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Computer Multi Monitor Setups: How To

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dudes... good day!


juz want to know has anyone tried to use windows xp professional 64? whats the difference? im using tune up utilities and during the system advisor, it was recommending that i upgrade to the said OS... any suggestions? the said computer has an amd sempron 2800+ with 1Gb memry


also will the 64bit OS work with pentium d?


tnx in advance B)

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The answer is here! mistere57


I'm not a fan of the 64bit edition of XP since its mostly used for HardCore 3d Gaming, animation, 3d rendering and all those apps that used high resources.

Your tune-up utilities will advise you to upgrade pro-actively since it will scan that you're running below average of your memory usage. >>>> im guessing right there.... But it could be wrong since i dont know the programs that was running when you ran the TUNE UP utility



here's a review of the 64bit WINXP, enjoy



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I agree, they can do something about this if they transfer to a better server hosting the board. Imagine if they can make it as fast as friendster? Even with a million user (exag?) , you really don't have to wait a long time.


BUT I GUESS it has to do something with the RDBMS (database) used also. MySQL kasi gamit nitong IPB , its free, not so good an RDBMS if you're data mining.




You can check your control panel>system>hardware tab>click on button Device MAnager > check on LAN CARDS .. if you find a wireless device , then you already have a wifi card installed. But if none .. Go buy a PCI CARD (better than buying USB type kasi you can still use the usb port for other devices) .




A cursor other than an arrow appears ? Did you change your OS's Theme?




You can install a different brand , it's the type of the RAM that's really important. If its DDR (your original) make sure you buy DDR , not DDR2 or DDR3 . IF your orig DDR is DDR 333 or DDR 266 , you can still buy DDR 400 (megahertz) , as long as the RAM brand is downgradeable. Ask the technician if it is (downgradeable) .


64 Bit computing


Is your AMD processor built for 64-bit computing? 64 bit is nice only if your current software are on a 64-bit version. If its just 32-bit , stay with 32-bit.

Edited by SonBorj
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First thing is that, are you using Winxp SP2??? Vista? or the lower end windows?



The formatting process


*** if u're using winxp, you can do the formatting on the same CD for winxp setup. I can go into details but i'd rather not since i'm still guessing your OS.




I'm assuming u're using XP... So let me give you a quick to help you out with the reinstallation of XP


- http://www.windowsxpprofessional.windowsre...dexfullpage.htm


Just ran thorugh that screen several times... i know you wont be able to see this if you're already formatting but atleast familiarize yourself with the process...




keep us updated ^_^

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bro.. :(

help how to intall flash player on IE 7...


Specialy watching Yuotube videos..



It keep saying install flash player when in fact its already install (firefox , opera has no problem).


and the worst microsoft dont even know how to fix it.



please help..



Edited by daqs
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yes, just browse through that site to help you get started and what to expect during the installation. The catch is the formatting process in winxp using the installer cd. I dunt if that includes on the screenshot site that i gave you, but i'll try to explain it.....



>>> once you have the "Welcome to windows setup" screen press *enter*

>>> It should go to the EULA (End User Liscence Agreement then, press F8 to accept it.

>>> then it should examine the disk then you should get like 3 options here,

1. Press Enter To install winxp

2. Press "D" to delete a partition

3. Press "C" to create a partition

>>> Press D to delete, then confirm the partion drive you want to delete (e.g. C:)

>>> After that you should be back in the same screen but now you should press the C to create a new, raw Partition

>>> Confirm the size of the HD that you want to allocate for that partition, then press enter

>>> You should be back at the same screen with a new item that will say "C: RAW Unpartitioned"

>>> Hightligth C: then press enter and should give you another set of options.

>>> This time is the partition options. If you're sure that the hard drive is ok, you can go with "Format partition using NTFS (QUICK). If you think the HDD is faulty then go with the one with no "quick"



Thats it! i hope you understand it ^_^

I did try :D






downloaded the Flash Player standalone installer for Internet Explorer via a Macromedia knowledgebase technote. Once downloaded, right-clicked on the installer and chose Run Elevated. That should resolve it ^_^


if not let us know :D

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I suggest you make a copy first of your drivers (especially the NIC/LAN driver), to save time in downloading them again from the manufacturer's website.


Make sure also that you know how to divide your harddisk into different partitions. I suggest you alot at least 30GB of harddisk space on your first partition, Drive C. The remaining free space is up to you, because you can use that as your data drive.


Make sure that you know the serial no. of the Windows XP installer that you have. Or else, you might get stuck into the part where it will ask you for a product key, and you cannot give any. You cannot revert the process once you finished partitioning/formatting the harddisk.

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I am using my laptop (Win XP) for product demos and presentations. But before I can run my applications, i need to enable by LAN first even without connecting to other computers, its just a requirement of the product that i am presenting. I don't have a choice but to bring along a hub and connect my LAN cable there. but the hub is quite big enough that i have to bring always and i will also have to connect it into a power supply. is there a tool/hardware that i can just plug to my LAN Card so my LAN will just enable? anyway, im dont intend to connect to other PC, just enable LAN.



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what do you mean enable LAN? im confused by what you want sir. if your problem is with the NIC, that you always have to enable it in order to work, check if your laptop has a setting for its NIC that gets it disabled when your laptop is on battery mode. if it the option to disable nic when on battery mode is on, disable it. that should make your NIC enabled and ready for LAN use all the time, even in battery mode. if its not what you're referring to, then, im sorry if i cant understand what you want to happen. :(

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