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You can go over the site below to see all the PAF planes placed in service:




For decals, you can try searching the internet, or just buy blank decal film and print them. Please go back a few pages for instructions on how to print your own decals.


You could also mask and paint the logos on.


Hope this helps!


Happy New Year Guys!


Doc, have your relatives blown up your box of old scale models yet?


They didn't have time to go through my bin of old scale models, they were too busy experimenting with those new fangled imported pyrotechnics, so I guess they get mothballed for another year. I met a pinoy once in Hyperscale who made his own PAF decals with an Alps printer, his first name was Homer, and he was generous enough to print me some PAF decals for the camoed F-5 which I still have not gone around to building (I'm using the 1/48 Italeri kit). Anyway, I once saw a sheet of 1/48 PAF Crusader markings (the ones done in two-tone camo before they got scrapped due to the Mount Pinatubo eruption) in Roel's Hobbies and Comics shop in Cinema Square. He was selling it for about P1,200.00 which I thought was too much (even with that bit of resin to make it an authentic PAF Crusader) so I passed on it, even if I had tbe Revell 1/48 Crusader kit waiting for those decals. Yes, some PAF decal sheets are available thru the internet but sometimes the shipping costs makes me wonder if it is really worth it. On another note, what I'd really like to do is build 1/35 kits of all the vehicles used by the Philippine Marines, and I'm getting there, I mean I'm buying kits with this in mind. My latest addition is the AFV Club LVTP 5, and I'm being optimistic that in my lifetime I will be able to do the decals for this, and that some mainstream manufacturer will do the Cadillac Gage Commando series in plastic. Hope rests eternal.

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Youre right, I missed out on the F-8 markings.


I know Homer; he also visits the IPMS-BA forumboards every now and then. Also gave me the low-viz (black) PAF F-5A markings, as well as Phil Navy and PAF seals for 1/72.


Im currently cleaning up a 1/72 V-150 which I hope I could build into a PMC vehicle in urban camo. Its a resin copy (sort of second prototype) of a styrene master I made years ago. Couldnt get someone to cast it in resin on a commercial scale, though. As for the LVTP in 1/72, I gave up on that fantasy years ago. :D Buti ka pa, 1/35. I couldnt shift to 1/35 anymore. Got really enthused in 1/72.

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Youre right, I missed out on the F-8 markings.


I know Homer; he also visits the IPMS-BA forumboards every now and then. Also gave me the low-viz (black) PAF F-5A markings, as well as Phil Navy and PAF seals for 1/72.


Im currently cleaning up a 1/72 V-150 which I hope I could build into a PMC vehicle in urban camo. Its a resin copy (sort of second prototype) of a styrene master I made years ago. Couldnt get someone to cast it in resin on a commercial scale, though. As for the LVTP in 1/72, I gave up on that fantasy years ago. :D Buti ka pa, 1/35. I couldnt shift to 1/35 anymore. Got really enthused in 1/72.


Actually, I envy you because I wish I could shift to 1/72, with all the new kits (especially armor) coming out in braille scale. Unfortunately, eyesight and hand/eye coordination are a big issue at my age. When someone gives me a solution to masking the canopy of a 1/72 Bf-109, I will go back to building my 1/72 aircraft and choppers.

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Actually, I envy you because I wish I could shift to 1/72, with all the new kits (especially armor) coming out in braille scale. Unfortunately, eyesight and hand/eye coordination are a big issue at my age. When someone gives me a solution to masking the canopy of a 1/72 Bf-109, I will go back to building my 1/72 aircraft and choppers.

I know what you are talking about, if you think the BF-109 cockpit is a nuisance, you should try the Ju-87 Stuka or the Zero in 1/72. You know what I did? I bought one of those Chinese factory assembled 1/72 109's in Toys R us and grafted the cockpit to my 109. Looks ok naman.

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bros..what do u think if i use ordinary paint (as in Boysen) for my model airplanes...ano kaya effect? challenging gawin e...hehehe.


Sgt Rock,


Many modelers (myself included) have tried this at some point in their careers. Its a lot cheaper kasi and easy to come by. There are two problems, though.


First, the paint quality is not as good as most hobby paints. The pigments are less fine and the coverage isnt as good.

Second (and perhaps more important), you will have trouble getting the correct colors for your projects. Most hobby paints now come in explicit FS (Federal Standard) colors or their equivalent. Hardware paints have no such matches, and believe me, getting the correct match by mixing is very very difficult. Some have tried getting paintshops to mix paints for them, using sample paint chips, but paintshops mix in large quantities mas marami pa naaaksaya dahil di naman nauubos. The end result is that the paint mix is actually more expensive than hobby paints.

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Sgt Rock,


Many modelers (myself included) have tried this at some point in their careers. Its a lot cheaper kasi and easy to come by. There are two problems, though.


First, the paint quality is not as good as most hobby paints. The pigments are less fine and the coverage isnt as good.

Second (and perhaps more important), you will have trouble getting the correct colors for your projects. Most hobby paints now come in explicit FS (Federal Standard) colors or their equivalent. Hardware paints have no such matches, and believe me, getting the correct match by mixing is very very difficult. Some have tried getting paintshops to mix paints for them, using sample paint chips, but paintshops mix in large quantities mas marami pa naaaksaya dahil di naman nauubos. The end result is that the paint mix is actually more expensive than hobby paints.


I think it can be done if you are willing to use your airbrush for this. The paint will have to be thinned really well but I think it can be done. I did this once with nail polish when I wanted to do a red metallic finish for a 1/24 scale car. Other than this, I've always used Painter's Touch Spray Cans for base colors (they have a line of flat black, brown and olive drab) which are definitely much cheaper than the Tamiya spray cans.

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Im back to building again!! I bought a King Tiger Tank (Henschel Turret) w/ Zimmerit yesterday at LIL's Park Square......Took me whole day building this kit.


Nice build of a nice kit. I'm still waiting for the DML King Tiger Tank Porsche turret with zimmerit. Wait till you start painting your kits. That's when the madness starts.

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Here's the Scooter I entered in the on line IPMS-Bert Anido Little Red Scooter Group Build. Its a Tamiya Suzuki Gemma scooter souped up as a police bike. Just finished this last Sunday.









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Here's the Scooter I entered in the on line IPMS-Bert Anido Little Red Scooter Group Build. Its a Tamiya Suzuki Gemma scooter souped up as a police bike. Just finished this last Sunday.










Nice! What scale is this sir? Looks like fun!

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Its 1/24 scale. I think the small kit is available at Lils Megamall.


It was quite a fun build, actually. I plan to build another one, though I havent decided what to turn it into yet. Others are converting the kit into Yellowcab scooters, Hello Kitty scooters, etc.




Yikes, I thought two wheelers would be 1/16 to 1/8 scale, for me 1/24 is alright for a four-wheeler but hazardous for my fingers and eyes for lesser wheels. I've been trying to look for the Hasegawa Egg Planes Series but no luck so far. Probably just as well, since being a Hase kit it will most likely put a hole in my pocket. I think I'll convert my Tamiya Mini Cooper to a Yellowcab delivery, or maybe even an PNP SAF chase car... just so I have an excuse to weather it.

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