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Post a Question to the USER BELOW You, Vol 13.


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shhhhh - Those threads for motels and pick-up places. A sensible post there is as rare as a drop of rain in Sahara but what do you expect? :lol:

(grab a copy of "Mistress...," I can't put it down. And I just came from a 2-year semi-hibernation too)

(sad to know you're going away...)


sklardrog - This thread nowadays.



What's your birth month?

Edited by Leej
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shhhhh - Those threads for motels and pick-up places. A sensible post there is as rare as a drop of rain in Sahara but what do you expect? :lol:

(grab a copy of "Mistress...," I can't put it down. And I just came from a 2-year semi-hibernation too)

(sad to know you're going away...)


sklardrog - This thread nowadays.



What's your birth month?


@ Leej - Oh yes, the Mistress of the Game! A good book, i must say and made me miss Sydney Sheldon a lot. :( I tried shifting to romantic books (Shades of Grey) and realized it's not for me. I end up flipping the pages, skipping the "slow motion" parts. LOL.

@ Shhhhhh - Yes, grab a copy of Mistress. Not as great as Master's but a welcome read. If you haven't yet, check out Mitch Albom's Have a Little Faith, too.

Hey guys, it would be nice to start a book together and share insights or whatever. Sige na! I'm excited na! :D JayZip this is it! happy.gif


Lemme follow the thread's trail before eviction takes place. laugh.gif


July. :)


What do you do for a living?



In a gist - audit.

How about you?

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@Leej - trains remind me of good old Iriga City, Camarines Sur. haven't in years.

@sklardrog - Sidney Sheldon, top of the list. Haven't really moved on. Such a sentimental freak, this girl. lol.

@Leej - i'm not so much into reality shows. no, actually i'm not really into watching tv shows. am i weird? lol.



why do you think is Aquino lenient on Puno? do you think they're lovers? laugh.gif

Edited by Danielle
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sklardrog - I have no specific fave genre. It depends on my mood. My fave movies range from drama to sci-fi.


Danielle - Good music and equally good food OR a good companion (read: conversationalist) and my favorite drink of the moment (it's mostly coffee, though).





Have you seen "The Artist?" Was it really good?

Edited by Leej
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D: I think things through and if possible, from all angles. I try not to rush in coming up with a solution. I also seek my father's advice because I idolize him. (Hindi nga lang niya alam.) Thinking things through may sometimes take a long while but it helps me eventually come to the decision that's best for me.



L: Two pairs of Levi's jeans.



So ano a serious mong sagot to the same question? :P

Edited by sklardrog
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wala na akong kawala nito ah. lol.

if this question was thrown to me 8 years ago, i'd say, my planning and organizing skills. back then i was so proud to be in control. but life's challenges sometimes push us to the wall, until we finally admit that we need to surrender to be led to a better path. a path that will open our eyes to value our most prized possessions - our family and their wisdom, real friends, everyday little miracles. so yes, today, it's my silence, surrender and elders' wisdom. and then some.

wow heavy. happy.gif

so, how heavy are you? laugh.gif

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