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LOL. He might at least make a difference by directing traffic on EDSA at 5PM on a Friday. :)



Actually I think he'd be better off as an MMDA traffic enforcer than president of this country!:lol:



Baka di qualified as traffic enforcer.


Pikon. Baka mabaril lang nya ang mga motorista. Mahilig pa naman sya sa baril.



Actually, I think he'd do a much better job as a paperweight...


this just became my favorite thread. laugh.gif

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Palace asked: Release P10B for fighter jets


POSTED ON 12/26/2013 10:30 PM | UPDATED 12/27/2013 7:36 AM


MANILA, Philippines – The Department of National Defense has requested Malacañang to release some P10 billion to comply with the demand of Korean Aerospace Industry (KAI) for a 52% downpayment for the 12 fighter jets the Philippines is acquiring.


"It will push through. We sent it to the Office of the President with our recommendation.... We recommended approval of the downpayment and progress billing," said Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin.


As territorial disputes intensify in the region, the FA-50 is meant to build the fighter capability of the Air Force after it retired the last of its US-designed F-5 fighters in 2005.


Dear Abnoy,


Nagsalita na si Sec Volts... Baka mamaya Noynoying na naman gawin mo... Pirma na...

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Palace asked: Release P10B for fighter jets


POSTED ON 12/26/2013 10:30 PM | UPDATED 12/27/2013 7:36 AM


MANILA, Philippines – The Department of National Defense has requested Malacañang to release some P10 billion to comply with the demand of Korean Aerospace Industry (KAI) for a 52% downpayment for the 12 fighter jets the Philippines is acquiring.


"It will push through. We sent it to the Office of the President with our recommendation.... We recommended approval of the downpayment and progress billing," said Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin.


As territorial disputes intensify in the region, the FA-50 is meant to build the fighter capability of the Air Force after it retired the last of its US-designed F-5 fighters in 2005.


Dear Abnoy,


Nagsalita na si Sec Volts... Baka mamaya Noynoying na naman gawin mo... Pirma na...

It ain't over till the fat lady sings. It won't be a done deal until PNoy gives the thumbs up and approves the request of the DND. in the meanitime, we can only hope he doesn't renege on the deal.

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Palace asked: Release P10B for fighter jets


POSTED ON 12/26/2013 10:30 PM | UPDATED 12/27/2013 7:36 AM


MANILA, Philippines – The Department of National Defense has requested Malacañang to release some P10 billion to comply with the demand of Korean Aerospace Industry (KAI) for a 52% downpayment for the 12 fighter jets the Philippines is acquiring.


"It will push through. We sent it to the Office of the President with our recommendation.... We recommended approval of the downpayment and progress billing," said Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin.


As territorial disputes intensify in the region, the FA-50 is meant to build the fighter capability of the Air Force after it retired the last of its US-designed F-5 fighters in 2005.


Dear Abnoy,


Nagsalita na si Sec Volts... Baka mamaya Noynoying na naman gawin mo... Pirma na...

With PNoy, you never know......

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  • 2 weeks later...



Sabi mo kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap. Paano ngayon 55% ang nagsasabi , mahirap sila ayon sa latest survey. So more than half your term, marami pa rin mahirap and following your logic, corrupt pa rin ang gobierno mo, kasama kana dun sampu ng iyong mga kamag-anak at KKK gang.


Sabi mo din before the year end, your administration is winning the war on corruption. Eh kung nanalo ka sa laban, bakit madami pa rin ang mahirap?


PUTANGINAMO gumising ka nga paratumama ang pinagsasabi mo sa realidad o di kaya ay magpakamatay ka na lang :angry2: .

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Ang kapal talaga ng mukha mo Abnoy. Pagmataas ang ratings mo sa survey, mayabang ka. Ngayon bumaba ang ratings mo, sabihin mo we base on facts. Facts may ass, the facts are curroption still exist & much greater in your administration, the poor had increased population, makupad ang response ng mo sa disasters, employment is still a big problem despite your economic growth claim.


The FACT is f#&kYOU!

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Anti PNoy, or Antay PNoy?

Posted on November 14, 2013 by JPFenix



A lot has been said about the way government and specifically President Benigno S. Aquino III has handled the Yolanda/ Hayian crisis. The general sentiment is that there is a lack of quick deliberate action in the wake of the starving, dying countrymen. Management experts cite poor people and resource management. Political experts cite decision making hampered by political considerations. Medical experts cite lack of understanding of crisis and triage processes.


I refuse to be drawn into areas I have no expertise in. What I have written thus far is either what I have encountered myself or what people I trust have given me from out in the field – those who are on the ground.


As for my take on the President and his actions, I will have my say in my area of competence: communications. And to me, my beef with the President boils down to one thing: THAT DAMNED YELLOW RIBBON.


Yes, that yellow ribbon PNoy wears over his left breast.


http://jpfenix.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/yellowribbon.jpg?w=2560&h=1916Yes, it’s that ever present DAMNED YELLOW RIBBON… Photo from CNN’s Amanpour site.


That yellow ribbon was an effective tool when Noynoy Aquino ran for president in the 2010 elections. It was a symbol with close links to the heroic legacy of his father and the saintly intentions of his mother. It was a symbol of a crusade for a committed fight against corruption. It was a symbol of hope.


Yes it was criticized then as stolen from copyrighted symbols for specific disease awareness campaigns: red ribbon for HIV/ AIDS, pink for breast cancer, white for victims of violence, yellow for bone cancer, etc. But that didn’t matter, as it turned out later various ribbons started having different meanings anyway.


But what was a partisan act in the elections has no place once you’ve been voted into office.


It has always been said that in a democracy, elections polarize the people. But when the candidate wins and is sworn into office, his first and most important act is to bring together his divided citizenry. The new president is president for all the people – president for those who voted for him and those who didn’t.


My take is, from day one, PNoy should have ditched the yellow ribbon for the traditional pin worn by the President of the Republic of the Philippines: The Philippine flag.


Continuing with the yellow ribbon sent out the message that PNoy was installed by the yellow army and from here on in it’s the yellow army’s day in the sun.


It reminds me of that old deodorant ad in the 1980s that said “Ang may underarm odor, hindi kasali.” Well, in a democracy, even the foul-smelling are citizens of the land. The same citizens who PNoy say are his bosses.


Many will say that this is nit picking (a gross idiom by the way, originally referring to literally removing invisibly-tiny louse eggs by hand or literally nag kukuto – yuck). But I see it as one that strikes at the very core of PNoy’s leadership and his power and drive to lead his people though his “daang matuwid.”


In as much as the president must be able to rally his citizenry to action, we the people also must also play out our part. Thus, while we are indeed polarized as a people by the partisanship of elections, we must drop this when somebody is constitutionally declared a winner. As citizens we MUST recognize the president as the anointed leader, and must submit ourselves to his authority as our Chief Executive and the Commander in Chief of our armed forces.


Even if you did not vote for PNoy… even if you campaigned against PNoy… he is still the president. And we submit to his leadership.


And that’s why I have a beef with that DAMNED YELLOW RIBBON. It is partisan and exclusive. It is a yellow agenda, for a yellow army. If you don’t subscribe to the yellow agenda, you are not one of us. If you don’t subscribe to the yellow agenda, you are not deserving of our good graces.


But PNoy is president. The yellow agenda has won. There is no need to rub it in. Having won the presidency, his agenda has become the nation’s agenda.


Thus presidency has to be an inspired leadership. How inspired? A simple example is this (and I’ve used this in many a talk):


In this face off against the mighty China for the Spratlys, I will stand by my Commander in Chief in the front lines, even if I just had sticks and stones to fight with.


I will not hide behind PNoy; I will not use him as a shield. I will fight with him, I will have his back, and I will be one with him in laying my life down for my country. Even if I did not vote for him.


But that DAMNED YELLOW RIBBON keeps telling me that I am not part of his exclusive circle. It is not our country’s colors which I salute when they march by. It is his army’s color, of which I am not part of, nor deserving to wear.


And ever since PNoy was elected president, and in every celebration or crisis we experienced as a nation, all the ups and downs we have faced, good or bad we have had, I feel increasingly excluded. I am distanced by that DAMNED YELLOW RIBBON.


So, no, I am not ANTI PNOY. He is the constitutionally elected president of my country, and I recognize him as the leader of out nation. But his appointment as leader is very different from his display of leadership. In which case, I am ANTAY PNOY (waiting for PNoy)… I, as many of the citizens of the country, am waiting for him to be OUR leader. To rally us to the flag.


In these last few days of death, destruction, hunger and, most significantly, despair in central Philippines many ask: who’s really in charge? We all know who it is but we don’t feel it. We are not talking about one who will spend sleepless days and nights down on the ground, hair disheveled, directing truck traffic when his management skills clearly indicate that he is clearly best managing people and mobilizing resources from the command center.


We need leadership that will inspire action. Most importantly, we need leadership that will instill hope. In a disaster of this magnitude we cannot afford to lose hope. Because hope brings the promise of renewal and the inspiration for rebuilding. Hunger, slow moving relief, death of loved ones… those are manageable. But not despair. Not the loss of hope.


In his article “Why leadership matters” Steve Keating says:


Leadership has always mattered and it is inconceivable that there will be a time when it doesn’t. Perhaps no one has ever said it better than John Maxwell when he said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” Everything!


Leadership matters because no one and nothing comes to success without it. Think about it: virtually every great accomplishment has at its core, solid leadership. When everything is going well it is leadership that keeps people from getting complacent. When things are going poorly it is leadership that rights the ship, it is leadership that sets the new course and it is leadership that provides hope.


One of the greatest things a leader can give their people is hope. People need hope, almost as much as air, food or water. Without hope effort stops and progress stops along with it. Leadership matters most in the absence of hope because experienced, authentic leaders will manufacture hope from despair. Leadership matters because where there is a lack of leadership despair will prosper


Mr. President, please, lead this country. In this time of despair give us hope. Give ALL of us hope. Ditch that DAMNED YELLOW RIBBON.


Please, while we are ANTAY PNOY. Do not drive us to be ANTI PNOY.




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nawala daw ang pdaf, pero bakit lumaki pa rin ang national budget? ang lakas MANLOKO talaga ng mga Abnoy rah-rah people


2014 2.265 Trillion 13% increase

2013 2,006 Trillion 10.5% increase

2012 1,816 Trillion 10.4% increase

2011 1,645 Trillion 6.8% increase









President Aquino OKs P2.265T 2014 National Budget | Official ...



Dec 20, 2013 - The Philippine Government ... Meanwhile, the government's Debt Burden and General Public Services corner 16.7 percent


... “In a very real way, the 2014 budget is one that responds aptly to the times, one born of fruitful, ...


The 2014 GAA—13 percent or P258.7 billion higher than the current year’s budget—is also the country’s first Performance-Informed


Budget, a landmark reform initiative that ties an agency’s overall budget to specific standards of performance and service delivery.






MANILA, Philippines (2nd UPDATE) - President Benigno Aquino III on Wednesday, December 19 signed the P2.006-trillion 2013


national budget into law, allowing the government to frontload spending early next year.


Social services, including education, health care and cash subsidies for the poor, will get the biggest share of the budget, which is 10.5%


higher than the P1.816 trillion earmarked for 2012.








A June 30, 2011 press release by the Department of Budget and Management


Abad: Budget ensures direct & substantial dividends of good governance to poor


President Benigno S. Aquino III and the Cabinet have approved last night the proposed P1.816-trillion national budget for 2012. The


proposed budget is 10.4 percent higher than the current year’s budget of P1.645-trillion, fully reflecting his commitment to fulfil his Social


Contract with the Filipino People.







The P1.645 trillion National Budget we are proposing for Fiscal Year 2011 will be our vehicle to pursue these necessary changes.


Despite the meager increase of 6.8 percent from this year’s appropriations, the proposed budget will nevertheless bring forth vital outcomes


that will make a difference in the lives of our fellow Filipinos.

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