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Women To Avoid - merged thread

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same as your ex:

there's a saying: "a lesson is repeated, until it is learned." and if your not aware of this, like it or not, you will attract the same type of person.
because whether you like it or not, for whatever reason, you were (briefly) successful in having a relationship with someone like her.
and like moth to a flame, they will come out of the woodwork, with their sights set on you.

so if she looks like your ex, feels like being with your ex, or is still your ex... :P then you better resolve your issues, or as the saying goes:
life hits you with a pebble, if you don't notice, it will hit you with a rock, still don't notice, it will hit you with a brick, still not, then a boulder, etc...
either your stuck with this situation again and again, or until you finally get the lesson to move on. :rolleyes:

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