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His Airness Michael Jordan


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Mason don't even try to put the whole "Cetlics beat the Bulls in 86 and 87 playoffs" because that was a clear disadvantage. The Bulls were only starting to be built into a championship squad and had to have some pieces put together, and had no business playing the Celtics who were cleary the more talented team. Of course they were the underdogs compared to the Celtics. If you were to compare teams compare them at their strongest and at their peak. If you compare the 96 Bulls to the 86 Celtics then we might have a different outcome and a more fair conversation. But we can never know because it won't happen.


I know your just trying to give your guy Larry Bird his due. But instead of comparing Larry Bird to MJ who were at their strongest in 2 different eras. Why don't you compare him to his nemesis Magic Johnson. If i were to pick between the 2 i'd pick Magic because he can play all positions. Larry couldn't. That's a fact right there.


Plus your Larry Bird got a dose of a "Junior Baby Hook" courtesy of number 32 in 87. This is also something to account for. They both came in the same year and yet Magic had 8 Finals appearances in the 80's while Bird only had 5. They met 3 times in the Finals and the Lakers had their number 2-1. So clearly Bird takes a backseat to Magic in that regard.

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So tell me, aside from Game 6 of the 1980 NBA Finals, exactly how many times did Johnson play center for the Lakers?


He didn't need to because they have a center in Kareem and later on Vlade but what I'm trying to say is, when they lost Kareem to injury that game, they could have used their backup center but Magic played the position and he dominated. It's an indication that he can play center and play the other positions.


Going back to your argument that the 86 Celtics the media is proclaiming the best Bird led Celtics team beating the 96 MJ Bulls is pure speculation because its a simulated game. In truth we can't really predict what will happen. Is it a 7 game series, is it only one game, what about the rules, what rules are going to be enforced? Todays rules, 80's rules, 90's rules, there are other factors to consider too, referee calls, are they going to call it tight, or going to let the players play. At this point people who would talk about simulating a game between these two teams are just using educated guesses. If it was only possible i would really like to see a game like this being played live so everyone can see who would be the better team

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This is my opinion based on facts. The Lakers were lucky, my opinion, because Mchale and Walton were injured, fact. Pundits were saying that the Lakers were gonna sweep the Cs. The Cs would have taken a 3-2 lead if not for Mchale and Parish's scramble to get a rebound which set up Johnson's shot. I just don't think LA would have won that series with a healthy Walton and Mchale. Besides, the Lakers did not have to go against a killer of a series against Detroit. The East was the better conference during that time.


Those are what ifs that anyone could say wouldn't have happened and it would affect the outcome. In the end the results speak for themselves. the Celtics lost and the Lakers won. THis is a fact. The Lakers were the Champions. When people are gonna be looking at the historical documents of this game, they would say the Lakers were the better team than the Celtics and that's something that you can't do anything about

Edited by hahnz
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I wish the Bulls met the Celtics during 1991 and 1992. Both times the Celtics were the number 2 seed but were eliminated in the semi-finals or they would have met the Bulls in the conference finals. It would have been nice to see the Bulls with a much better squad face that Bird Celtics team. and give the satisfaction of beating them, as opposed to back in the 80's where it was only MJ by himself being the underdog against a stacked Celtics squad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know why "certain people" say that he was hyped as the greatest player but it was no different than when people are hyping other players who have won and played like superstars. But what i do is i look for certain statements from the players themselves about MJ because they more than anyone not the media or critics have the right to say anything about how good the player was because they saw it firsthand, they played against him and with him. I don't believe David Stern told the players what to say about MJ just to hype him up, I take the statements of the players as Bible over what certain "haters" or critics have on MJ based solely on the fact that these are his peers and fellow NBA players.



Edited by hahnz
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Of course, his fellow players would say kind things about him. You won't expect Magic or Larry to say in national television that MJ is overrated or they're better than MJ. I presented facts which contradict the opinion that MJ is the greatest of all time. Again, saying that MJ is the greatest of all time is an opinion. I presented my case which you weren't even able to rebut.


That's debatable because not all his fellow players say positive things. Karl Malone, Dr. J. Kareem. They have differing opinions. But i will always go with the majority of what NBA players would say not critics who haven't played the game at that level.


I didn't really bother trying to rebut your "facts" as you call it because I've read them before and I've already had my answer on them. So i don't bother addressing recycled points because it becomes a merry go round with no end. I don't want to be redundant.


Like i said before, You won't budge in your opinion about Larry Bird and I won't change my view on who i think is the best player that i have witnessed play. I think it all comes down who was the best in that era because it would be an endless debate on arguing who the best player is of all time. Some older people than you are will say that it was Kareem, or Wilt or Oscar Robertson being the best player. I think its a generational thing. Some people say its Kobe.


At the end of the day, you can't make me change on my view of MJ.

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I could say that the Celtics and Lakers were dominant in the 80's because their teams were built and had the necessary players to win championships. MJ came in during the mid 80's and had to establish himself and the team from the ground up because they were in the midst of trying to build pieces and getting the right coach to get over the hump.


I could also point out the fact that the Lakers and Celtics had rich traditions and very solid foundations of bringing in players to keep themselves competitive, guys like Red Auerbach.


Which i think is an unfair assessment when comparisons between teams go.


Anyway, I already expect you to give an answer as you always have with my argument. But that's what i think about whole dominance of those teams during that era.


At the end of the day from all the books and documentaries I've read i will always consider MJ to be the greatest.

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