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Post a Question to the USER BELOW You, Vol 13.


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planet of the apes where the uninhabited planet evolved a superior race of primates from test chimpanzees of a crashed spacecraft. they had slave humans that evolved from descendants of the surviving astronauts and horses that either evolved from microbes in leftover space food or scrap metal. :lol:



ever watched a movie and laughed at all the crap they make out of subjects that you know by heart?

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it wasn't really blind nor a date but after we ate and i dropped off my not-really-a-date date, i bent over to kiss her and she responded by planting a kiss that landed partly on my lips and partly on cheeks... i reckon she too can't make up her mind if it was a date or not. :lol: but we've been good friends ever since. :)



would it be embarrassing for you to admit that you sometimes pee down the drain as you take a shower?

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rowena belle. she had amber brown eyes, long hair, mulatto complexion and the sweetest voice but she was darn stupid in math. she was seated beside me in the hope that i can rub off some of my talents on her so i made sure she passed the quizzes but failed the periodical exams. that way she remains in that seat until the end of the school year and she did. just that they transferred her to a dummer section come grade 2. :lol:



ever tried driving a right-hand drive car?

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it's a superman-inspired bedroom, queen size bed with superman beddings, a superman ottoman on the ceramic tiled floor... an antique dresser facing my bed, a table containing all my files and my clutters :lol: beside my bed, a book shelf for my pocketbook collections and 2 cabinets...





what's for breakfast?

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