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Hi guys...:D Have you tried the new invention from the U.S.? the PB, which will help you to enhance your body's strength and balance and it will help you to focus more on whatever sport you are into... This is not an advertisement ok? I just wanna share what I've observed to my body since I've used it five months ago...



Before I have a pinch nerve on my right foot and its really painful after playing basketball for awhile and then I cannot play any more due to excessive pain after wards, now the pain was almost gone and I can play more basketball whenever I want to thanks to this Innovative product, it even helps me to do more repetitions on weight lifting in the gym and after wards you'll recover faster from fatigue. :ohmy:



Man, It really works...B) and please be careful on imitations,thou it does not work anyway.;)



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Hi guys...:D Have you tried the new invention from the U.S.? the PB, which will help you to enhance your body's strength and balance and it will help you to focus more on whatever sport you are into... This is not an advertisement ok? I just wanna share what I've observed to my body since I've used it five months ago...



Before I have a pinch nerve on my right foot and its really painful after playing basketball for awhile and then I cannot play any more due to excessive pain after wards, now the pain was almost gone and I can play more basketball whenever I want to thanks to this Innovative product, it even helps me to do more repetitions on weight lifting in the gym and after wards you'll recover faster from fatigue. :ohmy:



Man, It really works...B) and please be careful on imitations,thou it does not work anyway.;)




Where did you get your original PB?

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i bought mine at health and beyond. for 2.2k with warranty. i swear i am the type of person na madali ma convince but this stuff is straight b.s. it doesn't work period. do yourselves a favor and don't make the same mistake that i did. not worth the money.


Like Ive said... I dont know how come that it doesnt work for u becausez It was tested first with the players of the Phoenix Suns with Steve Nash, Leandro Barbosa, and Shaquile Oneil... and this guys was really convinced that it works, even :ohmy:

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Phiten is from Japan, and from what Ive experience because its the one that I bought first before the PB... and The effect of it is if you wear it in your wrist like the PB, it will only effect the Upper body unlike the PB which effects is from head to foot... :ohmy: It helps you to become calm, focused on what you are doing and makes you more relaxed when the heat is up during a critical game in basketball...


for more info about the product just visit their website or just type Power Balance on your browser...:lol:

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im really hesitant to buy one. before, i bought an almost similar product, colantotte. i bought it in quiksilver store for 1.2k ata. same as PB, it is also made of rubber, but instead of hologram in the middle, it has metals. ung effects daw ibabalance ung ions para mas balanced ung body, etc.. same effect as PB. never worked for me. wala ako nakita/nafeel na changes until naputol na lang sya one day. naloko lang ako.


guys pls keep the FRs coming para majudge if this PB product is for real. thanks! :)

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in any health and beyond outlet, 2.2k ea.


I've seen the PBs being sold in health and beyond Glorietta...I'm sorry to say, fake din mga yun, over priced to cover the deception.


Like Ive said... I dont know how come that it doesnt work for u becausez It was tested first with the players of the Phoenix Suns with Steve Nash, Leandro Barbosa, and Shaquile Oneil... and this guys was really convinced that it works, even :ohmy:


First of all, I do own my own sets of pb bracelets and was a believer at first as well. The tests being used is an old "trick" by scammers, deceivers...you can use any baller bracelets and tell them it has the PB hologram "hidden" and it will work or make up any story to show them that the bracelet is not ordinary and all the tests will also work.


Phiten is from Japan, and from what Ive experience because its the one that I bought first before the PB... and The effect of it is if you wear it in your wrist like the PB, it will only effect the Upper body unlike the PB which effects is from head to foot... :ohmy: It helps you to become calm, focused on what you are doing and makes you more relaxed when the heat is up during a critical game in basketball...for more info about the product just visit their website or just type Power Balance on your browser...:lol:


Instead of typing Power Balance on your browser, just type it in YouTube. There's a news channel that covered PB and exposed how it's not really worth your money. I have 2 bracelets that I use, one is worth 1200 (which I thought was a steal since its being sold at H&B for 2k) and another one worth P75 from 168...no matter how you look at the two, there's no difference in appearance or effect. I've tested it to people without telling them which one's the "real" or should I say just the more expensive one and which one is the cheaper one. Both works :)


Same goes for Phiten, Collantote or even Quantum :)

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so if something costs less than 2.2k, it's fake?


Haha not to mock you but, retailer's prices are not really a good gauge of authenticity my friend. On powerbalance.com, they're just selling the bracelets for $29.99 or a little over P1,300 so would you say coming from the source's website that its fake coz its lower than 2.2k? Save your money, buy a Class S fake in 168...no one will know the diff :)

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Like Ive said... I dont know how come that it doesnt work for u becausez It was tested first with the players of the Phoenix Suns with Steve Nash, Leandro Barbosa, and Shaquile Oneil... and this guys was really convinced that it works, even



it works for them because they are paid to make people believe that the said product works. i blindfolded 2 persons 1 with the authentic pb that i just bought and the other just a plain old baller id. to my surprise both of them claimed that it worked. you know why? because they both saw the testing directions written in the box before they we're tested.

i still wear mine though. because it looks good.

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Health and Beyond are giving all their customers a 60 days warranty nowadays unlike before na 90 days, if you really think that PB does not work then dont buy it at all and if you are just curious to try it for your self then you can drop by to their shop any time, friendly naman ung staff nila and ok lang if you just wanna try it if it really works... If you already have one and its under warranty you can go back to their shop and might as well discuss to them your problem any time have it replaced by other products if you really are convinced that it does not work for you...;)

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Effect is mainly psychological. If you believe it works then it will work. The series of demo test they do to you when they are trying to sell this is simply explained by your body's ability to adapt. Diba when they demo this, they'll make you do, lets say a flexibility exercise and hindi mo magawa. Then they will make you hold a PB bracelet and they make you repeat the exercise and lo and behold you stretch more than what you previously did. However, try doing the exercise a 2nd time even without the PB, you will be able to stretch more than your first try. The reason for this is that your brain perceives a movement, then automatically adjusts when you try it a second time. Even without the PB.


Regarding the athletes using it... Of course they'll say that it works first of all they're not exactly discriminating people when it comes to fancy stuff like this, and second, they are being paid to endorse this.


Pero, if the thing convinces you and has a psychological effect on you (placebo effect) then by all means use it.



Correct dude! psychological lang talaga. yan ata ung placebo effect.



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  • 1 month later...

Effect is mainly psychological. If you believe it works then it will work. The series of demo test they do to you when they are trying to sell this is simply explained by your body's ability to adapt. Diba when they demo this, they'll make you do, lets say a flexibility exercise and hindi mo magawa. Then they will make you hold a PB bracelet and they make you repeat the exercise and lo and behold you stretch more than what you previously did. However, try doing the exercise a 2nd time even without the PB, you will be able to stretch more than your first try. The reason for this is that your brain perceives a movement, then automatically adjusts when you try it a second time. Even without the PB.


Regarding the athletes using it... Of course they'll say that it works first of all they're not exactly discriminating people when it comes to fancy stuff like this, and second, they are being paid to endorse this.


Pero, if the thing convinces you and has a psychological effect on you (placebo effect) then by all means use it.

Well My compadre spent the 2.2K money on this contraption and We all tried it. My friend and I and our kids who were mountaineer eperienced people. They had the pleasure of bragging to us Daddies that they were over in Pampangga the other day on a climb to Mount Pinatubo. They had this contraption with them and they tried if there was any difference in their performance on the Climb.


The general result... its a PLACEBO EFFECT... psychologically if you believe it can work for you it will do the job! Or rather, your MIND will do the job. Its the same trick as tying a string on your Index Finger to make you remember to Buy Red TBaks for the FuBu... ha ha! On my Try with this product I found there is no magic here. It's just your mind getting primed that the thing will do something for you.


Me, I prefer to bring a Japanese Vibrator I got for 200 pesos. It can work the same way If I will it to do that. But there is an added Benefit whereby it gives good stimulation to my girlfriend! Ha ha ha. Cheers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a friend who has an original one. And I guess it pretty much works. I dunno how it happened but it really worked when we tried to do all those flexibility stuff and demos needed to prove PB's effect.


If it is just placebo effect, then why is it that we fail to do the demos without wearing the PB, no matter how hard we try?


Three of us tested this scenario with two PBs, the one PB worked with the demos, but we failed with the other one. Our friend later on confessed that the other one is fake. Guess it shows the difference between original PBs from the fake ones.


Well My compadre spent the 2.2K money on this contraption and We all tried it. My friend and I and our kids who were mountaineer eperienced people. They had the pleasure of bragging to us Daddies that they were over in Pampangga the other day on a climb to Mount Pinatubo. They had this contraption with them and they tried if there was any difference in their performance on the Climb.


Just wanna ask mate. How do you gauge

difference in their performance
in this scenario?


If it tricks the mind, then I guess it still has a positive effect then. Because as most of you guys said in this thread.

It's just your mind getting primed that the thing will do something for you.
Edited by polofalltrades
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