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Nike "just Do It"


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Haven't really splurged on Nike shoes as of late. The designs of the new Jordan releases have made me be disinterested in them. Don't like the Kobe's. Don't like the Lebrons. Sorry for saying that, but to each his own, I guess. Hope a Jordan retro shoes/hybrid/amalgam of sorts wake my sleeping saliva. hahaha..

Edited by revi
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Haven't really splurged on Nike shoes as of late. The designs of the new Jordan releases have made me be disinterested in them. Don't like the Kobe's. Don't like the Lebrons. Sorry for saying that, but to each his own, I guess. Hope a Jordan retro shoes/hybrid/amalgam of sorts wake my sleeping saliva. hahaha..



i wouldnt count on it ... the new stuff just keeps getting uglier and uglier ... the old stuff they just re-release as some sort of pack and quickstrike/tier 0 release them

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i wouldnt count on it ... the new stuff just keeps getting uglier and uglier ... the old stuff they just re-release as some sort of pack and quickstrike/tier 0 release them


:( Well, more money to buy NBA cards, I guess. :P


and the jb retro quality is getting worst every year


+ 1,000,000, bro. <_<

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