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Musta? How Are You Today? Happy? Sad? etc.

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ok akop infact happy because my 2 yr old daughter is well na wala ng lagnat (which she had for 5 days) and wala na rin rashes (which came out after her fever was gone) yung rashes singaw lang daw yun sabi ng pedia nya. kaya to all dads and moms dito, if your child has or had the same illness as my daughter did, wala yun lagnat laki ng yun :D

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ok akop infact happy because my 2 yr old daughter is well na wala ng lagnat (which she had for 5 days) and wala na rin rashes (which came out after her fever was gone) yung rashes singaw lang daw yun sabi ng pedia nya. kaya to all dads and moms dito, if your child has or had the same illness as my daughter did, wala yun lagnat laki ng yun :D

this is me na log out ako eh ewan koba <_<

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I looove my life! :*


I have the greatest friends in the world...and the most wonderful guy who says he loves me more than his home theater! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Seriously, last Saturday's melancholy flew out of the window the minute my guy fetched me from school...And the party was absof#&kinglutely wild I can still see tongue duels eveytime i'd close my eyes! Wooohooo!!!

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(for the moment)


ive said it once, and ill say it again...

that was one helluva party *heheheh*


the bumps and the grinds...

the rubs and the grabs...

the sweat and the saliva...

the tongues and the kisses...


woohoo...i love the taste of alcohol in the morning!

about 2-3 in the morning :boo: *heheheh*


par-tey on people!

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WOW!! seems u guys did have a great time..

too bad.. wasnt there to witness and be a part of all the fun..

guess i just have to wait for my time hehe...


its 12:30midnight.. gotta hit the sack and be ready for tomorrow's work.. hehe.. mmmm what lies ahead? i dont know.. i just wish something different and amazing happens..

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