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How Can I Quit Smoking?

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I was smoking since I was maybe 18 years old. And since all my friends in school were smoking "Blue Seal" Marlboros at that time, I quickly developed a taste for them.

Just like every other smoker, the thought of quitting came to mind often but I have not really gotten around to doing it as it was very difficult. I guess I was thinking that maybe, just maybe the key to quitting is quite different for everyone and this meant that I had to find my own key in order to stop for good.

For me, the answer lay in the fact that since I was smoking Blue Seal Marlboros, it occured to me that maybe I should just compute how much I was spending to support this habit.

In 2000, Marloboros cost around PhP 60 per pack at that time and I was smoking one pack per day. It suddenly hit me really hard that summing it all up costs me around PhP 18K+++ a year just to support a habit that literally had me burning money away! That was enough to get me to quit!

What I did was quite novel as I then got an old empty biscuit can and then applied super glue to the lid. I then punched out a slot on top thereby fashioning a crude "Piggy Bank".

On January 1 of 1992, I embarked on a the long road to severing my bondage to tobacco with a firm resolve.

Each day, instead of buying a pack, I just put the money in my tin can bank. At the end of the year, I was almost PhP 30,000 richer and I had a very nice Christmas and New Year.

It was not easy, I tell you. The first day was terrible. The second was horrible and the third day was unkabogable! However, the fourth day had things turning a bit easier and by the second week, it was all over and done for good.

You just have to remember that the CRAVING FOR A SMOKE ONLY LASTS 2-3 minutes. If you get past these 2 minutes then the next craving would come after 30 minutes then so on and so forth. Get past the craving and you'll make it.

Other wise, start your own piggy bank and have a nice Christmas in 6 months time! Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just like the rest, quitting did not come easy for me. I tried quitting several times but failed. I was only able to kick the habit by:

1) Having a strong will to quit by defining a goal e.a., achieving a milestone in a sport i am interested in, etc. 

2) Avoiding situations where i would be exposed to cigarette smoke because even just seeing people smoke (not even smelling smoke) made me salivate and crave. I used to associate myself with smokers so i avoided them in the beginning. I also used to smoke when im drinking so i avoided drinking initially. 

3) I kept reminding myself that there is no benefit in smoking and instead, I am slowly killing myself with a poison. 

4) Never entertain the thought that you can handle having just a few puff just to satisfy the craving. Smoking is an addiction. Remind yourself of the accomplishment you have already achieved by quitting everytime you are tempted to smoke. It only takes one puff and you will be back to the same old habbit you are trying to quit from. 

Quitting is difficult but it is doable. 

Edited by Bigreddot
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Set a date, prepare replacements for whenever the urge comes eg: gum. Expect intense cravings for the first week. Just stick with your commitment. The urges decreases after a month. If you relapse it’s ok. Just try to get a longer streak w/o smoking the next time. 

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  • 1 month later...

Smoke with a purpose.

Smoke when you are with your officemates/colleagues/business partners/old friends/new acquaintance.

Do not smoke when you're alone. Just drink black coffee or tea instead of smoking. Choose a better alternative.

Yun lang



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