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Here is a comment from Nigel Pope of Singapore on Gary Oliver's column that appeared in Manila Standard today.


Aquino is not the son of real heroes or real martyrs.


Look at his family line.


His father and paternal grandfather committed treason: the father with Malaysia, the grandfather with Japan. His father wasn't martyred: he was murdered by a former ally. Here's your proof: the mother never released the results of the investigation while she was president.


As for the mother, I am sorry but she is no hero or saint when she was responsible for the murder of unarmed farmers protesting with the goal of getting back from her family the land that they had legally owned for decades.


That's the reality of the Aquino family. Only in the Philippines does the national lack of critical thinking elevate them to hero status. A family like that in any other nation would be the QUISLINGS and BENEDICT ARNOLDs of that nation.


Noynoy is screwing up because his natural inclination is to betray his countrymen. Treason is in his blood. It's his highest calling.


The only purpose of the two Aquino presidencies that the Philippines has been cursed with is to protect the oligarchs. The job of an Aquino is to make sure that anti-FDI provisions of the Constitution remain in place. that way, the average Pinoy will stay poor or be forced to work as an OFW but the oligarchs will continue to enjoy the overwhelming bulk of the country's wealth without threat of competition.


And that's why Noynoy remains president despite his laziness, incompetence, general mismanagement, lack of leadership skills, corruption of Congress, treason with China, treason with Malaysia: for all of these things he continues to fulfil his only real purpose and that is to ensure that there is no constitutional change that might damage the wealth and protected status of the oligarchs.

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That was a very sweeping statement. I wonder where you got all your facts from. I am not pro Aquino. My family has been Marcos loyalists until the very end. However, I would let him do what he has to do until he ends his term and then let history judge him.


The President is not God almighty. Unlike the martial era where Marcos can do things at a whim, any president after Marcos had to play by the rules of politics in this country, and the reality of politics in this country is you have to work with corrupt politicians, the landed elite, and the business elite, corrupt military officers to get things done. Try being president and doing what you propose. You'll be out in less than a year because you will not be catering to those you have to share power with.



Just wondering: You seem to know about the Marcos years. How old were you then?

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-Do you even know what the whole Jabidah issue was all about? What can you say about the fact that the recruits of operation Jabidah, the muslims themselves refused to participate when they found out that their mission order was to instigate insurgency and destabilization in Sabah, resulting in their massacre by the AFP, and becoming the last nail in the coffin in a string of grievances that the moro's had against the government and their filipino christian brethren, resulting in Nur Misuari establishing the MNLF. Ninoy was a journalist who had to expose this abuse of our muslim brethren, what would you have preferred? The muslims get slaughtered, everybody keeps quiet and the muslims dont get any justice, or at least the attention they deserved.


I was young at that time when I overheared my uncles and their friends in the military talking about it in family gatherings. From what I hear from their conversations, the Jabidah recruits mutineed because they were not getting paid. It seems one of the officers is pocketing their allowances. The recruits mutineed and threatened to disband and spill the beans to the press. The supposedly secret operation is getting out of control. That was why the operation was aborted and the operatives were "silenced".(Parang spy movie, ano?)


We may never get the real story because it is a state secret. But it's definitely not because of some ideological issue that you imply. You probably heard the MNLF's romantic version of the Jabidah story. I'd would tend to believe my family's military friends' version.


Sen. Ninoy Aquino exposed the Jabidah incident through a privilege speech in the Senate, based on information from his informant, who was an officer in the AFP.


The resulting expose' embarrassed the Philippine government and prompted Malaysia to cut diplomatic ties with us. Malaysia then supported the MNLF by providing training, arms, and financial support to destabilize Mindanao -- sort of giving the Philippine government (Marcos gov't) a dose of its own medicine.


What if Ninoy kept quiet? If the incident was kept secret, Malaysia wouldn't have known about it. Our diplomatic relations wouldn't have suffered. Of course, Malaysian intelligence may find out about the incident, but as long as it is kept a secret, international diplomacy would have prevailed, with both Philippines and Malaysian governments acting amicably toward each other as if all is well.


With normal diplomatic relations, MNLF wouldn't have risen as a significant force to put Mindanao in chaos with Malaysian support.


Sen. Ninoy Aquino exposed a top secret Philippine Military operation for his own political gain. The result is the destabilization of Mindanao.

Edited by camiar
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I was young at that time when I overheared my uncles and their friends in the military talking about it in family gatherings. From what I hear from their conversations, the Jabidah recruits mutineed because they were not getting paid. It seems one of the officers is pocketing their allowances. The recruits mutineed and threatened to disband and spill the beans to the press. The supposedly secret operation is getting out of control. That was why the operation was aborted and the operatives were "silenced".(Parang spy movie, ano?)


We may never get the real story because it is a state secret. But it's definitely not because of some ideological issue that you imply. You probably heard the MNLF's romantic version of the Jabidah story. I'd would tend to believe my family's military friends' version.


Sen. Ninoy Aquino exposed the Jabidah incident through a privilege speech in the Senate, based on information from his informant, who was an officer in the AFP.


The resulting expose' embarrassed the Philippine government and prompted Malaysia to cut diplomatic ties with us. Malaysia then supported the MNLF by providing training, arms, and financial support to destabilize Mindanao -- sort of giving the Philippine government (Marcos gov't) a dose of its own medicine.


What if Ninoy kept quiet? If the incident was kept secret, Malaysia wouldn't have known about it. Our diplomatic relations wouldn't have suffered. Of course, Malaysian intelligence may find out about the incident, but as long as it is kept a secret, international diplomacy would have prevailed, with both Philippines and Malaysian governments acting amicably toward each other as if all is well.


With normal diplomatic relations, MNLF wouldn't have risen as a significant force to put Mindanao in chaos with Malaysian support.


Sen. Ninoy Aquino exposed a top secret Philippine Military operation for his own political gain. The result is the destabilization of Mindanao.



Thanks for answering Mach83's question for me. He doesn't even know about the proposal of Cory to give up Sabah (any research on the issue should show this). He doesn't even know that when it comes to national security, one may even have to sacrifice some right because of the bigger issue involved. Example is the German bombing of Coventry in WW II. The British knew it was coming but to warn the people would have meant letting the Germans know that the British have broken the enigma code.

Edited by sandy51
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Why fault Noynoy for his incompetence? Before electing him President, didn't we know this? Didn't we know that he couldn't even make an executive position at Mondragon - a company owned by a cabinet secretary of his mother? Didn't we know that he did very little in Congress? So why is it his fault?happy.gif

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Why fault Noynoy for his incompetence? Before electing him President, didn't we know this? Didn't we know that he couldn't even make an executive position at Mondragon - a company owned by a cabinet secretary of his mother? Didn't we know that he did very little in Congress? So why is it his fault?happy.gif


Well to start with, i knew from the begin his a f#&king moron not suited for the job yet, he took the opportunity

of his mother's death. Isang mapagsamantalang huhang. I fault him now cause until today, he blames the previous

administration when in fact he has been there for almost half of his term. I fault him cause he have the guts to

claim matuwid na daan when his cohorts are raking the goverment coffers & that nothing has changed in terms of corruption

in goverment. I fault him cause he keep's bragging about how great the economy his which he got nothing to do yet

millions are still hungry & jobless. I fault him cause he keep bragging about peace & order when crime on the street

are sky high & can be as brutal as Atimonan massacre. I fault him cause he got the guts to smile on camera during the

Luneta hostage crisis. I fault him cause he has the guts to say good words to Robredo after his death while he was

screwing him when he was still alive.


The worse about this sucker is he acts as if he knew what to do. If there is anything good about Erap presidency is

that we knew his dumb but yet his cabinets secretaries are the one running the country. Itong si Abnoy, mahilig magpangap!

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Thinking that Ninoy should have remained silent on the issue is a chilling proposal. Your practically condoning a great injustice. What if you or your loved ones or friends held valuable state secrets and then the state decided to silence them? Would you yourself condone this? The accepted story of the Jabidah massacre was that the recruits were not given what they were promised, along with the refusal to fight in Sabah. All we have beyond that is mere speculation to suit our desired form of history right now. Nobody ever saw that in the 1960's aside from being militarily and economically stronger than Malaysia, and with better sphere of influence, it did not cross Marcos's mind to reclaim Sabah through diplomatic channels.


With regards to the MNLF rebellion, the Jabidah massacre was the last nail in the coffin, amongst a list of grievances that the Muslim Filipinos have against the government and their Christian brethren. If it was not Jabidah, then the continued neglect, abuse, and Christian encroachment into Muslim territory would have started it sooner or later. Jabidah, just accelerated the whole process. With regards to Malaysia supporting the MNLF, it did'nt need a Jabidah for them to help their Muslim brethren in Sulu (although that too aggravated the situation and steadied Malaysia's resolve, that is to never again be threatened).


“I believe in the validity of our claim to Sabah, per se.


“I believe we must pursue our claim to a legal end in the International Court of Justice, that the heirs of the Sultan of Sulu or their assignees and successors must be in any case be compensated.


“I believe in upholding the national patrimony and national dignity against any and all odds, but I hold we are called upon as the leaders, to caution against all acts of rashness.


“I believe in country—“My country, right or wrong,” as somebody said, but I must take issue with those who will PLUNGE US INTO UNDUE TRAGEDY BY SELFISH MOTIVES.


“…We have shown a capacity to endure stoically and stolidly when faced with adversity, but need we afflict our people with calamity and tragedy needlessly?


“We have shown we can be revolted and revulsed, but need we yield to blind passion, to rage, over reaction to something WE STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE?


“Our courage, our valor, and our love of country were tested under enemy fire in Bataan, Corregidor and the hills around Batac, but NEED WE SACRIFICE OUR YOUTH AND OUR FUTURE IN AN EXERCISE IN FUTILITY?


“The need, Mr. President, is reason, not arson; sanity, not madness; And war, I dare say, is the optimum in madness. And war, I dare say, is the optimum in madness.


“If we must, let us pursue this claim in a spirit of conciliation, not wrath; let us seek a solution in friendship, not by force of arms.


“Let us not even think of taking up the implements of war, the tools of violence and killing, but labor instead for an honourable settlement at the conference table, in the council of nations, in the world court, or in whatever forum and wherever place it may be.


“But most importantly, let us together—the Malaysians and us—strive for a settlement that will give paramount value to the will of the people of Sabah themselves.”


SENATOR NINOY AQUINO, “Sabah! A Game of Diversion” speech, 5 October 1968




Oh, and ironically my family including myself, have always been Marcos loyalists. But being a Marcos loyalist doesn't mean I have to be a Marcos stooge, fanatic, or blind to his faults. He had his share of greatness during his heyday, and he had his failures, simple as that.


I have never been a fan of the Aquino's but I do not like historical revisionism to suit our current needs. I never voted for Noynoy, but I will give him a chance. He is president now, and he may do things we or we may not like, but as president we have to give him a chance. Currently, all indicators lead to an improving economy, even statistics for corruption are at least declining compared to GMA's administration. Right now expert international opinion states, that this improvement in the economy is not trickling down to the masses, which is true, but Noynoy is not the only one who holds the money bag, he is not the only one who makes the rules.


Ninoy's speech was great! But he made it for his own selfish political agenda. He wanted to expose Marcos' mistake and rack up political "pogi" points for himself.


But what you still donot get is that, whatever the Philippine government did that time, right or wrong, was (and still is) a state secret. Exposing state secret is treason. Ninoy used his privileges as a Senator to expose his own country's secrets to another.


Had he kept quiet, nothing would have happened since the plot was aborted anyway. What Malaysia didn't know, wouldn't hurt them.


The USA did a lot of black ops against other countries. Did you ever hear of a US Senator exposing these top secret operations in their privileged speeches? Only in the Philippines!


What should Ninoy have done? He could have filed an impeachment case against Marcos if he can prove that activating "Operation Merdeka" was unconstitutional. Or if he can prove that Marcos ordered the massacre of the Jabidah recruits. At least if he did that, Malaysia would have no moral reason to retaliate because Senate have already put the president on trial. But he was too lazy to do that. And the thought of scoring political points on Marcos' expense was too tempting for him. He exposed Operation Merdeka in his privileged speech then let it go at that. No sanctions against Marcos. Ninoy Aquino's actions (inaction?) forced Malaysia's hand into retaliating the way they did.



Unlike you, I'm not a Marcos loyalist. But I'm definitely not Abnoy's fan. After supporting Ninoy and Cory duting the late 80s, I later opened my eyes to realize that the Aquinos are no heroes either -- in fact they collectively did as much harm to us as the Marcoses did. I'm just calling spade a spade.

Edited by camiar
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Ang kapal mo sabihin that the perpetrators of Sabah incursion has put 800,000 Filipino lives in there

at risk. If your goverment is really that great as you claim it to be, those 800,000 of our countrymen

won't be staying there. The reality is your governance has forced them to live there, in view of there's

no hope in your administration.


Even worse, you have put 90M Filipinos at risk the moment you have assumed the Malacanang post with all

the diplomatic bungling you've been doing. Blame your self, don't blame others so you can act accordingly

you f#&king moron! Puro ka turo sa iba pag meron problema rather than solving it. Kung hindi mo kaya,

mag resign at huwag kang magdunong-dunongan.

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Apparently this is another angle that your pushing, but one the Kiram's themselves can verify and with pictures to boot is that Cory did arrange for the Sultanate and its heirs to meet with the government, settle out their differences, then allow the Kirams to pursue it on their own. Jamalul walked out. The others did not.


The issue about sacrifice... One things for sure, it is easy to talk tough about sacrifice when you and your loved ones are not the ones being sacrificed, and you have no way of proving to anyone beyond your own words that if you or your children, wife, friends, and family were the sacrificial lamb are you willing to take it? You can say yes, but thats all you can do. If I were you, I'd take it easy being an armchair patriot, because fate might just call your bluff. My dad who was previously in the navy in the late 60's made that analysis with soldiers they had to deliver to Basilan, those who talked tough and were pretty aggressive before the shooting began, were the ones who always went back traumatized and cowering in fear.


What makes you such an expert? I have been an amateur historian for the longest time, I am also frequently with professional historians both here and abroad who can educate me on the issue and clarify questions or misconceptions that I have. One of my colleagues in my hobbies is also one of the top political advisers for the opposition. One thing that historians will tell you is that you have two sides to a story and you wil never really know pretty much what is 100% true because, hey... you weren't there.


Bingo! Ah ha! So it is your dad, and not you, who joined the service. Your dad would then be the one who would know what I'm saying

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Dear Noynoy,

Maybe I'm just blinded by the feeling of your incompetence. But I am not in favor of an extrajudicial change either. We've had this twice and look where it got us?

So let me try to understand.

1. So many things have happened during your watch but you were absent. But in campaign sorties nowadays, you always seem to be present. Are you campaign manager primarily and President secondary?

2. First, the Hongkong Chief Executive could not reach you because no one told you he was on the line. Next all three letters of the Kirams were lost. Has anyone been fired? Oh, and yes. The girl who said bad things after the Vietnam state visit. If we have to understand that she is still young and immature, why couldn't you that you made her an Assistant Secretary? This you would hate to hear. Know what Marcos did in the Jabidah case? He sacked the Army Chief. Odd though, because how could an Army Chief be accountable for something that was headed by an Air Force Colonel? Years later though the ex-Army Chief resurfaced to become I think the longest serving Chief of Staff. So that's how Marcos did it. How did you do it in your case?

Edited by sandy51
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Addendum. Meeting with the Kirams to talk about international sensitive matters, padala si Mar Roxas. Gawin ang trabaho ng DOTC underling to inspect airports, sya mizmo. Kung sabagay - ang New Year's eve presscon was about firecrackers. Hindi na ata micro management ito. Mukhang itong level lang na ito ang capability.

Edited by sandy51
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Addendum. Meeting with the Kirams to talk about international sensitive matters, padala si Mar Roxas. Gawin ang trabaho ng DOTC underling to inspect airports, sya mizmo. Kung sabagay - ang New Year's eve presscon was about firecrackers. Hindi na ata micro management ito. Mukhang itong level lang na ito ang capability.


Bwahaha...ang alam lang kasi ni Panot eh maghanap ng mali habang nagiikot. Huwag bibigyan ng problema kasi that is beyond an Autistic

capability to think. Paano makakapagisip eh, napuno na ng hangin ang utak dahil labas ang bumbunan.


Hopefully Panot will go for penitencia this holy week. Hanging would be more welcome & biblical for him to do.

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I read in the newspaper that BS Aquino will issue an executive order to ban fishing of galunggong. The apparent reason was that a "study" showed that the annual galunggong harvest dropped by two or three percent in recent years. The ban would supposedly give the specie some breathing room to recover its population.


The galunggong fishing ban would cause the price of galunggong to skyrocket. High prices would tempt fishermen to harvest galunggong illegally. Does our Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) have enough resources to police and enforce the ban? I doubt it. The ban would instead give the maritime fishing authorities opportunity to take bribes from illegal galunggong fishermen.


Haven't they considered that even if Abnoy bans Filipino fishermen from harvesting galunggong, the Chinese poachers will continue harvesting them anyway? Does he have the BFAR and/or Coast Guard resources to enforce the ban in Palawan waters of the West Philippine Sea and keep the Chinese poachers and illegal fihermen out?


Another case of abnoy's hare-brained executive order in the making.


What he should do instead is to declare a no-fishing-zone at known galunggong spawning areas in the seas around Palawan and add patrol boats / aircrafts to police and regulate fishing activities there. This will take more time to study and implement but at least it will have a chance to work.

Edited by camiar
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