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Poll: Imagination Versus Knowledge

Imagination Versus Knowledge  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Imagination more important than knowledge?

    • Yes
    • No

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I'm just curious to know what (and how) the people of MTC think about this: Is Imagination more Important than Knowledge?


According to a certain theoretical physicist that "Imagination is more important than knowledge...".


This is quite uncommon quote to any ordinary individuals like us. But if we go on a deeper level, we'll discover something. Of course, others will argue otherwise.


Now, do your role. Play as the devil advocate. And justify your stand. There is no right or wrong answers here.


Why imagination or knowledge?

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Imagination is the path to greater knowledge and vice-versa. Neither can be considered more important than the other because they co-exist. For example, one cannot create a work of art without imagination but the only way for you to actually create it, one needs some form of knowledge ie, how to apply paint on a canvas or how to build the canvas yourself. and this is why we have schools, otherwise if we can all survive through imagination alone then we wouldn't need anything else and we'll just all sit and gaze at the stars and grow old without lifting a finger. Knowledge from learning or experience is something one cannot avoid and is part of our evolution as a species and is passed on from one generation to another but our personal knowledge can also driven by our imagination which is unique to us as individuals. It is this unique ability of humans that enables us to create great works of art and send men to the moon. Imagination enables us to be creative whether out of necessity or something else and knowledge brings that creativity out of the mind and into the real world.

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Knowledge is important in our daily lives. I agree that imagination can make as innovative but you have to know known facts - if you do this, this is what will happen, or if you avoid this then we get to a certain goal.


Knowledge is your foundation that's why it's more imporrant than imagination.


Let out it this way, imagination without knowledge is mostly insignificant - you can't produce much or purely concept, simply intangible.

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Best story to describe this is the tale of the Emperor's New Clothes. The tailors who planned the heist and trick the kingdom had the imagination. But the people including the Emperor learned new knowledge. The innocent child who blew the whistle had no prior knowledge unlike the rest of the crowd.


Pretty much the same situation for communists who display great knowledge of Marx or Mao. Despite failures, communists pursue the ideal set by another person, in this case, Marx or Mao. It is proven wrong and non-working for the human condition, yet because of poor knowledge people infected with strong idealism are stuck or chained like captives on another's boxed or packaged imagination of reality.


Maybe thinking out of the box, pursuing creativity and innovation are about keeping an active imagination. Learning from others is fine, no need to repeat mistakes. But knowledge can be poor, misleading or erroneous too. Thus for knowledge, it shall always be Cavaet Emptor.

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“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Albert Einstein



Hello there. I will be happy to know your own insights as the quote above was the actual reference of the topic thread. However, I'm glad by this post of yours.:) ;)

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Knowledge is limiting.
Imagination will move you further.

Knowledge is a tool.

Imagination is your drive.


Knowledge is now.
Imagination is tomorrow.


Knowledge is acquired externally or by experimentation.

Imagination is extending the knowledge acquired.

People who makes the world moving forward are those who imagine not those who are knowledgeable.

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