but, i need to continue.... i guess and i am hoping... when this winter's end, I will bloom...and this time it will be summer......


but again....

if its only during winter that i will rest assured I'll be happy and alive.... then perhaps I can hold a little more for my last leaf....passing the summer.... until im back on my winter....


i am missing you :)

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an alpha animal? its a nice thought that it exists..how she wishes that it does.

after going through episodes of meeting pigs, rams, toads and varied species of crocodiles, she wishes she could meet the one, the only, the best...


magic wands, potions, spells, decrees, poems and even virgins of breathtaking beauties cannot trap something that exists only in the minds of those who only see warts, scales, grime and fangs of pigs, rams, toads and the varied species of crocodiles...

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