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Random Thoughts Thread

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Quite funny how the tide turns, i just couldn't imagine after five years of on and off thing you will be able to do such a thing. I never acted on my gut feel before but yesterday was an exception. My heart was beating so loudly that it was trying to tell me to go and see, look what's really happening. At first i hesitated, what if it turned out right, the pain and anguish again but then again i thought to myself atleast it'll be finally over. On one hand, just let it be, things left unsaid or not know are better than getting hurt. Betrayal perhaps would be the most bitter pill of them all.


With the dust clearing, i'm thinking, should i fight for something that the other person don't want anymore or not even sure of? Futile indeed. On one side, someone's whispering, let it go... but what if she's just confused... she said she ain't sure anymore but she said she still loves you... isn't worth the case of pursuing it again? Everything ended so abruptly, it could be an ending really written not giving a sequel to it. I say, there would be karma in any lifetime. It is just so difficult to shut off all the memories, the what could have beens... My mind's totally random at this point, mad at one point, begging at one time, indifferent, slowly going through kublher's stages of death... denial... anger... bargaining... acceptance in no particular order...


Perhaps today would seal the deal, tomorrow will forget the past.


Why... i thought you were different...

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Hindi na bale ang tanga, huwag lang pangit....

hindi na bale ang pangit, huwang lang masama ang ugali....

hindi na bale and masamang ugali, huwag lang mayabang....

hindi na bale ang mayabang, basta mayaman....


Kawawa talaga ay ang taong pangit na, masama pa ang ugali, napakayabang pa, wala namang sariling sasakyan at tatanga-tanga pa.


Mas kawawa ay ang taong pangit na, masama pa ang ugali, mayabang, walang sariling sasakyan, tatanga-tanga AT may kasintahan na kasing pangit nya, kasing sama ng ugali, magkasingyabang, wala rin sariling sasakyan at tatanga-tanga rin.


PINAKAKAWAWA ay ang mga magiging anak nila.




..........................bow. :lol:

Edited by rockybrawler
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