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Japan has a variation of Buddhism called shinto


My former boss is an atheist, but he goes to this temple for his meditation aided by a monk.


I like the teaching of learning to empty one's self. To detach as much as possible to the material world so that one might focus more on spirituality


Isa pa, Buddhist monks talaga ang nakikitang kong consistently na sinsusunod yung vow of poverty. Disconnect nga daw talaga dapat to the material world

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  • 4 months later...

As they say, all religions teaches righteousness. But if you look back in history, Buddhism is the religion that was able to coexist peacefully wherever it was spread. Peace bro! ;)

So true bro. Unlike other religions that have; throughout history, made claims that theirs was the only one and true religion, I admire that Buddhism never made such claims. And like you said, buddhism coexisted peacefully whith other religions :)

Carpe diem.....Yes...let's seize the day bro!....Oh captain...my captain! hehe

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  • 4 months later...

I am not a Buddhist. But I like the philosophy. Buddhism teaches you that the root of all evil is desire, which I think is very true. This teaching is consistent with other religions such as Christianity. For example the 7 deadly sins: desire for money is greed, desire for sex is lust, desire for food is gluttony, etc etc. And therefore to do no evil, you must have no desire for anything. But Buddhism says the opposite of desire is also bad. So the only way is the middle path, then you will achieve nirvana.


Unfortunately I have many desires. And that's why I won't make a good Buddhist haha

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  • 4 months later...



The Buddhas teachings offer the most satisfactory explanation of where man came from and where he is going. When we die, the mind, with all the tendencies, preferences, abilities and characteristics that have been developed and conditioned in this life, re-establishes itself in a new being. Thus the new individual grows and develops a personality conditioned both by the mental characteristics that have been carried over from the previous life and by the new environment. The personality will change and be modified by conscious effort and conditioning factors like education, parental influence and society but once again at death, it will re-establish itself as life in a new being. This process of dying and being reborn will continue until the conditions that cause it, the mental factors of craving and ignorance, cease. When they do, instead of being reborn, the mind attains a state called Nirvana.

More here: http://www.wisdomawakened.com/2016/09/what-happens-when-we-die-heres-what.html

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  • 10 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

uhm for one Buddhism is not a Religion, even Buddha admitted that he is not God or a God. And there is this quote that I really love from Buddhism " Holding on to hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die". Based on that quote Buddhism is like a philosophy for self love, peace, and love for others :wub:

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  • 3 years later...

Religion requires the worship of a God figure "or else"...Buddhism is a philosophical belief...focused on practices that leads to harmony between yourself and the natural seen or unseen world...no need to worship the Buddha as some deity...he's more of an exemplar...and their allusion to suffering (or their ideal of hell) is simply explained as a failure to perfect our own being...thus reincarnation (to suffer the consequences of our flaws until we get it right)...until one attains the balance of full enlightenment...thus Buddha-hood...never met any other religion that promises you can or will become The God you were venerating...If we believe in Catholic or Christian canon that we were made in the image of God...then would it not stand to reason that our ultimate fulfillment and perfection is to attain that same God-hood...or at least that must have been the main hypothesis of The Experiment of Creation...can there be another who is a part of Me and a Continuation of Me as God Eternal...


Be be not naive that Buddhism was always some peaceful philosophy...remember it was about balance...there were periods that Buddhism in its many forms also actually had to be as violent as needed to survive or to preserve the balance...


Your Thoughts???

Edited by muad_dib
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  • 3 years later...

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