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Random Thoughts Thread

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Search for that one thing, that tiny light within, the one that has guided you all throughout life; that small speck which has never failed you, the one that has led you towards the better path when you were walking or treading on dangerous territory. Once you find it, hold on to it, tight. Never let it go. Keep it close. Let it shine. Let that spark into your consciousness. Allow it to flood your being. Then, I hope when you do, you can all say to yourselves - THIS IS ME. THIS IS WHO I AM. FLAWS AND ALL.

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Where have all the good quality men gone? The men who would have decent conversation to know you beyond your looks, gestures and public persona? Gone have all the men who would ask you to date, instead of just hanging out, define your relationship instead of just keeping it cool and taking things slow instead of expecting things to come off way too easy. Gone have all these men and all replaced with boys.

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