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The End of the American Century?

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Clinton Mistress: Bill Told Me Hillary Is Bisexual


by Tony Lee 22 Sep 2013

Bill Clinton's former mistress alleged that Hillary Clinton is a bisexual in a recent interview.


Gennifer Flowers, who reportedly had an affair with Bill Clinton for 12 years, told the Daily Mail that the former President did not care that his wife had sexual relations with men and women.


"I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn't care," Flowers told the publication. "He should know. He said Hillary had eaten more p*ssy than he had."


She also claimed Bill Clinton was the love of her life, and they would be together had Chelsea Clinton not been born.


"Bill and I would be together today if it wasn't for politics," Flowers said. "It was me, Bill, and Hillary. Then they had Chelsea and the stakes got too high."



I thought the Clintons will never surprise me again. I was wrong.

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Clinton Mistress: Bill Told Me Hillary Is Bisexual


by Tony Lee 22 Sep 2013

Bill Clinton's former mistress alleged that Hillary Clinton is a bisexual in a recent interview.


Gennifer Flowers, who reportedly had an affair with Bill Clinton for 12 years, told the Daily Mail that the former President did not care that his wife had sexual relations with men and women.


"I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn't care," Flowers told the publication. "He should know. He said Hillary had eaten more p*ssy than he had."


She also claimed Bill Clinton was the love of her life, and they would be together had Chelsea Clinton not been born.


"Bill and I would be together today if it wasn't for politics," Flowers said. "It was me, Bill, and Hillary. Then they had Chelsea and the stakes got too high."



I thought the Clintons will never surprise me again. I was wrong.


You think there's any through to this article? Even if there were, I don't think it should play any role by the oppostion to discredit the demorcrats. Hillary's lifestyle is really none of our business.

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You think there's any through to this article? Even if there were, I don't think it should play any role by the oppostion to discredit the demorcrats. Hillary's lifestyle is really none of our business.


except for when her suspected lover works with organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, and also serves as her assistant.


Hillary has been lying since she was a young lawyer thrown out of the Nixon trials for unethical behavior.

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You think there's any through to this article? Even if there were, I don't think it should play any role by the oppostion to discredit the demorcrats. Hillary's lifestyle is really none of our business.

it was spreading on both spheres. i took it with a grain of salt. i read or heard most of the names they called hillary clinton before, "carpet muncher" was absolutely not one of them. the comments on the sites were hilarious.

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except for when her suspected lover works with organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, and also serves as her assistant.


Hillary has been lying since she was a young lawyer thrown out of the Nixon trials for unethical behavior.

Well that's another thing altogether. Any documentation to show that Hillary's suspected lover has links to the Muslim Brotherhood?

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Score a win for the Republicans:


U.S. Government shuts down

Yes but the ire of the American people may be focused on the Republicans especially Democrats who will side with Obama. Many will say that the intransigence of the Republicans is what to blame for the shut-down.


This is sure to polarize Americans. Hope, for the sake of the American people, the American economy and the world in general, that some sort of compromise is arrived at. The sooner the better.

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After causing the U.S. Government to shut down by not passing the budget,

the House Republicans have the gall to complain about the adverse effects the shutdown is causing the American people.


What a bunch of Tea Party morons.


are you, in effect, saying you like Obamacare? if so, what about it do you like? do you also like that Nancy Pelosi has given waivers in her district, mostly to friends? what do you think about the individual mandate, do you like that individuals can pay a $100 fine for not buying into it, and then get insurance on the day they need it, sans screenings?


besides, hasn't the GOP made 3 proposals on keeping the fed funded? who shot that down?

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Well that's another thing altogether. Any documentation to show that Hillary's suspected lover has links to the Muslim Brotherhood?


her assistant's links to the brotherhood? yes, those are searchable.


her assistant being her lover, too? that's just my take. though i might not be completely off-base on this one. gumshoeing hillary. ph34r.gif thanks for the follow-up q.

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Palin Calls for Civil Disobedience at WWII Memorial 'Barrycades'


by Tony Lee 2 Oct 2013


Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has called on Obama administration employees to engage in civil disobedience and allow veterans to access Washington's World War II memorial during the federal government's ongoing partial shutdown.

Palin wrote in a Facebook post Wednesday that it is "beyond shameful to see Barack Obama disrespect and mistreat our World War II veterans so blatantly," charging that he sent more guards to bar World War II heroes from seeing their memorial after the government shut down than he sent to Benghazi to protect Americans under assault by terrorists.


"Obama’s political stunt to 'shut down' their memorial by barricade is to elicit an angry response," she asserted, "to generate bad publicity for people the president uses in his continual blame game."


To make her point, Palin linked to a photo of a singular barricade at the World War I memorial. "The difference is obvious. There aren’t any World War I veterans alive today to mistreat in a shameful political stunt," she wrote. "He’s deployed more guards to bar our World War II heroes from their memorial than he sent to Benghazi when our consulate was under attack."


She told "Obama employees who know in your hearts and souls that punishing our veterans is wrong" that "we have your backs when you say 'enough is enough' and then allow our vets to gaze upon our memorials that honor America’s finest."


"This simple act of civil disobedience will galvanize our nation against atrocious political games, and I promise you’ll sleep well tonight," she said to them.


Palin also said Obama is "treating our veterans the same way he treated school kids when he cancelled their White House tours" by closing down certain Washington memorials and threatening veterans who go past the barricades (or "Barrycades") with arrest.


"When times called for obvious government belt-tightening, he took it out on kids rather than look for anything that would affect him personally," Palin wrote. "And while our vets are barricaded from the memorial they built with their heroism, the government 'slim down' won’t affect Obama’s golf game or his family’s White House chefs."





Service Academy Football Games Cancelled For The 'Optics'

by Debra Heine 2 Oct 2013

In response to During Sequester, Park Ranger Claimed Supervisors Wanted People to 'Feel the Pain': Ace has unleashed his flaming skull for this NRO story, calling it "government by spite."


The Naval Academy Athletics Director said that he was told that reason the cost-free Navy/Air Force game had to be cancelled was for "the optics".


Asked why the Department of Defense was suspending intercollegiate athletic contests if government funds are not required, Gladchuk said he was told it was about “optics.”




“It’s a perception thing. Apparently it doesn’t resonate with all the other government agencies that have been shut down,” Gladchuk said.

This is how the Regime rolls, and it's really quite vexing because this nonsense didn't help Obama win the Sequester argument earlier this year. They overplayed their hand, and Obama's approval rating actually tanked as a result.


To me, it just looks spiteful.







During Sequester, Park Ranger Claimed Supervisors Wanted People to 'Feel the Pain'

by John Sexton 2 Oct 2013


I mentioned this earlier but I think it deserves its own post. During the debate over the sequester cuts a park ranger came forward to claim that his supervisors seemed to be trying to insure the public would feel the pain:

A U.S. park ranger, who did not wish to be identified, told FoxNews.com that supervisors within the National Park Service overruled plans to deal with the budget cuts in a way that would have had minimal impact on the public. Instead, the source said, park staff were told to cancel special events and cut "interpretation services" -- the talks, tours and other education services provided by local park rangers.


"Apparently, they want the public to feel the pain," the ranger said.


This seems relevant now that park rangers are once again being used to shut down open air memorials in Washington D.C. These memorials, including the Lincoln Memorial, WWII Memorial and MLK Memorial, are normally open to the public 24/7 with no ranger supervision after hours.


A park service spokesman claimed he had "never heard of guidance given like that."



The job of an opposition party is to provide checks and balances. They're now called arsonists, terrorists, blackmailers, anarchists, and every insult you can think of. The tea party were the ones responsible for the Republicans taking over the House of Representatives in 2010. We have yet to see how effective they are in 5 weeks in Virginia, in 2014, and in 2016.


I despise all of the establishment Republicans. Most of them are in the Senate. They're going against their constituents while the statists have taken over. Only the ordinary people can stop them. Their champion, Senator Ted Cruz, has a solution to this shutdown; fund the government piecemeal.


We are also witnessing the worst job killer in history. They say Obamacare is the law of the land. So was the Fugitive Slave Act. Bad and unjust laws must be repealed.



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are you, in effect, saying you like Obamacare? if so, what about it do you like? do you also like that Nancy Pelosi has given waivers in her district, mostly to friends? what do you think about the individual mandate, do you like that individuals can pay a $100 fine for not buying into it, and then get insurance on the day they need it, sans screenings?


besides, hasn't the GOP made 3 proposals on keeping the fed funded? who shot that down?



Intertwining the Obamacare issue with the Congressional duty to pass a budget is what is wrong with the Tea Party move. The Tea Party is basically holding hostage the U.S. government unless it capitulates to the Tea Party whims on Obamacare. Obamacare is a distinct and separate issue that has been subject of debate for the longest time. It was passed as law in 2009 by both Chambers of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by the U.S. President. It was brought to the U.S. Supreme Court and the body deemed it constitutional. The Republican Tea Party tried to pass a law repealing Obamacare 41 times and failed to do so 41 times these past 4 years. Just imagine the waste of U.S. taxpayers money and the wasted time that should have been diverted to other pressing issues in crisis America. No wonder, the House has a measly 10% approval rating from the American populace.


Plain and simple, the Republican-dominated House did not pass a "clean" budget proposal. It wants to put a rider on it to sabotage the Affordable Health Care Act.


I don't need to debate Obamacare with you. The 2009 Affordable Health Care Act was debated upon and passed into law in the United States. It is the law. Whether we like it or not, it has to be implemented. If the Tea Party Republicans despise it, they should pass another law to repeal it. But as long as no such law is passed repealing Obamacare, leave it out of the Appropriations Act.


The Republicans are luring the American public to an Obamacare debate when it has really nothing to do with the current Appropriations Act. The result is that the first few days, several U.S. agencies and services were shut down. Ironically, the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act proceeded as other government agencies shut down.


As if America can afford it, the Republicans yet again hand it another self-inflicted crisis. Credit downgrade, sequestration, government shutdown, what's next?

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Philippine Daily Inquirer

9:55 pm | Thursday, October 3rd, 2013


To many, the shutdown of the US federal government is baffling. The consequences are as obvious as they are damaging, the way to a solution open and clear. And yet on Oct. 1, at midnight, the massive bureaucratic apparatus that runs the US federal government all but ground to a halt. Altogether, some 800,000 “nonessential” employees have been placed on unpaid furlough, many services have been rendered unavailable, the websites of such iconic institutions as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Library of Congress have been shuttered—and (the consequence with the most immediate impact in this part of the world) the scheduled visit of US President Barack Obama to the Philippines and Malaysia next week has been cancelled.


How did the world’s lone superpower come to such a sorry pass?


The long and short answer is: A minority of Republicans in the US Congress wanted it that way. Senior American journalist James Fallows pinpoints “two basic facts” about the shutdown that “would come as news to most of the public.” First: “If the House of Representatives voted on a ‘clean’ budget bill—one that opened up the closed federal offices but did not attempt to defund the Obama healthcare program—that bill would pass, and the shutdown would be over.” And second: “So far House Speaker John Boehner has refused to let this vote occur.”

We will not pretend that both the Democrats and the Republicans are equally at fault; as the title of an influential op-ed by scholars Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein in the Washington Post in April last year phrased it: “Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.” Their key paragraph reads: “The GOP [Grand Old Party] has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.”


What has become clear in the slow-motion descent into shutdown limbo is that only a handful of Republican congressmen—maybe 30 to 40 “true hardliners,” according to National Review’s Washington editor Robert Costa—stand between a vote on a “clean” funding bill and a continuing shutdown. They are applying pressure on Boehner, to link a delay in the implementation of Obama’s signature healthcare program with a vote on the bill necessary to keep the US federal machinery working. By almost all accounts, Boehner has the numbers necessary, from enough Republicans and most of the Democrats, to pass the bill; but he hasn’t allowed a vote, precisely because it would pass. Passage, in all likelihood, would mean a second attempt among Republicans to unseat him.


In this sense, the politics of the shutdown of 2013 is not a true guide to the difference between money (in the form of the pork barrel and other incentives) and ideology, as drivers of political action. The hardliners in the US Congress, many of them elected into office on surging Tea Party momentum in 2010 and 2012, are correctly described as extreme not because of their ideology but because of their dismissiveness of the fundamental legitimacy of the Obama presidency. Let’s just say it: Insurgent Republicans have a problem with their country’s first black president.


That the link the hardliners insist on is to the Affordable Care Act is the giveaway. The so-called Obamacare represents a true landmark in the American political experience, a hard-fought legislative victory that no other American president had achieved. Since its enactment into law, it has been upheld by a Supreme Court with a Republican majority and validated by a presidential election. And yet the Republicans in the House of Representatives have voted again and again to try to repeal the law, to defund it, and finally “just” to delay its implementation by a year. By any measure of democracy the United States holds itself to, Obamacare has passed the test.


The irony is: Obamacare took effect on Oct. 1, the same day the US federal government shut down. Millions of Americans tried accessing the online marketplaces that the new law had made possible, resulting in server crashes and technical glitches. Policy wonk Ezra Klein summed up the situation nicely: “Washington was shut down because Republicans don’t want Obamacare. On the other hand, Obamacare was nearly shut down because so many Americans wanted Obamacare.”


Unfortunately, extremists will remain unmoved by the facts and the evidence.


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