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I have to say that there should be a Filipino remake of this masterpiece. I know it can't be as good but I find the themes of this movie very very relevant in PH setting!

The movie follows an impoverished family of 4 attempt to scam a rich family by getting each of them hired as special skilled workers. The plan involves forgery of credentials, framing the driver and housekeeper to steal their job, and all the while pretending that they are all not related to each other. Things go as planned at first largely thanks to the gullibility of the Rich family, but things go awfully wrong when they find out that the house is hiding a secret that quickly changes this movie from black comedy, to suspense, to just plain tragedy.

Now what I particularly liked about this is how the rich and the poor are portrayed. Because class divide is never really black and white where in Rich people = Oppressor. Poor People = oppressed. The rich people here are never WILLING OPPRESSORS. They are spoiled, ignorant, and completely unsympathetic to the plight of those beneath them in the social class ladder, but it does not mean they are scoundrels. They simply can afford to not give a s@%t because they won the social status lottery. The poor on the other hand are not white-washed. Not only because they are portrayed as scammers. But more because it shows the reality that sometimes the poor oppress the fellow poor instead of helping each other. The actions of the Kims (the poor family) negatively effect not so much the rich family they are scamming but their fellow poor whose jobs they steal.

The message of the movie is that People are not really the problem. The system is! If you are born privileged, you are allowed to amass more than what you really need and can exploit the working class without moral repercussions. If you are poor, you have to resort to doing immoral things and occasionally fight your fellow poor to survive. The movie though does not condone it. It is simply saying that our social structure and our culture get us to act that way. It is a commentary on modern capitalism. When you look at your iPhone you appreciate how cool Apple products are, but you do not really give a rats ass about the factory workers in China working below human standard conditions to assemble your gadget. And because the poor instead of helping each other, they pull each other down, none of them gets to climb up the social ladder.

The best part was the Rain. It shows how contrasting the two families deal with the heavy rain where one considers it a blessing, but for the other one they have to deal with all the flood destroying their homes. How many times have you thanked class and work suspensions during storm seasons in Manila, but not knowing those who live in the slums will have to deal with the flood and their children will probably get leptospirosis? Not much right? Because the rain is about bed weather.

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Spiderman No Way Home 

This is the greatest hits album of the entire Spider-Man live action series and it will be remembered as the movie that uplifted many spirits during the height of the pandemic

We already were half-sure that Tobey and Andrew would be part of this, but it was still awesome the moment when Andrew's face was revealed. I was also happy that their appearance was not reduced to some glorified Cameo. They were actually part of the supporting characters and helped the story forward and finally helped Tom's holland transition from Spider-Boy to Spider-man. 

Also I liked how Andrew's Spider-man was given redemption. Clearly he is still dealing with the heartbreak of losing Gwen. It was nice to see him receive relationship advice from Tobey, and be the one to save MJ

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Top Gun Maverick

This movie is the reason why we go to the Theaters. 

The 1986 movie launched the movie star career of Tom Cruise and made teenagers stick posters of fighter jets in their rooms. It took nearly 3 decades to get a sequel and 2 additional years for us to see it. And was it worth it? Hell Yeah! I am glad they did not go through the route of cashing in by just putting this in PPV streaming platforms. This is a movie meant to be seen in the big screen and it is awesome.

Say what you want about Tom Cruise, but out of all the action stars that were popular in the late 80s, how many do you know who are still at the top of their game and still ruling the Box office. Andyan pa din naman si Sly at Arnold, pero humina na box office draws nila.

And astig talaga yun mga aviation scene. Parang ikaw yun andun sa cockpit, mapapakapit ka talaga sa bawat arangkada sa ere. I really enjoyed the setup as they rehearse for the mission, and when we do get to that part, the wait is so rewarding.

Yes, Iceman is also here, and glad they brought him back. He is such an iconic character from the original. Tom said he would not do it without Val Kilmer. As many of us know, Val lost his voice because of throat cancer, but that was also incorporated in the the story in one very emotional scene. It shows how the friendship of the two has evloved. 

ANyway, Tom is the last movie star, he really knows how to entertain you, and slowly he is becoming the greatest action star of all time

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  • 3 months later...


All I can say is that this is how you do a 3D movies. Never been a fan of 3D films. Usually may isa o dalawang eksena lang naman dun ang maganda sa 3D. This one blew me away. James Cameron is really a scifi Master. Every frame in this movie really looked awesome. It was definitely worth the nearly 700 peso admission price in IMAX. May stiffneck na ako pagkatapos kasi akala mo nasa harap mo na talaga.

While there is not much really on the story department, but who cares when you got visuals as awesome as these.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The First Slam Dunk

For someone who watched the anime and read the manga, this is one movie i have been waiting for a long time. I really wanted to see how they will make the game vs Sannoh. the movie is not perfect, there are changes they made, some of the things i was looking for were not in the movie,  and focus is more on the backstory of Ryota (which i think is kinda good? given that most of the main players of shohoku got their backstories in the anime). despite all of these, i still love and enjoyed the movie. 

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