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Taiwan In 12 Hours

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^^^ Bro, I will just be stopping over in Taiwan en route to somewhere else and my lay-off is a long 4 hrs. That's why I was hoping to look for electronic gadgets to shop while in the airport.


Not practical to buy from Airport Electronic Shops, unless it is an Emergency, i would rather buy it here in Manila, at least have warranty. Better if you be able to pass by the electronics street in Taipei.. there the price is definitely cheaper. But have to window shop and compare price before buying. or if possible you have friends in Taiwan.. buy from PCHOME or Yahoo Bid. Yahoo Bid, be careful of swindlers posing as sellers.

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Thay have a place where only sell all elecronics and computer hardware. I go there via taxi. Suggest you ask the concierge in hotel as there is only one area in Taipeh. For food, try shabu shabu, with Hagen Daz ice cream for dessert. All you can eat.



actually there are two areas. one is beside the ceasar hotel. to get here, you get off at the taipei main station. the other one is... hehe i forgot the name of the station near it. guanghua??? dunno if that's the right spelling though.


if you can figure out how to go to these two places, you should compare prices.

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actually there are two areas. one is beside the ceasar hotel. to get here, you get off at the taipei main station. the other one is... hehe i forgot the name of the station near it. guanghua??? dunno if that's the right spelling though.


if you can figure out how to go to these two places, you should compare prices.


guanghua is right.

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