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Build A Model Body!

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I read through a few workout journals and threads about this program and after seeing the same questions over and over I figured I'd do the community a favor. So here are most of the questions in a FAQ type format for those of you who don't have the book yet or are too lazy to do your own research I am no expert on this program or bodybuilding, I am only reposting questions and general answers to them from other threads. For nOObs, BY a nOOb.


This FAQ is by no means a substitute for the book; merely some quick answers to common questions that have been asked already. If in doubt, buy the book.


I am presuming you know SOMETHING about this program when looking here.


Matta114 has an excellent summary/overview of the program in this thread HERE


I've seen more than one routine for this program. What exercises do you do in this program exactly?

This program requires that you do 5 main exercises: SQUAT (ATG), BENCH PRESS, DEADLIFT, STANDING MILITARY PRESS, POWER CLEAN OR PENDLAY ROW. Ab work and hypers are also recommended. Anything else is optional/changes the program.


Do I do it every day?

No, There are 2 workouts that you do for 3 non-consecutive days.























That's it? That doesn't seem like enough exercises

Yes, it is plenty. Remember, this is a full body program comprised of compound lifts that work all your muscle groups. You CAN add isolation exercises to this program. It is recommended to only add 1 isolation exercise for 3x8 for each targeted muscle group to the last workout of the week. I.E. Friday add 3x8 curls, 3x8 tricep press.


Do I increase the weight every workout or every week?

Try to increase the weight every workout. Early in the program it may be possible to increase weight by 10 lbs each workout, but later increases will most likely be in the 2.5-5 lb range.


Can I do cardio with this program?

Yes, but this program was designed for beginning lifters to put on mass quickly. Lots of cardio will probably reduce your gains.


My legs are sore from yesterday's workout, should I still do squats tomorrow?

Hell yes. The squats are KEY to this program.


What about warm-ups? Do I need to do them?

Yes, recommended warm up sets are as follows:


If working sets are 175 then warm-up sets are:







**reps to Matta114 for the example**


Why is there only 1 set of deadlifts?

Because you already worked the crap out of yourself doing squats and bench press. Give it a few weeks, you'll see.


Can I interchange the exercises from workout A and B?

No, keep it just as it is prescribed. Add isolation work to Friday workout if necessary.


Which is better for me; power cleans or Pendlay rows?

If your goal is strength, do power cleans. If your goal is mass, do Pendlay rows.


Do you use the same weight for all three working sets?

Yes, if your working set weight for squats is 175, then use it for all 3 sets of 5 reps.


Can I use a Smith machine for this program?

You CAN, but I think most people here think of it as a 'Suck' machine . Use a power rack or squat rack and freeweights for best results.


Aren't all these squats bad for my knees?

No, actually, ATG squats are better than squats where you don't go below parallel.


What's ATG?

Ass to Grass buddy. All the way down.


This program is for noobs, is that me?

If you're asking this, then the answer is probably 'YES' young Jedi. One important note here though: even experienced lifters have had success with this program.


I don't think this program is very good. Can I change it around and add stuff to it?

No, go find another workout if you don't like it. The point is to DO IT LIKE IT RIPPETOE DIRECTS.


How long is this program?

It varies, but I think 4-6 months for most beginners.


Can I do the standing military press sitting down?

Now why would they put 'standing' in the name then...

Seriously though, if the ceiling is too low, go outside. If you can't go outside, then seated will work, but I think the core muscles get more work if you do them standing.


I just finished my first workout and it was too easy. I thought this was gonna be tough.

It will be. Keep adding weight each workout. When you have to crawl home after one of your workouts, think about how 'easy' it was on Day 1.


Are you sure I can't use machines for this workout?

Machines are NOT an option.


What happens when I get to a weight that I can't do 3x5 with?

Drop 15-25 lbs and start again.


Can I do ab workouts with this program?

Yes, it is a good idea to do some ab work with any program.


I row more than I bench, is that bad?

No, it is not bad. ...Freak.


How much rest between sets should I take?

1-2 minutes between working sets.


Can I use dumbbells for the squats instead of a barbell?

Um, no.


Is doing squats 3 times a week too much?

No. Again, this program revolves around the squats.


What equipment do I need for this program?

A Power rack, olympic weight set and a solid bench.


How soon will I notice results?

As long as you are adding weight to your workouts-that is a positive result.

Noticeable physical results will vary, but definitely within the first couple weeks.


When you reach failure on a particular exercise, are you supposed to drop 15-25 lbs and ramp back up again or do you stick it out w/ that weight?

Drop weight and add incremental weight at each workout again.


Am I trying to increase by 2.5% or 5 lbs each workout?

Who cares. If you can add 5 lbs, great you're showing improvement. If its less than that, thats still good too!


Will this program give me size AND strength?

Yes. Exercise builds strength. Diet builds size. Lift weights, eat lots, repeat.


How long should each workout last?

About an hour. They will be shorter in the beginning because you wont feel the need to rest as much between sets. Also, any additional exercises (i.e. ab work, etc) will add time to the workout. There is no specific time limit for this program.


How much weight should I start with?

Find your 5 rep max (5RM) for a particular exercise, then start with 70% of that. If you can't do that/don't know it, start conservative and add 5-10 lbs each week until you plateau. Drop 15-25 lbs and start adding weight again.


a good read for newbies workingout... :goatee:

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ano ano dpat kailangang malaman

kasi gus2 ko na mag gym pero dont know where to start

like ano ba dpat dalin or ok ba mag gym after work?

etc .. . . .


1. Read up and do your own research ... here's a good link for beginners http://eclipsegym.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=57

2. remember to eat properly and not to skip any meals

3. get enough sleep

4. Supplements aren't necessary, they are overhyped



Where are you located to begin with? many guys go to the gym after work

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caloocan location ko fafs pero rami GYM dun sa monumento sa may LRTmall pagbaba lang ng LRT station sa monumento try ko maginquire gus2 ko lang kz mawala konting taba ko at medyo gawin muscle


magstart ka palang sir diba? try look for a good beginner workout and a gym na merong marunong na pede ka turuan ng basic lifts with PROPER form :D


question too... if i only get 3-4 hrs of sleep?? ok lang ba magym... magygym ako kasi am too thin i need to bulk up...


3-4hours taposmag gym..hmm, you'll feel crappy, and would not be able to really lift to your potential for that day..

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A tad OT.


I used to do yoga and power yoga in my old sosyalan gym. The problem with "regular" yoga is that it helps with relaxation and all but nothing much for developing the physique, especially in males. With "power" yoga, well I guess if you watch what you eat and do your resistance training, it would be a good adjunct as it really hits your core.


Makes me wonder where you can do beginner classes for power yoga. Or how that Bikram Yoga thing goes... although it seems a bit faddish, the current t** Bo or Pilates. I think I'd rather start Capoeira... lots of core development there as well.



I do Yoga regularly, both the Power and Regular kind, and what I noticed is that I developed my lower body strength after doing this.


As in definition in the thighs and legs.


It also gives you good core development. Bikram Yoga is just yoga done in 100F degree heat... Im not too excited bout that ...


Pilates on the other hand - rocks! It develops muscles by lengthening and them... so you get definition and strength as well.


I wouldnt just do yoga or pilates though, id still combine it with cardio and resistance training. This just rounds things up quite nicely ... and gives a good stretch after a hard workout.

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Thanks to Wyld for that tidbit on Bikram Yoga. That's why it's getting that hype... "hot, sweaty bodies..." No thanks for me. I'm not a hot clime person, and this summer heat is crazy enough for me.


As for Pilates, so what do the trainers here think? Any experience with any of your guys doing weight training and Pilates getting results? I've halted my HIIT on my off-days since I feel I've hit a bit of a plateau and I'm a bit apprehensive to lose my muscle gains (1st priority) during workout days. Would Pilates benefit me towards getting a leaner, stronger body?

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Thanks to Wyld for that tidbit on Bikram Yoga. That's why it's getting that hype... "hot, sweaty bodies..." No thanks for me. I'm not a hot clime person, and this summer heat is crazy enough for me.


As for Pilates, so what do the trainers here think? Any experience with any of your guys doing weight training and Pilates getting results? I've halted my HIIT on my off-days since I feel I've hit a bit of a plateau and I'm a bit apprehensive to lose my muscle gains (1st priority) during workout days. Would Pilates benefit me towards getting a leaner, stronger body?


What are you trying to achieve to begin with?

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