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What Has Love Taught You Lately?

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if you won't wish...won't ask..and just sit in one corner cryng endlessly cus you can't f#&king say what you've always wanted to say...can't hear what you've always wanted to hear...can't have what you've always wanted to have......secretly hoping.. praying to be loved back..while devoting your entire f#&king lifetime to your Unreachable Star .....you don't call that love...you call that a one way f#&ked up obsession. Ofcourse when you love...you expect to be loved back...who wouldn't?...what kind of Moron wouldn't?

yun lang....after unveiling your feelings to your Unreachable star... and still he refuses to love you back...you should know when to stop....put your hands up in the air and just say f#&k it....then leave.

Edited by iwalkalone
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.. especially, do not feign affection.

neither be cynical about love.

for in the face of all aridity

and disenchantment it is

perennial as the grass.

~ baltimore 1692


yeah....do not feign affection...

it ruins lives...

but ofcourse...

we all get over it sometimes....over it.....but never really....

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Love: you cant just sit around and wait for it to arrive.


You've got to find it.


Otherwise the love that will arrive at your doorstep might not be the kind of love that you're expecting... therefore resulting to break ups/ annulment and broken families...


You got to make sure that both of you are fit for each other to be able to live in harmony...


Wisdom from the dogs: "If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it."

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