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What Has Love Taught You Lately?

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When a man is hurt by a woman he really like, that man enters a crossroad.


One path, with pride, realizes that the problem is with the woman for not accepting him. becomes a "bad boy" and goes on a revenge journey with many women at a time.leaving women with hurt.only to find the one that will tame the beast and revert back to the "good boy" he once was.he will have a daughter that will date the same "bad boy" that he was :P



One path, with humility, realizes that the problem is with him,accepts his mistakes and improve,goes on to find the ONE. on his journey, he is the one that is usually hurt, only to find the one that deserves him.



One path, realizing that the problem is with the system of courtship, abandons all interest and live a single life, only to find the one that he likes.but looks back with regret from the missed experiences he should have had if he was courageous enough...a young girl comes alot and he is prone to cheating...

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