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skin question...


my best friend have this dry skin thing on her elbow, index finger (just before the nail), foot, and some spot on her legs, there are times she had to scratch it really hard to relieve herself from the itch but eventually she wounds herself by doing so. Once the wound is healed the itch goes back and the cycle continues. What kind of skin disease is this? She tried katinko, dermalin, and trosyd but all they do is just dry the skin and the itch returns after a week or two... She's so shy to go to a dermatologist with her skin condition is there anything you guys can recommend for a treatment? As far as I can remember this happened after she went to boracay

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skin question...


my best friend have this dry skin thing on her elbow, index finger (just before the nail), foot, and some spot on her legs, there are times she had to scratch it really hard to relieve herself from the itch but eventually she wounds herself by doing so. Once the wound is healed the itch goes back and the cycle continues. What kind of skin disease is this? She tried katinko, dermalin, and trosyd but all they do is just dry the skin and the itch returns after a week or two... She's so shy to go to a dermatologist with her skin condition is there anything you guys can recommend for a treatment? As far as I can remember this happened after she went to boracay


most probably fungal infection but then again she must see a dermatologist to be sure....

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Docs, I had originally posted this in the Watching your BP forum.

I hope I can get more professional opinons regarding the topic of taking BP Medication for life.


Thanks in advance.


QUOTE (green80 @ Feb 12 2010, 04:39 PM)

I'm 45 years old and have been taking a combination of Lipitor 10mg (Atorvastatin) & Concor 5mg (Bisoprolo fumarate) for the past 8 years now and I am able to maintain my BP in the normal levels. Liver test along with other monitoring tests done every 6-8 months show the results are within normal ranges. I try to do my daily 30 min cardio exercise whenever I can but not as frequently as required. I go to my doctor for my monthly BP checkups and prescription for the drugs. I have been told that these medication are to be taken for life.


Doc, my question is can I stop taking these medicaton right away and just watch my diet and do regular exercise?

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Docs, I had originally posted this in the Watching your BP forum.

I hope I can get more professional opinons regarding the topic of taking BP Medication for life.


Thanks in advance.


QUOTE (green80 @ Feb 12 2010, 04:39 PM)

I'm 45 years old and have been taking a combination of Lipitor 10mg (Atorvastatin) & Concor 5mg (Bisoprolo fumarate) for the past 8 years now and I am able to maintain my BP in the normal levels. Liver test along with other monitoring tests done every 6-8 months show the results are within normal ranges. I try to do my daily 30 min cardio exercise whenever I can but not as frequently as required. I go to my doctor for my monthly BP checkups and prescription for the drugs. I have been told that these medication are to be taken for life.


Doc, my question is can I stop taking these medicaton right away and just watch my diet and do regular exercise?


IMHO you can remove it gradually and you have to monitor your BP... much better under the supervision of your doctor...

Edited by otitismedia
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ano po ba worse case scenario pag nag take ng cytotec for unwanted pregnancy? i dont expect anybody to agree to this, i just want to know. please feel free to suggest. as much as i want to explain kung bakit hindi pwede ituloy, napaka complex ng situation and i know na hindi rin magiging acceptable yung reasons. thanks.

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Mga docs, some questions on Chlamydia and Gonorrhea:



I made a similar query few weeks ago in the STD thread, Long story short, I got discharge 1 week after contact with a fubu, who later swears she never had other RECENT partners aside from me. (Last one she claimed was a couple of years ago). Ive since been to a doctor and received proper treatment. Doc treated me without tests, just on my account of the symptoms and he treated me for Gono and Chlam just to be sure daw. Ive also asked the doc some questions about these conditions. Ive researched on the net also about this, but they dont answer the questions thats nagging me. Can the docs here kindly enlighten me? (ive already been treated, I just have these nagging questions thats been bothering me)


Basically im wondering HOW LONG the symptoms will last if UNTREATED. Or can someone be infectd without symptoms?

As I said, i researched but couldnt find the answers to these:




1. I had disccharge 1 week after sex with my fubu. I WORE a condom, EXCEPT for a few seconds during foreplay when we were playing around, I inserted HALFWAY (not even half actually) for 3-4 thrusts , before wearing the condom. I asked the doctor if THIS BRIEF contact is enough to get infected. Doc said YES. Agree?


2. I askd Doc, maybe i got it thru ORAL SEX (both ways) or possible since we were in a Jacuzzi together? DOC said UNLIKELY. Agree?


3. IF I Didnt take antibiotics/ medicine, Would the Symptoms (discharge, painful urination) Go away on its own? Is it possible to be INFECTED or be a Carrier with NO Symptoms?


4. My Fubu Strongly claims she hasnt been with other guys for YEARS. Assuming she is truthful, could she have been infected ALL THESE years (from her last contact) and not know it? Wouldnt she have gone thru the initial symptoms (discharge, painful urination?) Is it possible to be infected WITHOUT having symptoms at all even from the start?


5. Im looking at my own history, and i admit ive been with other partners. But always with condom. I couldnt have been infected and not know it, could I? It would be unlikely that Ive been infected for months or weeks from others (where i always wear condom) , not have symptoms, and suddenly develop them exactly 1 week after my fubu encounter.. right?



So logic dictates that I got it from my fubu and so either


a) she's lying to me or

B) she's honestly not aware of being infected all these years? She even blames it to the father of her child (who abandoned them after she gave birth). But that was 10 YEARS AGO. (she didnt even think it might be from her last casual sex partner, about 2 years ago).



The reason i am so bothered with this, is i really miss her since we havent seen each other since i got infected. Im now cured. I ask her to check herself, i dont know yet if she did. I still want to see her, because ive grown fond of her, and i really like her. If i meet up with her, I might not be able to control myself and we might have sex again .. i know its almost stupid... but IN CASE I DO... i will make sure its just straight sex with condom with no oral sex, no jacuzzi, and no "extra special" moves. I really do just miss talking with her and caressing and kissing her.


Im ready to forgive and forget and help her out if she needs treatment. But I want her to be honest with me.. if she KEEPS ON INSISTING she's innocent, then im Really gonna go crazy womdering WHEN , WHERE and FROM WHOM did i get it if not from her...


I have to bug her now to get tested... Ironically, me telling her I got it didnt seem to scare her enough to get tested that she might have gotten it FROM ME... because she claims she doesnt feel anything naman daw. (w/c actually makes me doubt her denials, now that you think about it...)


Sorry for the pesky questions. Its not a medical emergency, since as i said i got treated already.


I think you guys can read between the lines and see its more of a personal reason since it seems im starting to have feelings with this girl.. but we can never have a serious relationship ... i just wish things can return the way it was before, with us seeing each other and having great sex regularly with "no strings attached"








And its been weeks or months

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sometimes it is hard to detect physically kung may std ang females...lay people would just check if may smell sa vagina...which is not accurate. it's difficult to judge....


ganito i have two suggestions:

1. convince her to get at least a pap smear.....tell her you are worried that you may have transmitted it to her. tell her that if she becomes infected and is untreated it may lead to a condition called pelvic inflammatory disease which is dangerous and can lead to hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics for proper treatment. => she has to have an annual pap smear din naman anyway. =>


***you said you are treated na right? what did the doctor gave you? just checking kung tama...marami kasi di mali lalo na if you went to a clinic who advertises na they treat stds etc.


2. this one's medyo extreme: assuming that you were properly treated....do it with her again and only her lang.....if you develop symptoms again within 2 weeks then it's possible.


pero bro....reminder lang...even if you use a condom with other girls...there is still a possibility of getting infected lalo na when you did not use it properly...as you've mentioned....you didn't know that having a few thrusts or super short penetration lang can get you infected na. as long as you got contact with an infected person kahit sandali lang...chances are you'll be infected. hope this helps....=>

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sometimes it is hard to detect physically kung may std ang females...lay people would just check if may smell sa vagina...which is not accurate. it's difficult to judge....


ganito i have two suggestions:

1. convince her to get at least a pap smear.....tell her you are worried that you may have transmitted it to her. tell her that if she becomes infected and is untreated it may lead to a condition called pelvic inflammatory disease which is dangerous and can lead to hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics for proper treatment. => she has to have an annual pap smear din naman anyway. =>


***you said you are treated na right? what did the doctor gave you? just checking kung tama...marami kasi di mali lalo na if you went to a clinic who advertises na they treat stds etc.


2. this one's medyo extreme: assuming that you were properly treated....do it with her again and only her lang.....if you develop symptoms again within 2 weeks then it's possible.


pero bro....reminder lang...even if you use a condom with other girls...there is still a possibility of getting infected lalo na when you did not use it properly...as you've mentioned....you didn't know that having a few thrusts or super short penetration lang can get you infected na. as long as you got contact with an infected person kahit sandali lang...chances are you'll be infected. hope this helps....=>


thanks for the reply doc. That helped.


I am resuming contact with her and will convince her as u suggested.


you mentioned its hard for laypeople (guys) to know if a girl has std... but would the girl HERSELF be aware if she got symptoms? Or she can she equally be clueless?


btw, forgot to mention.. Ive been having sex with her for years... i didnt notice anything unusual.. EXCEPT The last 2 times.. 2nd to the last time, after sex there was a little blood in the condom. She says she's about to have her period kasi so i wasnt worried. Last time, blood again (after the 2nd round) this time she says i thrust too deeply. Later when i researched i read blood after penetration is one of the symptoms...


1. I got treated Twice (sort of)


It happened kasi to me during XMAS VACATION (what a bummer), i was out of town with family so i couldnt see a doc (and its the holidays.. no clinics). So i self medicated with AMOXICILLIN 500mg 3x a day for 1 week. Symptoms subsided naman but i still went to a doc in January. Doc was a uro in a hospital, he inspected me physically no more signs, and no more stains in underwear, but he gave me meds to be safe daw. a course of ZITHROMAX, plus an injection shot. He prescribed it to me, he didnt do it in his clinic. I had to buy in Mercury and go to the ER to have my shots.. (sooo embarassing) It was in the butt and boy DID IT HURT! (Im normally not afraid of needles, but the doc said the medicine itself was painful)


a- Do you think Amoxicllin cured me already? Symptoms disappeared (hence my original question would symptoms disappear if ur still infected?) I actually dont mind having double or triple dose just to be safe.


b- Im actually familiar with Zithrimax - my family doc prescribe it to me when i have bronchitis..even stronger dose pa nga. Siguro i get broncho every 2-3 years and get zithromax for it. Question: In case a person have std pala without knowing it, then get these antibiotics for other conditions (Bronchitis) WILL It have the positive "side-effect" of clearing up the STD as well? Im just curious kasi, it would be nice to know in case i was infected without realizing it, tapos i get bronchitis and get treated, may "BONUS" pala na na cure din ako. Wala lang, just wondering :rolleyes:



2. Extreme suggestion nga.. hehe. In case i do it to her.. as i said, i would make sure i be more careful with condoms. and no oral sex. One reason naisip ko rin is when REMOVING the condom sometimes i do it clumsily, na-iinverted sya so the outside (with her fluids) can maybe accidentally touch my penis.


Again, may i ask if Oral sex... both ways.. can transmit infection? How about torrid kissing, swapping of bodily fluids kung baga. The doc i asked said it was unlikely. Does it mean a guy can only be infected via his organ inside the girl organ?



Again, just curious. Thanks for the enlighting answers....

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ano po ba worse case scenario pag nag take ng cytotec for unwanted pregnancy? i dont expect anybody to agree to this, i just want to know. please feel free to suggest. as much as i want to explain kung bakit hindi pwede ituloy, napaka complex ng situation and i know na hindi rin magiging acceptable yung reasons. thanks.



Cytotec (Misoprostol) is also used for labor induction, and it may cause hyperstimulation of the uterus during labor which can lead to uterine rupture and death.




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thanks for the reply doc. That helped.


I am resuming contact with her and will convince her as u suggested.


you mentioned its hard for laypeople (guys) to know if a girl has std... but would the girl HERSELF be aware if she got symptoms? Or she can she equally be clueless?


btw, forgot to mention.. Ive been having sex with her for years... i didnt notice anything unusual.. EXCEPT The last 2 times.. 2nd to the last time, after sex there was a little blood in the condom. She says she's about to have her period kasi so i wasnt worried. Last time, blood again (after the 2nd round) this time she says i thrust too deeply. Later when i researched i read blood after penetration is one of the symptoms...


1. I got treated Twice (sort of)


It happened kasi to me during XMAS VACATION (what a bummer), i was out of town with family so i couldnt see a doc (and its the holidays.. no clinics). So i self medicated with AMOXICILLIN 500mg 3x a day for 1 week. Symptoms subsided naman but i still went to a doc in January. Doc was a uro in a hospital, he inspected me physically no more signs, and no more stains in underwear, but he gave me meds to be safe daw. a course of ZITHROMAX, plus an injection shot. He prescribed it to me, he didnt do it in his clinic. I had to buy in Mercury and go to the ER to have my shots.. (sooo embarassing) It was in the butt and boy DID IT HURT! (Im normally not afraid of needles, but the doc said the medicine itself was painful)


a- Do you think Amoxicllin cured me already? Symptoms disappeared (hence my original question would symptoms disappear if ur still infected?) I actually dont mind having double or triple dose just to be safe.


b- Im actually familiar with Zithrimax - my family doc prescribe it to me when i have bronchitis..even stronger dose pa nga. Siguro i get broncho every 2-3 years and get zithromax for it. Question: In case a person have std pala without knowing it, then get these antibiotics for other conditions (Bronchitis) WILL It have the positive "side-effect" of clearing up the STD as well? Im just curious kasi, it would be nice to know in case i was infected without realizing it, tapos i get bronchitis and get treated, may "BONUS" pala na na cure din ako. Wala lang, just wondering :rolleyes:



2. Extreme suggestion nga.. hehe. In case i do it to her.. as i said, i would make sure i be more careful with condoms. and no oral sex. One reason naisip ko rin is when REMOVING the condom sometimes i do it clumsily, na-iinverted sya so the outside (with her fluids) can maybe accidentally touch my penis.


Again, may i ask if Oral sex... both ways.. can transmit infection? How about torrid kissing, swapping of bodily fluids kung baga. The doc i asked said it was unlikely. Does it mean a guy can only be infected via his organ inside the girl organ?



Again, just curious. Thanks for the enlighting answers....



DoctorWho, Sorry for the late reply to your questions on STD, been busy in real life. but will try to answer them as best as i can.

1. how long the symptoms last- well usually, in a guy, the symptoms could last for about 2 weeks to a month. after that, they spontaneously disappear. but don't think your in the clear when they do. it just means that the infection has spread into the rest of your body and it has actually gotten worse. the infection starts eating through your bones, kidneys, liver, and ultimately your brain over a period of years. neurological gonorrhea is very dangerous and ultimately, fatal. also, for the whole time you are sick with the disease, you are spreading it around.

for a woman, however, it is more...well, quiet. a large portion of them do not exhibit any symptoms aside from generalized fever. maybe a little spotting after sex, but its usually a dirty cheese-like odor in the vagina. actually, you should watch out for any unusual odor or any lesions in the vaginal area. it is months to years before they start feeling pain in the pelvic area.


2. halfway with 3-4 thrusts? yes, this is very possible. thats why most escorts let you wear one before entering.


3. oral sex? possible, but very unlikely. the transmission rate in oral sex is about 2-3%. in the jacuzzi? very unlikely as chlorine damages the wall of the bacteria.


4. will the symptoms go away without antibiotics? as i stated above, yes, but that only means it is getting worse as the infection has gone deeper and has started to spread.


5. as to your FUBU getting it years ago from the father of her child is HIGHLY unlikely. a child born from an infected mother would immediately exhibit symptoms of an ongoing infection, usually as gonorrheal conjunctivitis- gonorrheal infection of the eyes- and this would be readily picked up by the place where she gave birth. either that, or the child should be blind now. two years ago? well, she should have complained or should start complaining of pelvic pain now. so, having sex with her for years, and this only happens now? hmmmmmmm...............................................


6.self-medicated on amoxicillin. well you got the dosage right...... but thats the only thing you got right. amoxicillin doesn't work on STDs. worse, its destroyed before you piss it out. And, if ever, you even made it more resistant! please NEVER self-medicate on antibiotics! we have enough trouble dealing with super bugs so lets not make a Super Gonorrhea ................ Azithromycin is fine, but the actual meds for the STD was in the injection. the azithro was just the mopping up operation after the assault force. usually its either Cefuroxime or Ceftriaxone. but due to the pain factor, i guess it was Ceftriaxone......


final suggestion, dump her and move on! it may not be worth the great sex and have a chance of getting STD again. remember that a condom is NOT FOOLPROOF! it just lowers the chance of getting STD but there is still that chance. do it often enough and the chances climb higher and higher. example: 1st time- 10%, 2nd time- 13.5%, 3rd time- 19-21%, etc. its like russian roulette, do it often enough and pretty soon your brain is splattered on the floor......

Edited by miggyE
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ano po ba worse case scenario pag nag take ng cytotec for unwanted pregnancy? i dont expect anybody to agree to this, i just want to know. please feel free to suggest. as much as i want to explain kung bakit hindi pwede ituloy, napaka complex ng situation and i know na hindi rin magiging acceptable yung reasons. thanks.



Cytotec (Misoprostol) is also used for labor induction, and it may cause hyperstimulation of the uterus during labor which can lead to uterine rupture and death.






as sir peterparker pointed out, worse case scenario, uterine rupture. but often times its side effect is prolonged uterine bleeding, and that could be dangerous in its own right.

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ask lang po

my gf is have white "ice cream like" substance near the opening of her urethra

makati daw thick sya at nakadakit sa skin near the opening ng urethra nia

natatangal naman pero nasasaktan daw sia

she start having it 2days ago

our last sex is around a week ago

i dont have any similar symptoms

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ask lang po

my gf is have white "ice cream like" substance near the opening of her urethra

makati daw thick sya at nakadakit sa skin near the opening ng urethra nia

natatangal naman pero nasasaktan daw sia

she start having it 2days ago

our last sex is around a week ago

i dont have any similar symptoms



could be sensitivity to her fem wash...try other brands, scion from nu skin for me is the best...

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ask lang po

my gf is have white "ice cream like" substance near the opening of her urethra

makati daw thick sya at nakadakit sa skin near the opening ng urethra nia

natatangal naman pero nasasaktan daw sia

she start having it 2days ago

our last sex is around a week ago

i dont have any similar symptoms


better consult an OB-GYN for proper diagnosis, probably a fungal infection or worst an STD

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ask ko lang po , meron po kaming kapitbahay dito na 48 years old, last feb22 niregla po sya and nagtapos po ito till feb26.... then after that, last march 2, pagkagising nya po ng umaga nagkaroon po sya ulit ng heavy flow of menstruation, nag pakonsulta po sya sa isang municipal doctor, sabi nya na dahil po ito sa tindi ng init since that time po 37 degrees celsius ang temperature dito, yung kapitbahay po namin naglalako po ng lumpia at nilalakad nya lang po yun para magtinda, her mestruation lasted till march10 po, pero pa konti konti nalang...


my question: ano po ang koneksiyon ng init ng araw sa muling pagregla nya? hindi ho ba to senyales na mag menopause na kaya po sya?... salamat po...

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ask ko lang po , meron po kaming kapitbahay dito na 48 years old, last feb22 niregla po sya and nagtapos po ito till feb26.... then after that, last march 2, pagkagising nya po ng umaga nagkaroon po sya ulit ng heavy flow of menstruation, nag pakonsulta po sya sa isang municipal doctor, sabi nya na dahil po ito sa tindi ng init since that time po 37 degrees celsius ang temperature dito, yung kapitbahay po namin naglalako po ng lumpia at nilalakad nya lang po yun para magtinda, her mestruation lasted till march10 po, pero pa konti konti nalang...


my question: ano po ang koneksiyon ng init ng araw sa muling pagregla nya? hindi ho ba to senyales na mag menopause na kaya po sya?... salamat po...



actually, you are right and it might be because of beginning menopause, but just to be sure, tell her to get a consult with an OB Gyne.

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